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Local Noise Generator Found

John KB4DU
John KB4DU Member ✭✭✭✭
Did a hunt yesterday as part of the ongoing noise mitigation effort at
the QTH. After powering the Flex 6400 with a battery and laptop on battery power, I started flipping breakers, finally localized the source to the shack(naturally). After unplugging each item in turn, (Modem, Router, Access Point, Monitor, etc) the noise reduced 20dB when I unplugged the USB powered Bluetooth/WiFi speaker. Now 20M shows -110 dB noise floor when 400Hz bandwidth selected. What a difference!


  • Neal_K3NC
    Neal_K3NC Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    That is great news, congratulations!
  • N8AUM
    N8AUM Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Good find!!!  Glad our FCC is still on top of things allowing garbage to be imported !
    I bet ur gizmo sais "FCC APPROVED"? LOL
  • KF4HR
    KF4HR Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Thanks for posting John.  I need to run through the same tests here.
  • Mike W9OJ
    Mike W9OJ Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Any one can print a label and stick it on a device. No way the FCC can check every one of zillions of imported devices. 
  • N8AUM
    N8AUM Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Yup, not like it was over 20yrs ago when they had some control on stuff being imported. I remember in the old days my brother had sever RFI, long story short, they went up with a helicopter and found the source a few miles away, it was a clock radio and the 10 people scattered like roaches when they knocked on the door. I have soo much RFI it's not even funny but like they say " you get what u pay for "

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