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dax driver issues
Member ✭✭
AFter latest Windows 10 update and after numerous DAX driver uninstall and install attempts....still have a problem.....I am experienced in doing this before but the problem is very persistant this time......DAX IQ 1 and 4 display a driver error......

I have submitted a ticket.....but this should not be that difficult to resolve...I really do not want to uninstall and reinstall SMART SDR all over again.....
I have submitted a ticket.....but this should not be that difficult to resolve...I really do not want to uninstall and reinstall SMART SDR all over again.....
Agree 100% ... I have had to deal with this problem many times! Tim has been helpful... but the Software engineers need to fix this continuing problem.
I cant count how many times I have re-formatted and reinstalled everything to get it to work properly again. All the "fixes" are usually short lived. And eventually I experience disappearing Com Ports... and the fun begins allover again.
I love my Flex, but this really needs to be fixed.1 -
The only way that worked for me was to completely uninstall SmartSDR. This is an involved process with several steps., not just uninstalling the program. Here’s the link. https://helpdesk.flexradio.com/hc/en-us/articles/204975589-How-to-do-a-Complete-uninstall-of-SmartSDR-for-Windows-from-your-PC1
Take a look at your windows sound devices, you may find that some of them are improperly named, for example, under the DAX IQ devices, it may show at least two of your IQ named totally different from the two that are supposedly working. This can do two things, either point to a wrong device or will not find one that is named wrong here is an example of IQ devices correctly named:
Hope this is of some help. Jim KJ7S
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in the devices you only need to rename the ones that are wrong...highlight one you want to look at, click on settings,system,sound, find the Sound Control Panel (in upper right quadrant), hilight the device, select properties, rename the device, click ok, restart computer, restart SSDR. Hope this helps...Jim KJ7S
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OK.....so...here goes again...
Upon this happening after the update....I checked the naming of the DAX drivers...and some were misnamed (not associated with the correct file type)...so, I renamed...rebooted...same problem...did it numerous times...thus decided to uninstall and install the DAX drivers.....many times...what I failed to do was recheck the naming (gee wouldn't you think that after a uninstall and install the names would be correct?)
So, after reading y'all's responses...I checked the naming again and there were some misnamed.....corrected the names and all works at the moment....
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Thanks for posting the follow-up WA5YOM.
Does any know how the dax drivers are getting renamed? I'm on a win7 system so it may not be an issue for me, but I am curious as to how this is happening?
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The Windows update installers, attempt to migrate the DAX devices from the existing/installed device, to a new compatible device, during the update install process. They fail on the DAX IQ devices to get the names, renamed correctly. Windows 7 which gets very few, if any update's now, should not have the problem. When Microsoft agrees it's an issue they may someday fix the update installer software, Don't hold your breath!!!73, Jay - NO5J
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I had this problem. Submitted a help ticket on Sunday afternoon and Tim had me up and running shortly after midday on Monday.
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Thanks Jay. So in short, Win10 installer moves the DAX driver to a new device during an update and then forgets how to spell the DAX driver name. Maybe it should take notes.
I've learned a long time ago to turn off automatic updates with Windows. Now I pick and choose which ones to install.
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I had this problem but fixed it with a rename. However, I have a like 8 Audio RX Dax and 8 Reserved Audio RX Dax, but 2 Dax IQ channels and 2 reserved dax IQ channels. In addition, I have multiple copies of Reserved Audio RX channels all with the same name in the record section of the sound control device.
Does anyone know what the proper number of DAX channels are and how they all should be named in the Sound Playback and Sound Record device manager for WIndows 10.
I have just got my 6400M and I would like to get it straightened out because I am trying to setup CW Skimmer and can't seem to get the waterfall to show anything in CW Skimmer.
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das Problemm müsste schon lange behoben sein. Bei Flexradio dauert das viel zu lange0
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RDoLl6fPYENkrOm5qmnGpeGYH0G1yy-x on my 6600 they are arranged in this way, see photo. if you want the list of how they are named and the procedures I have carried out, I will send it to you
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https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tLlx4qTJaqAa6g59eF7qTqZ1p6UFzMuM Scrivi Procedures for audio inputs I used, but they are in Italian.una risposta0
Procedures for audio outputs I used, but they are in Italian.https://drive.google.com/open?id=19X1mheri-j-rdqGZsxN9KE1YqSc0jCZQ
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I have the same problem, and that after a full uninstall as noted above in this thread. I went back and made sure that the Playback and Recording device lists were clean before restarting and beginning the 3.0.27 install, and they were. What a mess. I've spent hours of my valuable time on this.1
I did the rename on the Playback list of reserved IQ devices and I think it looks good. But the Recording list of devices has multiple copies of the Flex devices that are down - at least 5 copies! And the list was clean before the install. What a mess. Even had a BSD after one install...and my Surface Pro 5 is a pretty clean/up-to-date machine...that never happens to me.
I finally have SmartSDR 3.0.27 back up. But the replicated list of Recording devices still remain. What a mess.
What's worse is that if I stay with Flex I'll likely have to do this (many?) more time(s).
I've been considering a move from my 6-month-old 6600 back to an Elecraft K3 or K3S. I think this latest time spent fixing DAX drivers (not my first rodeo) just cemented it. Flex, I like your product, but this problem (albeit caused my Microsoft as noted above) wastes just too much of my time. If you're listening, you likely lost a customer.
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I agree Mike, something needs to be done. But the problem is that Flex and almost all of the other computers that use Windows 10 are at the mercy of the horrible operating system. My cure has been using Windows 10 enterprise, on one laptop, so that I can dope slap Microsoft's updates.
And that is really ridiculous, but I get good reliability by avoiding Microsoft's malware.
I also have a W7 install which is good, as well as DogPark on my Mac. DogPark is 100 percent uptime, and updates do not wreck it.
I've made 2 suggestions that would probably go a long way.
One is to take tha approach that Dave Freise W1HKJ has done with his fldigi software. He avoids the OS wars entirely by producing software for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Problem solved.
But that is a matter of temperament and OS agnosticism. Many businesses that write software declare one OS over all. Not unusually, Windows is chosen because of the installed user base. SSDR is written for Windows in no small part because Accountants and Staff Assistants use Windows.
I see zero interest in Flex writing a version for Linux.
The other approach I suggest is for Flex to create a program named Flex Refresh.
This would be a program that you would run Whenever a Windows malware H^H^H^H^ sorry... A Windows update happens. You don't even try SSDR.
This program would automate the steps you would manually take:
Save profiles and settings
Scorched earth uninstall everything - SSDR, DAX, CAT, FlexVSP, and audio drivers. Then scan the computer and remove everything Flex on it.
After all that is finished, reinstall everything needed to use your radio as you expect to, then start SSDR.
This would serve two very important functions.
First is that you wouldn't find out what Windows update wrecked when the update made involuntary decisions for you. You would simply start SSDR with good confidence that it would work (solely lacking at present)
The second is a tremendous Psychological boost. If you have confidence that SSDR will work, and just run the program, you don't have the problems of troubleshooting, and you gain confidence that the radio will work.
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Weird thing is that the Windows update does that renaming kind of randomly. The first time it happened to me, it renamed Everything DAX IQ RX 1, then 2, then 3, until every single driver was renamed. Second time it renamed everything, I fixed it by going Enterprise and blocking updates.0
Poor Tim probably has dreams at night about repairing audio drivers. 8^)0
I am wondering if one uses a program like Revo Uninstaller to remove all traces of anything Flex prior to the Windows update, will that prevent the problem? This would be like N3LI's suggestion above for a Flex program to do this, but using an off-the-shelf program instead.
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I use Revo Uninstaller to remove SmartSDR related programs but I also run CCleaner after the fact to clean the Registry to make sure the system is ready of a new install.
Ronald0 -
After years of DAX issues on multiple machines my chosen solution is. I have a fresh image of my system all set up the way I like it without SSDR installed. When the Windows fall update comes out. I will **** away my system with the image, update windows and then install SSDR. This works every time and take less than 30 minutes.0
I use a K3S as well at our contest station. It's a really good radio, but the Panadpter reminds me of a C-64, and the short push vs long push is annoying.
Anyhow, if switching to W7 or W10 Enterprise doesn't suit, nor iOS SSDR, or MacOS Dogpark - all stable OS' and Software, Perhaps a K3S is in your future.
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Michael, thank you for your comment! This will give background to you and the other kind responses here.
I've had a KX3 for some time and from my experience the Elecraft gear just works. I have the PX3 so I understand the P3's '80's architecture look, but it works. I'm not so much a contester, but rather I have exposure to that Elecraft gear and it just works, and for my use case does so very well. It doesn't consume my time...it is a pleasure.
So is the Flex 6600. It too is a pleasure, as is SmartSDR (most of the time).
I'm a tech guy and was in IT all my life. I saw the value in not upgrading software, as some propose. Things do work...for a while. However over my career I came to know that for me and the customer assets I managed, the best solution to yield the highest availability and security was to stay reasonably current, within the constraints of my customers (IT outsourcing business serving banking as well as other vertical businesses). So for me personally I believe keeping W10 (Pro in my case) up-to-date provides the best overall solution.
I made the move back to Windows from a long-term Mac user point-of-view about 18 months ago (before my use of Flex). I knew the legacy reputation Windows had for lack of reliability, unless manhandled by not upgrading or the like. I am accountable for that decision...I accept that...I knew what was in store. I can honestly say that other than the DAX issue, The Windows 10 experience has been overall a very good experience, given my history in IT Outsourcing and years of exposure to Windows based infrastructure.
I also know that architecture is critical to success in IT. Flex has a great product...truly sincere about that point. However they made a decision to put their SmartSDR architecture on Windows, and thus set up a very large exposure in the DAX area (many driver instances) to the known effect of Windows upgrades on clobbering 3rd party drivers. In my book, they are accountable for that. It costs their customer countless hours, if and when they chose to or need to upgrade.
The most important resource I have is my time, and I don't see anything changing that would cause me to believe I won't be fixing DAX drivers again and again with the current SmartSDR architecture, unless of course I chose to not perform maintenance which from experience will bring forward other issues over time. I can't get the DAX fix hours back...that is a cost for me to the Flex experience, and a cost that will occur again and again.
That sums up where my head is at right now. Sorry this is lengthy. Everyone's input has been very useful and positive.
pat / nf8h
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I have a K3, KX3, and Flex6600M. For the reasons you set out above, Pat, I chose to run my 6600M on my Mac, with a Windows 10 laptop and a Windows 7 emulator (Parallels) as supporting players. The Mac is 100% solid, and for those times I use the Windows systems, a minimal amount of time keeps them functional. I love the K3/P3, but will never go back to them. The K3 gets used as my 2m radio because it has the transverter, but that will end as soon as I connect up the DEMI equipment I have for my 6600. No negative comment on your decision at all, just a different decision on my part.2
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