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V3 and IOS Smart SDR

Dave - G3SBP
Dave - G3SBP Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in SmartSDR for Windows


  • ThisUserDoesNotExist
    ThisUserDoesNotExist Company Adviser ✭✭
    edited December 2019
  • Dave - G3SBP
    Dave - G3SBP Member ✭✭
    edited April 2019
  • Ray Gustafson WB0HHM
    edited June 2020
  • Ted  VE3TRQ
    Ted VE3TRQ Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    Did you update your copy of SSDR iOS to v3 after you updated the radio to v3?
  • Ray Gustafson WB0HHM
    edited April 2019
    I checked and it said it was up to date , but after you posted the question I removed the app and went to App Store and installed it fresh and now It is working . Thanks
  • Ted  VE3TRQ
    Ted VE3TRQ Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    Sometimes a second look is the charm :-)
  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    I found that you have to click on the app's picture in IOS Store and THEN click UPDATE.  If I just went to "update," it seemed to get confused on my IPad Air and said that it was already current....

    Ken - NM9P.

  • Ray Gustafson WB0HHM
    edited April 2019
    There isn't any preset for IOS Transmit Profiles or Mic Profiles like there used 
    to be , I have it working under Default , but not sure , I did a reset on my 6600 and
    and didn't save my old profiles , but recall there was  Profiles for the IOS either 
    when I installed the App back a couple years ago  for IOS or was there 
    factory defaults with SmartSDR?   Ray WB0HHM
  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    You can change Mic Profiles in two ways. 1) on the right hand pull-out menus/control panel under P/CW. or 2) in the settings menu, next to the Panadapter menu on the bottom of the screen. The Transmit Profiles can be changed in the right panel under the TX tab. Or in the Settings menu. Via the settings menu you can select a profile to use, save, or delete. You can also create a new profile and name it for editing however you want.
  • Sergey KN7K
    Sergey KN7K Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
  • DrJ
    DrJ Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
  • DrJ
    DrJ Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Well for reasons unknown, I was accessed my 6609 using my VPN connection and now I can see iPhone as a choice for microphone but it matters not. No ability to transmit voice. At least now I can confirm I am transmitting RF when I hit TUNE, but when I hit PTT or MOX, no audio is transmitted at all and no audio and nothing is heard at all through my iPhone. Need some help. Thanks everyone ! Keith KJ8DO
  • DrJ
    DrJ Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Still hoping to get some suggestions. My iPad nor my iPhone please any audio at all when I connect remotely whether I am LAN or WAN connected. In addition while I can push to talk transmit, no matter whether the setting is for iPhone microphone or iPad microphones, The radio keys up but there’s no transmission of audio irrespective of the iPhone being connected or the iPad being connected and also irrespective of LAN connection or WAN connection. I’m just hoping Marcus can respond to this and offer any suggestions.
  • DrJ
    DrJ Member ✭✭
    edited April 2019
    Sir ****, have you had any progress. It doesn’t seem to matter on my hand whether I connect through my 6600 directly or whether or not my SSDR on my desktop is running or not, I receive no audio on my iPad or my iPhone either using version three. Wonder if you have had any updates or discoveries in the past few days? Thank you, KEITH-KJ8DO
  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I have found that in V3.0.19 I must connect my iPad via SmartLink to get any audio, even if I am on my own LAN. There may be some setting that I am missing. Ken - NM9P
  • Chris DL5NAM
    Chris DL5NAM Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    >>> There may be some setting that I am missing. <<

    Maybe a manual ? :-)
  • Manuel - W4SSB
    edited April 2019
    I don’t need to. When I first went to V3 I had some strange problems but a full reset of my 6700 cured everything.
  • DrJ
    DrJ Member ✭✭
    edited April 2019
    I would try that, however this 6600M literally came straight out of the box less than two days ago from the factory with pre-installed version 3 smart SDR already on it. So therefore while I could do a hard reset, but this is a radio that is straight from the factory. It’s not that I’m unwilling to do it, but the fact that everyone or at least a lot of people are having problems with this there’s going to be either a major bug or something simple. And to the previous comment or about a manual, I have read the entire online manual that Marcus does provide and I would agree reading the manual is the first place to start. But I’ve had this iOS smart SDR software since it was first developed and have used it with my previous 6700 which is out for repair right now from the beginning. I’m quite familiar with its use. So I still feel like some others do that there is a bug or a setting issue that needs to be rectified and I’m willing to do it with the help of the developer.

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