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Remote operating and Node Red



  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I’m just starting exploring this Node Red so please bear with me on this one. I installed it on my Raspi 3 but I don’t see many Nodes available (certainly not many that I’ve seen on videos and articles) and I know one can add nodes on the Manage Palette. Now, what set of nodes you’ll recommmend for ham radio? There are more than two thousand available and don’t know where to start. Thanks and 73 Santiago
  • Alan
    Alan Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    It would be helpful you listed some Node-Red "uses" you would like to begin with.  We could send you some example flows and the needed pallets.

    One set of pallets you need for sure will be the "dashboard" pallet.

  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Good morning Alan, thanks a lot. You are correct, I should have been more specific. Exactly, one of the pallets will be dashboard, as I want to be able to monitor my radio, amps, etc., turn on/off some computer fans I have according to shack temp, etc.

    Probably if I do well and learn right, I also want to add more Pi and do an electricity monitor dashboard (including 2 Forza UPS I have).

    I'm very ambitious but knowing I need to go baby steps first. This is something I've been following for some time and even mentioned to Michael a few days ago and now it's time as I'm reorganizing the remote station.

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020
    I have the following flows - Getting information from the Flex - KPA1500 amp control and monitor - Communication to PSTRotator to turn antenna and see azimuth. Includes preset direction buttons - Control and status of DLI Web Switch Pro which has eight switchable outlets let me know if you would like any of these. 73 Dave wo2x
  • N5YT
    N5YT Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Dave, I’d like to see your DLI and PSTRotator flows. Thanks, Guy N5YT
  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020
    Hi Guy

    I will send them all in a zipped file. For the DLI Web Switch, you need to log in and set a user name and password, then edit the flow for that info. I have set the user name and password to user and password for the flows I send to others. 

    Use what you want and feel free to share. Post info on any new flows or improvements so we can all benefit.

    Dave wo2x

  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Thanks a lot Dave. I would love to see the Getting info from Flex and PST flows as I’m using both right now. Will like to see the webswitch too, although I use separate Gosund Websockets I guess I can change it to a webswitch and it will be more efficient. Thanks again.
  • K6HN
    K6HN Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Hi Dave,
    I would like to see your flow for the KPA1500 control. Or just send them all if you don't mind. 


  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Michael would you be able to share the flow you use to check on the router and restart if down? Thanks. Santiago
  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020
    Hi Santiago,

    I am just getting my flows ready to send to you and a few other people. Give me about 15 minutes to send them.

    The DLI Web Switch Pro can be configured to do a network ping to web sites. I have mine configured to ping www.msn.com and www.google.com
    If it fails to ping those sites 3 times in 15 minutes the Web Switch Pro will reboot the outlets for the cable modem, router, and gigabit switch. This is programmable in the Web Switch Pro. I am including the flow for communicating to the Web Switch Pro. It is available through Amazon and provides 10 outlets - 8 of the outlets can be turned on and off remotely.


    Dave wo2x

  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Excellent Dave! I would really appreciate! It will help me a lot in my processes and my learning experience. 73. Santiago
  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    First of all, thanks Dave for the flows, I'm looking forward to working with them. Follow up questions, in some cases after importing I get "unknown" error messages (ui, ui gauge, ui text, ui button, etc), I suppose that's because I'm missing some nodes you all already have?

    Also, I'm missing how to address the dashboard layout? where I can find it?

    Tomorrow will be Node Red Day for me to see if I can make it work.


  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020
    I was just getting ready to send additional information. I built a new Pi for a friend before and you need to install additional nodes and a dashboard before importing my flows. I recommend to delete any flows that were imported first.

    Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner and choose Manage Palette. When that window opens choose Install.

    In the search modules window search and install the following


    After those are installed you can import my flows. 

    On the right side click on the dashboard icon (see attached picture) and you will see a bunch of tabs labeled WO2X Shack Control. Expand them by clicking on the v arrow in front of them. You will then see the groups (KPA1500, ROTOR, etc). You can drag all the groups to one tab so they all show up on the dashboard page together. To delete the unused tabs afterwards just click on edit to the right of the tab name and in the window that opens choose Delete.


    That should get you going. Let us know how it goes.

    Dave wo2x

  • Alan
    Alan Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Further, two ways to open a "Dashboard".

    1- Open a new browser window.  Input the IP address of the Rasberry Pi followed with.    :1880/ui

    2- On your browser window showing the flows, click on icons as shown in the upper right:


  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Good night all. Thanks to the help of Dave, WO2X, who shared his flows I've been able to start advancing on my node red applications and dashboard. I still have some issues with one of the flows but working on it. I've managed to work the PST flow nicely and the VITA flow as well.

    Also, I took one of Michael's earlier flows to monitor my internet. And from the Node Red library I got a flow to monitor my Pi. I was able to change the layout of the flows and minor adjustments.

    I still want to make some flows of my own, as soon as I find out why the Radio Info flow is not working as it should.

    See some pictures below. I'm working in Tabs for the moment.

    For you this might seem simple but I'm encouraged for making them work.


  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020
    Hi Santiago,

    Very nice! I sent you an email earlier. Maybe we can coordinate with Skype, Facebook Messenger, or Facetime to talk to each other then use TeamViewer to see what is not working with the Flex Radio flow.

    In the Flex Radio flow the IP address for the TCP node should be the IP address of your radio. In SmartSDR you can go to settings/Radio Setup/Networking to get the IP.

    Also if a node is not showing up on the dashboard I have found sometimes it is easier to delete the node then add it back. You will then need to assign that node to a group on the dashboard.

    Dave wo2x

  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Thanks Dave. I don't know how but I got the VFO working and then it stopped working. And can't seen to find out why. I'm pretty sure there is something basic I'm missing due to inexperience. 

    I'll be happy to speak with you and you are welcome to connect via TeamViewer whenever you wish. 

    Will write you directly.


  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    On a related note, I have several pieces of hardware already receiving information from udp such as Green Heron Select 8 switch (receiving from FRStacks for automatic antenna switching), HF Auto receiving from FRStacks for Palstar HF Auto Tuner.

    Does this can conflict with Node Rode nodes connecting to those udp ports?.

  • Alan
    Alan Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Each device needs to have a unique port number.  As long as that is the case, no conflicts.   I have most of the same devices as you mention.

    Most devices or apps that use ports, allow you to change the number so as to make each unique.

    In the case of FRStack, Mark has provided an editable form for each of the UDP broadcast port numbers.

  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Follow up question and please pardon if I'm saying something obviously ****:

    In Node Red, if I have a flow receiving from UDP 4992 can I have other(s) flow(s) receiving from that same UDP too? Or the first flow takes the info and leave nothing for the second?

    I know for example that from FRStacks I have one UDP sending info to GH and another to the HF Auto. But not sure if in Node Red is the same.


  • Alan
    Alan Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    For UDP, yes, you can have multiple "listening" sites set up.  UDP "broadcasts" the data out for any application listening to use.

    On the other hand, TCP negotiates a connection between the sender and the receiver.  I am not sure but believe in some cases, there can only be one connection.

  • WX7Y
    WX7Y Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
     I'm just starting with NODE-RED as a real NU-BE ,  I use DLI WEB Power switch's and the DLI DIN Switch's here and was wondering if anyone can Share a NODE-RED FLOW with me that will work with the DLI switch's and maybe the steps at setting the Power switch's up to get  NODE-RED and the WEB switch's talking? 

    any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated
    Thanks a lot
    Direct EMAIL is wx7y@arrl.net

  • Alan
    Alan Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    I use the MQTT Server option on the DLI DIN mounted Web Switch.  Others use the HTTP option.

    You must set up an MQTT server, typically on a Raspberry Pi.  I use the app "Mosquito".  There are many you-tube videos with instructions on how to install.  It is very easy.  MQTT opens up many new options for controlling devices with Node-Red.

    Here is my Node-Red Flow;



    [{"id":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","type":"tab","label":"DLI Switch","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"699024ce.76085c","type":"mqtt out","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Cabinent One Board Power","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/0/set","qos":"1","retain":"","broker":"fc9768bd.165278","x":940,"y":110,"wires":[]},{"id":"1a9a8705.cea7a9","type":"comment","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Push Button Flow - Outlet 6","info":"This has two states:\nA and B.\nAll future refrence is to these two state names.\n\nREQUIRED:\nInputs:\nButton background colour for state A.  msg.colurA\nButton background colour for state B.  msg.colourB\nButton text for state A.               msg.txtA\nButton text for state B.               msg.txtB\nFont colour for state A.               msg.txtclrA\nFont colour for state B.               msg.txtclrB\nPayload for state A.                   msg.payloadA\nPayload for state B.                   msg.payloadB\nTopic.                                 msg.topicSET\n\nOutputs:\nmsg.payload - this is used to control what ever you need.\nmsg.topic - this is if it is needed for control of the next node.\nmsg.colour - this sets the colour of the button.\nmsg.txt - this is the text to be displayed in the button.\nmsg.fontclr - this is the colour of the text on the button.\n","x":264,"y":1494,"wires":[]},{"id":"887dff4b.db38","type":"inject","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Setup - Inject","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":true,"onceDelay":"3","x":234,"y":1564,"wires":[["f9821d9d.4f8b68"]]},{"id":"f9821d9d.4f8b68","type":"function","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Setup","func":"msg = {\n    \"colourA\": \"red\",\n    \"colourB\": \"blue\",\n    \"txtA\": \"AUX FAN ON\",\n    \"txtB\": \"AUX FAN OFF\",\n    \"txtclrA\": \"white\",\n    \"txtclrB\": \"white\",\n    \"payloadA\": \"1\",\n    \"payloadB\": \"0\",\n    \"topicSET\": \"DLIswitch01/outlets/6/set\"\n}\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":204,"y":1664,"wires":[["1ef3ff7c.34bc69"]]},{"id":"1ef3ff7c.34bc69","type":"function","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Push Button","func":"var state = context.get(\"STATE\")||0;\n\n//  Look for a !X message to get values.\nif (msg.payload != \"X\")     //Do this if the message is NOT \"X\"\n{\n    //\n    //  Background colours first.\n    //\n    context.set(\"ABGC\", msg.colourA);\n    context.set(\"BBGC\", msg.colourB);\n    //\n    //  Now do text.\n    //\n    context.set(\"Atxt\", msg.txtA);\n    context.set(\"Btxt\", msg.txtB);\n    //\n    //  Font colours.\n    //\n    context.set(\"AFC\",msg.txtclrA);\n    context.set(\"BFC\",msg.txtclrB);\n    //\n    //  Payloads.\n    //\n    context.set(\"PayloadA\", msg.payloadA);\n    context.set(\"PayloadB\", msg.payloadB);\n    //\n    //  Topic.\n    //\n    if (msg.topicSET !== null)\n    {\n        context.set(\"Topic\",msg.topicSET);\n    } else\n    {\n        context.set(\"Topic\",\"~\");\n    }\n    return;\n}\n//      Now on to the real stuff.\nif (msg.payload == \"X\")\n{\n    state = (state + 1)% 2;\n    //node.warn(state);\n    context.set(\"STATE\",state);\n}\nif (state === 0)\n{\n    //  Condition A\n    msg.payload = context.get(\"PayloadA\");\n    msg.colour = context.get(\"ABGC\");\n    msg.txt = context.get(\"Atxt\");\n    msg.fontclr = context.get(\"AFC\");\n} else\n{\n    //  Condition B\n    msg.payload = context.get(\"PayloadB\");\n    msg.colour = context.get(\"BBGC\");\n    msg.txt = context.get(\"Btxt\");\n    msg.fontclr = context.get(\"BFC\");\n}\nif (context.get(\"Topic\") == \"~\")\n{\n    msg.topic = \"\";\n} else\n{\n    msg.topic = context.get(\"Topic\");\n}\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":384,"y":1664,"wires":[["cc9226aa.2f575","f3eea812.65e018"]]},{"id":"cc9226aa.2f575","type":"ui_button","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","d":true,"name":"Spare Button 6","group":"6a9ec52a.a86664","order":9,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":false,"label":"{{msg.txt}}","tooltip":"","color":"{{msg.fontclr}}","bgcolor":"{{msg.colour}}","icon":"","payload":"X","payloadType":"str","topic":"","x":474,"y":1544,"wires":[["1ef3ff7c.34bc69"]]},{"id":"f3eea812.65e018","type":"mqtt out","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","d":true,"name":"MQTT: DLI Outlet 6","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/6/set","qos":"1","retain":"","broker":"fc9768bd.165278","x":857,"y":1590,"wires":[]},{"id":"601a45a.8136f3c","type":"comment","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Push Button Flow - outlet 7","info":"This has two states:\nA and B.\nAll future refrence is to these two state names.\n\nREQUIRED:\nInputs:\nButton background colour for state A.  msg.colurA\nButton background colour for state B.  msg.colourB\nButton text for state A.               msg.txtA\nButton text for state B.               msg.txtB\nFont colour for state A.               msg.txtclrA\nFont colour for state B.               msg.txtclrB\nPayload for state A.                   msg.payloadA\nPayload for state B.                   msg.payloadB\nTopic.                                 msg.topicSET\n\nOutputs:\nmsg.payload - this is used to control what ever you need.\nmsg.topic - this is if it is needed for control of the next node.\nmsg.colour - this sets the colour of the button.\nmsg.txt - this is the text to be displayed in the button.\nmsg.fontclr - this is the colour of the text on the button.\n","x":254,"y":1754,"wires":[]},{"id":"d136d17b.5173d","type":"inject","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Setup-Inject","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":true,"onceDelay":"3","x":234,"y":1814,"wires":[["9dd79914.603908"]]},{"id":"9dd79914.603908","type":"function","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Setup","func":"msg = {\n    \"colourA\": \"red\",\n    \"colourB\": \"blue\",\n    \"txtA\": \"GPS-DO ON\",\n    \"txtB\": \"GPS-DO OFF\",\n    \"txtclrA\": \"white\",\n    \"txtclrB\": \"white\",\n    \"payloadA\": \"1\",\n    \"payloadB\": \"0\",\n    \"topicSET\": \"DLIswitch01/outlets/7/set\"\n}\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":234,"y":1894,"wires":[["8c224450.14ad68"]]},{"id":"8c224450.14ad68","type":"function","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Push Button","func":"var state = context.get(\"STATE\")||0;\n\n//  Look for a !X message to get values.\nif (msg.payload != \"X\")     //Do this if the message is NOT \"X\"\n{\n    //\n    //  Background colours first.\n    //\n    context.set(\"ABGC\", msg.colourA);\n    context.set(\"BBGC\", msg.colourB);\n    //\n    //  Now do text.\n    //\n    context.set(\"Atxt\", msg.txtA);\n    context.set(\"Btxt\", msg.txtB);\n    //\n    //  Font colours.\n    //\n    context.set(\"AFC\",msg.txtclrA);\n    context.set(\"BFC\",msg.txtclrB);\n    //\n    //  Payloads.\n    //\n    context.set(\"PayloadA\", msg.payloadA);\n    context.set(\"PayloadB\", msg.payloadB);\n    //\n    //  Topic.\n    //\n    if (msg.topicSET !== null)\n    {\n        context.set(\"Topic\",msg.topicSET);\n    } else\n    {\n        context.set(\"Topic\",\"~\");\n    }\n    return;\n}\n//      Now on to the real stuff.\nif (msg.payload == \"X\")\n{\n    state = (state + 1)% 2;\n    //node.warn(state);\n    context.set(\"STATE\",state);\n}\nif (state === 0)\n{\n    //  Condition A\n    msg.payload = context.get(\"PayloadA\");\n    msg.colour = context.get(\"ABGC\");\n    msg.txt = context.get(\"Atxt\");\n    msg.fontclr = context.get(\"AFC\");\n} else\n{\n    //  Condition B\n    msg.payload = context.get(\"PayloadB\");\n    msg.colour = context.get(\"BBGC\");\n    msg.txt = context.get(\"Btxt\");\n    msg.fontclr = context.get(\"BFC\");\n}\nif (context.get(\"Topic\") == \"~\")\n{\n    msg.topic = \"\";\n} else\n{\n    msg.topic = context.get(\"Topic\");\n}\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":434,"y":1894,"wires":[["78e39c75.0de624","44cc4e3f.687c48"]]},{"id":"78e39c75.0de624","type":"ui_button","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","d":true,"name":"Spare Button 7","group":"6a9ec52a.a86664","order":10,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":false,"label":"{{msg.txt}}","tooltip":"","color":"{{msg.fontclr}}","bgcolor":"{{msg.colour}}","icon":"","payload":"X","payloadType":"str","topic":"","x":484,"y":1794,"wires":[["8c224450.14ad68"]]},{"id":"44cc4e3f.687c48","type":"mqtt out","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","d":true,"name":"MQTT: DLI outlet 7","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/7/set","qos":"1","retain":"","broker":"fc9768bd.165278","x":857,"y":1815,"wires":[]},{"id":"f64a8141.a05e38","type":"ui_switch","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"","label":"Cabinent One","tooltip":"","group":"6a9ec52a.a86664","order":1,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":true,"decouple":"false","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/0/set","style":"","onvalue":"1","onvalueType":"str","onicon":"","oncolor":"","offvalue":"0","offvalueType":"str","officon":"","offcolor":"","x":257,"y":128,"wires":[["699024ce.76085c"]]},{"id":"e532ead1.630f9","type":"ui_switch","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"","label":"Satellite","tooltip":"","group":"6a9ec52a.a86664","order":2,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":true,"decouple":"false","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/1/set","style":"","onvalue":"1","onvalueType":"num","onicon":"","oncolor":"","offvalue":"0","offvalueType":"num","officon":"","offcolor":"","x":239,"y":264,"wires":[["20a84c1e.339f54"]]},{"id":"921af162.a35678","type":"mqtt out","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Cabinent Two Board Power","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/2/set","qos":"1","retain":"","broker":"fc9768bd.165278","x":828,"y":385,"wires":[]},{"id":"3f9a4346.fe8694","type":"ui_switch","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"","label":"Fan","tooltip":"","group":"6a9ec52a.a86664","order":3,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":true,"decouple":"false","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/2/set","style":"","onvalue":"1","onvalueType":"num","onicon":"","oncolor":"","offvalue":"0","offvalueType":"num","officon":"","offcolor":"","x":213,"y":383,"wires":[["921af162.a35678"]]},{"id":"fffc0d1f.1ba688","type":"mqtt out","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Fan Board Power","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/3/set","qos":"1","retain":"","broker":"fc9768bd.165278","x":798,"y":527,"wires":[]},{"id":"1244c188.0fc156","type":"ui_switch","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"","label":"Cabinent Two","tooltip":"","group":"6a9ec52a.a86664","order":4,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":true,"decouple":"false","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/3/set","style":"","onvalue":"1","onvalueType":"num","onicon":"","oncolor":"","offvalue":"0","offvalueType":"num","officon":"","offcolor":"","x":243,"y":525,"wires":[["fffc0d1f.1ba688"]]},{"id":"b36883d.94698","type":"mqtt out","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"Sensor Board Power","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/4/set","qos":"1","retain":"","broker":"fc9768bd.165278","x":788,"y":675,"wires":[]},{"id":"f4253ac3.477e7","type":"ui_switch","z":"f8348e1f.8ef5b","name":"","label":"Sensor","tooltip":"","group":"6a9ec52a.a86664","order":5,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":true,"decouple":"false","topic":"DLIswitch01/outlets/4/set","style":"","onvalue":"1","onvalueType":"num","onicon":"","oncolor":"","offvalue":"0","offvalueType":"num","officon":"","offcolor":"","x":203,"y":673,"wires":[["b36883d.94698"]]},{"id":"20a84c1e.339f54","type":"mqtt 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  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020
    Hi Bret I will send my DLI flow along with some instructions later Dave wo2x
  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Dave, Hi. Still having issues with the Flex Radio flow, it does not work. I’m probably doing something wrong or have a compability issue . I’ve deleted and remade the nodes and still nothing. Any other pointers? Sent you an email with contact info and TeamViewer info. Santiago
  • WX7Y
    WX7Y Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Thanks for the help Alan, I got the NODE-RED and MQTT installed and when I try to load in your FLOW I get this error, What am I doing wrong I wonder
    Thanks for your help

  • Alan
    Alan Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    I sent the file to your e-mail on file with QRZ.com

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020
    Hi Santiago,

    I did not receive the email with contact info. My email is
    wo2x AT arrl DOT net

    I'd be happy to connect in and take a look. We will need the radio on to have data from the radio to Node Red.

    Dave wo2x

  • Santiago Mejia HI8O
    Santiago Mejia HI8O Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Sorry I sent it to a different email. I’ve resent it. Thanks a lot.
  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020
    Hi All,

    I have a new streamlined Flex Radio flow for Node Red which parses the current TX Frequency as well as the current power out setting on the radio.

    I also have an experimental flow to stream UDP packets to W1TR's HF Auto program. It picks up the TX frequency from my Flex Radio flow and uses it to form the UDP XML document packets that are sent to W1TR HF Auto software on port 12070. So for those that have a Node Red and do not want to run third party software to connect to the HF Auto app you can give my flow a try.

    all feedback is welcome.

    Message me here or via my QRZ email if interested.

    Dave wo2x

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