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How to connect more than 2 transverters to a Flex-6600?
John Swink
Member ✭✭
I have acquired three DEMI/Q5 transverters for 144, 222 & 432 MHz to use with my Flex-6600. I plan on connecting the 144 MHz transverter to the XVTR-A port and TX2. The other two transverters will connect to the XVTR-B port and TX3 by plugging/unplugging them as needed. To avoid manually plugging/unplugging them, I have been looking for a switch with BNC and RCA connectors that will switch both the IF and TX lines. The only switches I have been able to locate with BNC connectors are 75 ohm units used for video applications and none of them have a separate pole for switching the TX line. Does anyone know if someone makes this type of switch? Since I plan on adding transverters for 900 & 1296 MHz in the future, I would like to find a switch with at least four positions. My transverters are common IF & RF configuration, so only one IF port will be required per band.
John, N8WNA
John, N8WNA
Here is the way I have mine connected. This allows full duplex. To give credit I used another diagram here on the community and modified it to how I have my own station wired. I've added to things to this diagram since I did it; a 23 cm transverter and a Coax switch controlled by the Flex radio to switch between the 2M circular polarized antenna and a separate 2M horizontally polarized antenna.
Alpha Team
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Common IF is the right way to go. I route the PTT through the IF cable via a bias tee, which is very simple to deploy. It makes switching very easy. I use a USB cable with the VHF BCD choice and control a 1 X 10 matrix switch. You can use a smaller switch, but they are readily available on ebay for reasonable prices. Let me know if you need a relay, I might just have one available.0
My system automatically switches from 472KHz up through 47GHz using the USB facilities in the Flex
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There is another way which technically is in my view better than what has been suggested although the use of a BCD switch does give you switching options in a simple platform. W6PQL, Jim has an Automatic Transverter Interface in kit form, which does everything you could ever want. Jim's projects are always well thought out and designed and easy to assemble.0
Thanks for all the information. However, I am a bit confused after reviewing the information provided and the USB cable guide. I have not used transverters previously, as I upgraded in October to the 6600 and previously used the 5000A with VU for 144 & 432 MHz bands and a FT736R for 222 & 1296 bands.
On the 6600 I currently use the RX A & B ports for HF end fed and magnetic loop receiving antennas. The accessory TX & TX1 are used to control the HF & 50 MHz amps leaving only TX2 & 3 for the transverters.
The W6PQL looks like a nice option, however, it is currently limited to only three transverters and I will eventually have five.
It would appear that the best approach would be with a USB cable. However, I do not understand how the IF connections would be made between the 6600 and the transverters, how the matrix switch is connected, which USB cable would be required or how to set the output bit pattern.
I checked ebay and found dozens of matrix switches of various configurations with prices from $40 to > $1000. When it comes to computers, I am a user and not a tech. My knowledge of how to connect things to a computer is very limited.
Philip, if you cold possibly provide a diagram and additional details on all the components required and how to connect them using the common IF configuration, it would be appreciated.
Thanks to everyone that responded.
John, N8WNA
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Hi John,
The Kuhne TR6SW will switch Rx IF, Tx IF, and PTT to six transverters and is easily controlled either manually or directly from the Flexradio by USB cable (BCD mode).
73, Bob, N7ZO
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