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Flex 6000 & MMTTY Decode Setup ??

W2ECK Member ✭✭
Relatively new owner of a 6600 and user of SSDR. Have yet to attempt RTTY, so just tried to play a bit in OKDXRTTY contest. Have watched a You Tube video on setting up SSDR & N1MM for RTTY. So think I have right DAX settings and CAT/PTT ports set up. I am in RTTY mode on the 6600. I am transmitting fine. But on the RX side I apparently have big issue. So I see the these beautiful RTTY sigs in panadpater but when I click on them, I am not seeing the sig in the XY or FFT scopes in MMTTY or 2Tone decoders. If I change the mode to DIGU- I now see the sigs but if I tune on the peaks - sigs are not decoding. So what do I have wrong in my setup?? Any help would be much appreciated.



  • K0FLY
    K0FLY Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Have you set the MMTTY sound card audio input to DAX audio RX 1 or any one of the three other DAX inputs?  Have selected the corresponding DAX  number in the receive flag?

    Gayle K0FLY 
  • K8AC
    K8AC Member ✭✭
    edited December 2018
    I just got my newly acquired 6500 running on RTTY this morning and made a few contacts in the OK contest.  I found it easiest to expand the panadapter trace until the RTTY signal peaks for one signal were a bit less than 1/4 inch apart.  Then in RTTY mode, the tuning line will appear as two vertical lines instead of one, separated by 170 hz.  If you then tune the signal so the two vertical lines are on the peaks of a signal, you'll be right on the button.  The crossed elipses display should show a perfect image at that point.  I set the step on my 6500 to 5 (usually use 10) for ease in tuning the RTTY signals.
  • Steve WS5W
    Steve WS5W Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    I have to continually check the Mark and space tone settings on teh MMTTY setup screen off of the WW RTTY tab. I can click on the Set Default(demodulator) button. I havent figured out what is messing the valuses up but it is a frequent thing.
    Steve WS5W
  • W2ECK
    W2ECK Member ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Yes on both questions

  • W2ECK
    W2ECK Member ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Last radio was a K3 and I always used 915/170.  What are you using?

  • W2ECK
    W2ECK Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Problem solved by setting the Mark space to 2125, my "old' settings weren't applicable. Both 2Tone and MMTTY doing just fine now. Signals present in scopes and decoding is fine.

  • Bill English
    Bill English Member
    edited December 2018
    Good deal Paul, you will find that the Flex really shines on RTTY. Congrats on getting it going and enjoy!

    Bill K4FX
  • K8AC
    K8AC Member ✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Steve - which program are you using for RTTY - Winwarbler?
  • Steve WS5W
    Steve WS5W Member ✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Yes dx labs / winwarbler / mmtty on a 6700 - i also have the 2tone configured to watch the pile or as a second look at the dx.

  • K8AC
    K8AC Member ✭✭
    edited December 2018
    I had the same problem a couple of years ago with Winwarbler.  The problem for me was a result of how I had the RTTY offsets configured in Winwarbler Config.  I can't recall the exact problem, but unless you specify them a certain way, you'll have that problem.  Here's how mine are specified:image

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