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WSJT-X Radio settings for FT8 Hound

George  N1GB
George N1GB Member ✭✭
I am trying to set up WSJT-X for FT8 Hound mode with my 6400.
If you have successfully done so I would like to know what settings you set up on the 'Radio' tab of the WSJT-X ver. 1.9.1 set-up dialog.

Thanks  George  N1GB  


  • N2TU
    N2TU Company Adviser ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Settings are included in the conversation....73

    Lou N2TU
  • George  N1GB
    George N1GB Member ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Thank you for the link.  The settings were helpful.  The latest 1.9.1 version now requires a split mode setting.  I used Fake It (see screen shot of my settings).  This set up works fine and I just made successful Fox/Hound (me) QSO with A5A DXpedtion on 20m FT8.

  • JerryW
    JerryW Member ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    This works for my 6400; de Jerry 73's
  • George  N1GB
    George N1GB Member ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Thanks, Jerry
    I will give this a try.
    Are the Network Server settings the same for anyone's Flex, or are they specific to your computer network?
    73  GB
  • JerryW
    JerryW Member ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    George, ops forgot to mention that your actual TCP port may be different for example 5004 vs 5002.
    open CAT and take a look at yours. see photo
  • George  N1GB
    George N1GB Member ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Thanks, Jerry.  Mine is 5002.
    73  GB
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019

    As long as your not interested in using DDUtil, then 5002 should be ok, but there's no harm in creating more TCP CAT ports, I create one dedicated TCP CAT port for each of my 4 slices. DDUtil is hardcoded to use 5002.

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             73, Jay - NO5J

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