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Flex 6700 and P-4 satellite setup
Is someone aware of a manufacturer who makes suitable transverters/converters suitable for this application?
Tom, SP7WT
Despite their best efforts in the past to bring Amateur Satellite activity more into the "main stream of Amateur Radio", It has been my experience with AMSAT and the amateur radio satellite community as a whole to be more "home brew" or experiential than plug and play.
I am not saying there is not a single pre-assembled transverter out there that will meet your needs, what I am saying it it is a VERY SMALL market and the cost/profit may not be there for most companies. That is why there are many transverter and down converter plans and kits for sale.
You are looking at down converting 2.4 and 10 GHz ?
You may have better luck reaching out to the Microwave groups (again a home brew / experiential part of amateur radio) and see what they have.
Hope this helps
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