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Flex 6300 EQ not working

For some strange reason the EQ in my Flex 6300 has stopped working
I have tried uninstalling various versions of Smart SDR and still not working
I reset the Radio to Factory default and that did not sort it either

Any ideas as yo why the EQ isn't working


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  • Member
    edited January 2018
    Make sure you are not in DUSB or DLSB
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Are you talking about RX EQ or TX EQ?

    Correct, the RX EQ doesn't work in DigU or DigL mode.  or in RTTY

    Be suure that you have clicked the proper button (TX or RX ) so that your adjustments are for the proper mode.

    Make sure that the ON button is blue.

    If this doesn't help, please list more information, or perhaps a screen shot...

    Ken - NM9P
  • Member
    edited January 2018
    Thanks for the response
    I am speaking of TX EQ, and yes it is selected and does not work. It used to work, so not sure why it has stopped working. Does anyone know if this is a Hardware or Software issue ?
  • Member
    edited January 2018
    I just checked out the EQ, it works fine on RX, however does not work in TX ????
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    What method are you using to determine its not working?
  • Member
    edited January 2018
    I am monitoring my audio via the Flex 6300
  • Member
    edited January 2018
    Thanks Larry, I just checked the EQ again and monitored on a seperate receiver, it is actually working
    Very odd that I don't hear the effect when monitoring with the Flex itself ???
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    If you are monitoring your audio with the Mon button you only hear the audio before processing.

    This is a way that allows to hear pre processing.
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited January 2018
    As per the description in the SmartSDR Software User's Guide, the MONITOR does not reflect changes in the EQ so that it can reproduce your audio in near real time.
  • Member
    edited January 2018
    Okay, RTFM. The  manual says the following; "The MON feature allows for monitoring of the processed audio prior to the final brick wall filtering and ALC limiting, compression and equalization, allowing the operator to listen to the transmitted audio in “real time” with minimal latency or delay. However, since the monitor audio bypasses the signal processing stages, the audio heard in the monitor is not the same as what is being transmitted and therefore is not suitable for determining the over the air quality of your transmitted signal."
    So I guess that answers my question and finger trouble. Rather odd though that you can't monitor the TX Audio. Silly Monitor is it not able to monitor the EQ'ed Audio, very strange, assuming I am understanding what is quoted from the Manual
  • Member
    edited January 2018
    Just read further down the page in the Manual, seems like you have to use the Recorder to monitor your actual TX Audio, rather ridiculous, one would expect much more from a Flex
    Don't get me wrong I love my Flex :)
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited January 2018
    The issue is physics and as good as our programmers are, they can't violate the laws of physics.  In DSP, a filter is composed of taps.  It takes time for a signal to propagate through the filter.  More taps mean more time.  The EQ has 8 filters that the signal has to propagate through and there is the final TX filter involved in signal propagation.  The other DSP functions, PROC and DE also take time for the signal to propagate through them too, but it is the filters that are mostly responsible for the signal propagation delay.

    Listening to yourself while talking, even with a slight delay drives tour brain nuts and it tries to compensate by delaying your speech, which exacerbates the effect. So we tap the audio before these process that incurs signal propagation delay so you can hear yourself in very real near time and not freak out your brain.

    Also in the manual is a procedure for setting your audio using the FDX capabilities of the radio.  That works very well.  **** you can also listen to yourself in a 2nd receiver if the filters can be set wide enough to hear the full range of your audio.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Actually it is best to record your voice to actually hear the impacts of the EQ alone. If you monitor your voice live you have the unconscious tendency to adjust voice to make it sound normal. A bio-feedback mechanism you can not control. So not ridiculous.

    Paul K3SF
  • Member
    edited January 2018
    Roger that Tim. I guess it was just a matter of not reading the Manual, which I guess many of us are guilty of. Anyhow, I still love my Flex, and am looking the the 6400M when it comes out, should be a great radio. Will it use software other than SmatSDR. Software specific to the 6400 series ? ?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Yes, one thing you never want to do is adjust audio while listening to your voice at the same time, It never works. So as we see their are correct ways to hear your audio that have been explained.
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited January 2018
    All FLEX-6000s will use the same SmartSDR software.  There will be a minimum version for the new radios, which will be v2.1
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    One of the difficulties in being able to listen to your processed audio live, as Tim said, is the slight latency (delay) caused by the processing, EQ, and filtering routines themselves.  They are small, but when you listen live, the actually fall into that time frame that can scramble your brain while you talk, causing you to sound like an idiot -- not able to put two words together.  (The "idiot effect" if very real, and I have spent a lot of time learning how to overcome it.)

    Another barrier to hearing what you REALLY sound like is that even when using headphones, you will hear part of your voice audio through the headphones, and part of your voice through the **** conduction inside your head.  Unless you are well trained and well practiced at this, you will not really hear and be able to evaluate what you really sound like.  (Have you ever heard people listen to their own voice on a recording and day "Do I really sound like that?")

    As the one who recorded the three audio tutorials, I have spent a lot of time with this style of audio monitoring and have trained myself to ignore the words on my delayed full duplex receiver and only pay attention to the sound of my voice.  I haven't met a lot of people who can pull this off successfully.  But in any case, I only do it during times of experimentation while I am setting up a new Mic or editing a new Mic Profile.  When I am finished, I only use the built-in MON button to verify that my voice is being transmitted, or to listen to DAX audio transmitted by my digital voice keyer in my logging program.

    If you don't want to go to the trouble of using the Full Duplex technique, then hit the record button while transmitting, and then play it back for analysis. 

    The caveat is that for both the full duplex or the local recording, your receiver filter must be set to the bandwidth and shift that you intended station will be using, otherwise you won't really hear yourself the way the other station hears you.  

    Frankly, myself, I listen first with a wider receive filter, and then make it more narrow so I can evaluate it both ways.  
  • Member
    edited June 2020
    MAny thanks to all for the responses, and please accept my apologies for wasting everyone's time :). I should have read the Manual :)

    KInd regards Dave
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    No problem, Dave.  Even when reading the manual there is a lot to absorb on these great rigs.  But the more you learn, the more fun you have!

    See you on the bands!  

    Ken - NM9P
  • Member
    edited January 2018
    Roger that
  • Member
    edited March 2020
    the eq's work normally.... if you use the multi flex option the eq's stop working.

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