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Free Ham Radio Class Videos

Gary Wise
Gary Wise Member ✭✭
edited March 2018 in New Ideas
Dear Friends,

Most of you won't need these, but you might have friends or newcomers to the hobby that could benefit from an additional resource in studying for the Ham Radio licensing exams.

My friend, Dave Ivey, KE4EA, and I (Gary Wise, W4EEY) have been teaching Ham Radio classes in Greer, SC for the past two years.  This year we decided to video record the classes and host the videos on the Internet. We have all of our classes for the Technician and General Class up on YouTube now.  A link to the channel is here:


We will start new Technician and Amateur Extra classes in January 2018 and our plan is to record and post these as well.

We use the ARRL Licensing Manuals as a basis for the classes.

The classes and the videos are free.

The first videos were pretty basic - but we've made improvements along the way and hope to continue making improvements in the future.

I must say that remotely connecting to my Flex 6500 and letting students see and hear the signals we discuss has been a game changer. It really adds a new level of excitement.

Thanks for letting me share.

Vy 73,

Gary W4EEY


  • N2TU
    N2TU Company Adviser ✭✭
    edited March 2018

    Great idea...using the Flex remotely....and thanks for the links...



    Lou N2TU

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