SmartSDR v3.8.21 and the SmartSDR v3.8.21 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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Let's please get Version 1.xx fixed first then continue on Version 2.****
It seems to me that the fixes for V1.10xx should have
been completed well before continuing on with a beta release of V2.****. I would really like to have the updates that fix Version which should have already been completed and released. Why are these updates coming out after Version 2.**** is released? This makes no since. It appears to me that Flex is still having issues with unfixed problems in V1.10xxx and these same problems continue to be issues in V2.****. With the amount of time it is taking to get V2.xx released I feel they have lost programmers that fully understood the original code which has now grown to millions of lines. New programmers will take a very very long time to catch up and may never understand the code written years ago for V1.xx. This is why I think the new software is taking so very long to complete. I am 73 years old and have programmed many applications since 1978. The thing I hated about programming was you are caught in a continuing loop of updates and improvements. I have found it is very difficult to divorce myself from a project and expect others to pick it up quickly. It just does not happen. I no longer write code. I rather work with hardware where there is a completion point. Just some of my thoughts... Best of luck to Flex on getting this completed. The frustration has been the very long wait...
Have you ever noticed how car manufacturers still fix problems with older cars while continuing to make newer models?
Does Microsoft wait until every single bug is solved in an older version of Windows before releasing a new version of Windows? Of course not. They continue to release patches for 8.1 even though 10 has been out for some time.
They do this because a company cannot grow if they stop development of new products. If FRS spent all their time fixing v1.10.160 instead of new development then their revenue would dry up fast. Then there would be no more company to fix v1 or release v2.1 -
If you have not heard, we are planning on releasing a 1.11 bug fix release after SmartSDR v2.0 is released. We will be incorporating the bug fixes and several performance enhancements that we developed while working on SmartSDR v2.0.5 -
I have heard!! As a programmer I do not understand why you do not release the fixes to V1.**** first. They must have been incorporated into V2.x. Could you reply as to whether V2.0 is clean fresh programing from the start up or is it being built on top of and added to V1.****?
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Adding to Tim's comments, v1.11 will be built on the v2.0 code base and not on the v1.10 code base. That way it inherits the fixes and performance enhancements without adding significant time to the process. We are not giving a date for v.11 - only it will be after we have broad field experience with v2.0.1
David, The engineering team categorically stated that it would take a lot longer to go back and do bug fixes in v1.10 code base than to build on the v2.0 code base even though v2.0 was originally built on the v1.10 code base. That is the official answer.1
Thanks for the reply...!!!
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Undockable windows on 1.11? ;-)0
Salvador, undockable windows that was demonstrated at Hamvention in May was revealed it will be a new feature in v.2.0. We have also been told that v1.x.x is feature locked (no new features) and will be just maintenance releases. So it is safe to say not to expect undockable windows in any v1.x.x maintenance release. It's been a desirable feature request for many and one of many reasons why I will be buying v2.0.0
Salvador - no new features in 1.x0
It was an attempt at humor... That is why I put the0
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