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SP30AP Audiophile and Flex 6000 Series

Hello there!!
When I bought my 6300 (Recall I was at Vegas 2014) ....I never thought I was going to dig so deep in my radio hobby....
Before ham amateur life was simple (boring) power supply, cables, any antenna and a lot of noise from my Kenwood TS480 ......I never was worried about RF...spurials or out phases waves....I didn't even note those "things" existed...haha
Now my life is full of new challenges every day....looking for minimal RF interference (thinking about RG400/u Jumpers) spurial (utopic) ...Quiet station (following advises from KY6LA), although I know I broke one rule and bought (02) two IOTA switching power supply....
Today comes to my mind when I asked to this community about speakers, many of you helped me!!! recommended Bose Companion Speakers....they have been wonderful...good sound and stereo...I don’t know yet if I really understood SDR stereo audio....sound is good....recently I bought a Dual in-line Noise Eliminating Module by BHi Uk (still trying to figurate out)....
So finally, I wondered… I need to get a new and more professional speakers?
Began to look around and found Palstar new SP30AP Audiophile….it’s no big….perfect for my shack… expensive 350$ plus shipping. Reviews about Palstar speakers are good to Excellent, some of those says “hear things and never heard before”…..mmmm?????
So, here are my Open questions: Does Anyone have experience with Palstar Speakers? would Flex 6300 (6600 on future) work good with only one speaker? I understand Palstar is not powered speaker, audio power from flex will be enough to “move” it?
All answers and advises are very welcome
Best Reagard, and 73's
George, YV5WZ / PY3ZZZ
Personally, for better audio, I went the route of getting some AKG studio quality headphones. I also use the Bose over the ear noise canceling headphones too, as they are dual purpose (XYL filter) ;-)3
I would certainly stick with the Bose at the moment, because there is only so much we can squeeze out of Ham radio audio. Unless of course you are looking for new toys - which is always a valid reason to buy something new!
I do believe you will need an amplifier for the Flex audio out.
I've thought about installing a tube amp for my system, sort of a old school addition to a modern SDR radio. Right now I'm using Monsoon's, who are out of business.1 -
I even got the XYL to buy me noise cancelling headphones as a present. 8^)0
I have a couple of Palstar SP30H speakers. They are not powered speakers as the FLEX 6xxx radios require. The SP30H are the finest sounding HAM speakers I have ever heard. I use them on other than the FLEX.
On my FLEX 6500 I use a set of JBL Control 2P 35 watt speakers. They are very good. Got them on AMAZON, also at Guitar City and other places.
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I have used a pair of KRK Rockit 5" powered studio monitors for several years now. Great sound and studio quality connectors for balance and unbalanced inputs. I usually feed them through a Scarlet 2i2 audio interface via SmartSDR. They retail for around $300 a pair, but can be found around $250 to $275 online. They could be connected directly to the Flex with the appropriate adapters. Studio monitors can be the way if you are looking for accuracy. You just have to do your research though. As far as PC speakers go the Audioengine A2+ series usually gets good reviews at around $250 a pair.
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Amazon LP-202 amp and Covo-S speakers - total price $70.
Since I do not listen to anything above 5 KHz - they sound just great, Save on desk space too.
For serious computer music, I use a Bose Computer MusicMonitor - just love the wireless remote volume control. You could certainly use them for the Flex but for my ears, a complete overkill.
As usual - your ears may vary !
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Thank you Tim....appreciate your advise.....
would like to have "the needed for XYL filter" .....:-(
Back to bussiness...
I have one headset ( Heil Sound Pro 7) and one headphones (Sennheiser HD405).....
I guess they are doing good....however....I'm already taking a look on AKG web site...
Would you keep working with Bose Speaker and save the money?
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Hi Kent, I have posted elsewhere on this but I have the same speakers and was wondering if you're getting any 60 cycle hum in yours? Also what audio cable are you using? 730
Careful Tim, the XYL is here with me in the RV, I had to minimize the page quickly!
Cliff, F/G4PZK
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Thank you Walt!!!
I'm certainly agree with your point of view
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I apologize for my curiosity.....which what kind of radio you use them?
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I think you mean the JBL Control 2P speakers are connected to the 6500 with just a standard 1/8"stereo to RCA connectors. I do have a RF choke on the audio cable and the power cable to the wall wart.
I use a SP30H on an ICOM9100. Works great for SSB HF, VHF, UHF and esp. DSTAR on VHF/UHF/HF. Have a second one that I have used on a ICOM 7300, even a KWM-2A.
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When considering audio equipment, you have to consider what it is that you're listening to. In the case of amateur radio, you need good fidelity, which also depends on the signal quality. You will be listening to single sideband or CW, both of which only require a good speaker to get the best sound reproduction.
In the case of music, you need superior quality with wide a wide range of highs and lows. Of course, a speaker capable of producing that quality is much more expensive. However, that doesn't necessarily make it a better speaker, just one that can reproduce a wider range. You may even need more than one speaker and multiple audio outputs to hear the entire range.
Here's an analogy: You can drive a Ferarri on any American freeway but you still are limited to 65 miles per hour. While the Chevrolet in the next lane costs much less, it's capable of achieving the maximum legal speed, therefore gets you there just as quickly. The biggest difference is that not as many girls will check you out on the way.
While stereo isn't totally necessary for our ham radio purposes, it's nice to be able to have the DX in one ear and everyone else in the other, maybe muted in volume, when working a pileup.
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Hey Steve.....
Thank you......Once you gave me an advise about CW key.....I took...and I have my Begali....
I cant go wrong with this new I will go for a Ferrari....
Thank you
George, YV5WZ / PY3ZZZ
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I have two Palstar SP30H speakers and a Yamaha A-U671 amplifier. I am very please with the speakers. I also use the Heil Pro 7 headset when listing with diversity.0
Use oxygen free pure organic non GMO gluten free natural speaker wire for best performance.1
Ross I guess you meant Oxygen free Cooper.....but ....I'd prefer a spicy T-**** Steak and a double 18 years whiskey
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