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Tracking QRM Filter

Mike VE3CKO Member ✭✭✭
edited February 2017 in New Ideas
The Tracking QRM Filter would operate similar to TNF but would filter base on the mode of the interfering station. For example lets say our VFO is 7153 LSB and someone on 7153 with a 3k wide signal obviously interfering. You set the frequency, mode the bandwidth of interfering station and let the math do it's stuff. Theoretically the TQRMF will analyze the signal and try to identify the mode automatically and filter out mode specific characteristics. For phone operation the algorithm would be able to track both the voice, cw or data from the interfering station as well as the station we are trying to listen and do the math subtracting the QRM in just our bandpass.

Don't know if this has already been suggested but something like this that works in SmartSDR would be a desirable feature for all operators and unique to all SDRs. Did I mention I patented the algorithm and expect a royalty :)

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