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cq wpx rtty this weekend! test your SO2R/SO2V capabilities

ctate243 Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in New Ideas
The CQ wpx RTTY contest is this weekend.  As you all may have started figuring out, ;-) the Flex 6000 series is a remarkable platform for rtty contesting and, as a mode that does not require your brain to decode, allows for you to test out your SO2R/SO2V chops on multiple bands simultaneously. 

Some things to keep in mind--
Your radio is a powerful tool, more powerful than many others. make sure if you are going to be a multi-op or host a guest op in the contest, review the rules carefully and pick the right entry category.  There are band change rules for the Multi-single/Multi-2 categories that could get you into trouble if you are not careful.  here is a link

Flex 6700 users with 2 antennas and proper isolation/separation can operate full duplex SO2R with the single radio.  Flex 6500/6300 can also get alot of the SO2R benefit, with say a tri-band antenna but without the full duplex and preselectors.  give it a shot and see how it goes, it may boost your score or get you a mult you may have otherwise missed!

Dont forget there are some good documents under the "how to" section
under the support section of the website, including the rtty setup guide and so2r setup guide, here is a link to the rtty doc.

I hope many of you take the time and leverage your flex 6000 series radio and get on the air this weekend rtty style!



  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Unfortunately, I have come down with the flu of some sort, making "**** in chair" time an unlikely option for me this weekend! Too bad, I was looking forward to a good showing in the RTTY contest.

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