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Great Signal at Venezuela from Flex 6700

YV5WZ Member ✭✭
edited May 2020 in SmartSDR for Windows
I heard this signal last night from New Jersey, got surprised it was a Flex 6700....



  • Kevin
    Kevin Member
    edited July 2019
    That was Megawatt (erp) Ria!
  • Ria
    Ria Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Oh yes, it was me! And thanks for the multiplier! We are trying to revive this contest, and I've been trying to get the ladies in gear here. I've taught some of them how to use N1MM+ and some basic contesting 101. I also did a writeup in the last issue of YL Harmonics about the setup and antenna work here, and it featured my Flex along with the new amp. 

    Please do stop by and say hello anytime if you hear me on air.

    Ria, N2RJ
  • k3Tim
    k3Tim Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    Good signal into Venezuela!  I was trying to get the XYL to participate in this contest (using a 6500) but out of town family put the kibosh to it. Maybe next year.

  • Ria
    Ria Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    There are always other contests. Plus chasing the annual award... or other stuff. I do know NPOTA brought out a lot of YLs to activate. My friend Andrea K2EZ went to a number of parks. 
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited February 2017
    Any Time Ria....It was a pleasure to copy last night....Next time hope to got time to chat for awhile....good luck in contest.......  you were Boooooming yesterday....many people from south america were calling you

    By the way....QSL via bureau? or direct to home?

    Greetings & 73's

  • Ria
    Ria Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    If you want to send me a paper card that is fine, send it to my QRZ address (PO Box 73, Sussex NJ 07461). I will get one out in the mail to you tomorrow. Don't worry about putting return postage or SASE I will send it to you. 
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited February 2017
    Thank you!!....I appreciate it!!  :)
  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    Ria... it was great to talk to you here in Victoria, BC, Canada.  Keep up the effort to revive this contest!
    Don VE7ATJ
  • Ria
    Ria Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    Thanks, Don. That's the goal!

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