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Question to the audience

YV5WZ Member ✭✭
I'm just about to buy a new linear to change my one year old KPA500,  1st or 2nd week of February Bob has offered to me FA1.3K  without ATU....

My question:  Would you buy it or would you wait for Power Genius XL?

Anyone knows Power Genius price would be?
Anyone knows about waiting list for it?

I just dont want to be regret in future

Thank you





  • Oxford English
    Oxford English Member ✭✭
    edited July 2017
    As I understand it the Power genius does not have an ATU. I have an Expert with an ATU and it works well with my 6300.

  • K1DLM
    K1DLM Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    George - I have an Expert 1K-FA paired with my 6700, and it works great.  With the new Beta release, I just setup USB Cat port that allows the amp to automatically switch bands without using DDUtil.  Aside from the "yet to be defined" integration with SmartSDR, do you see any other benefit to the PowerGenius XL?


  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Thank you Tim

    I decide without ATU cause I just bought a SteppIr....I also have a 6300, how do you control your Expert? DDutil? how many cables you use to connect it? do you use ALC?


    YV5WZ / PY3ZZZ
  • Paul - GI4FZD
    Paul - GI4FZD Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    I have the 1.3k with atu, I imagine the genius is going to ba a lot more expensive.maybe more than double,.I could be wrong but maybe someone will post an approximate price. Cheers Paul
  • Oxford English
    Oxford English Member ✭✭
    edited July 2017
    Hi George,

    NO to ALC - definitely not!

    I just have a PTT cable from the Flex to the amp, no need for DDUtils.

    I am 99% 20 metres and that is where the amp stays. On the rare occasions I do go a different band a simple quick PTT and the amp changes band automatically.

  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Thank you Tim....I'm DDutil user,  and frequently band changer, 
    I know connection would be to PC, but I'm worried about my PC doesn't have  232 ports

  • Christoph HB9AJP
    Christoph HB9AJP Member
    edited January 2017
    George, you are a fan of FRS. So you will want to get the Genius - sooner or later. So - you rather wait!
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    I like your point of view....thanks
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Thank you Chris....
    However.......how much it is gonna cost? :-S
  • Mack
    Mack Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    The PowerGenius XL definately is superior. It will be legal limit, allow full SO2R, and be fully integrated into the SmartSDR GUI. You won't have to wait long for this superior amp. You'll simply need to plug it into the mains, run RF cables, and connect it to an ethernet switch. Everything else will be integrated and automatic. Plus it will work great with other manufacturers radios. 73, Mack W4AX Alpha Team
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Thank you Mack....
    just an additional question
    PowerGenius XL should be connected to PC trough RJ45 like Flex 6000 serie?

    Thank you

    YV5WZ / PY3ZZZ 
  • Mack
    Mack Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Yes, correct. It connects using RJ-45 CAT 5 or 6 cable to an ethernet switch. The computer and Flex radio would also connect via separate cables to the same switch.
  • Bill W2PKY
    Bill W2PKY Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Tim mentioned that 4O3A will sell an external ATU
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Thank you Bill....
    however with a SteppIR antenna...I guess I wont need ATU 


  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Mack I will have to have 2 ports for RJ45 on my PC?

    I apologize for my ignorance in this theme, appreciate your answer

  • K1DLM
    K1DLM Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    No.  The PowerGenius XL will be just another Ethernet device that's plugged into your router.  There is no physical connection to the PC.
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Thanks David.....my router is 50 feet away.....
    my flex is connected to my PC Ethernet port and Internet comes by WiFi

    What would you suggest?


  • K1DLM
    K1DLM Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    If you can't run a cable, then you would need to use some kind of a bridge device.  You could use a pair of Ethernet over Powerline transceivers, or purchase a Wi-Fi to Ethernet bridge.
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Thank You David
  • Bill Carnett
    Bill Carnett Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Waiting for PowerGenius is probably a good idea.  I feel out of date with all of these solid state guys above, but I have an ACOM 1500 - sure you do have to tune and wait for warm up but it goes all day silently and cool, 160 - 6....and you have to switch bands.  Still have a bias toward tubes suppose...completely unfounded, understood.  
    Good luck.
    73, Bil
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Thank You Bill

    I appreciate your comment 
    I like Acom.....I have never buy one....however I have a 3-4 years old Ameritron 811.....I enjoyed working with it.... 

    73 my friend

    YV5WZ / PY3ZZZ
  • K1DLM
    K1DLM Member ✭✭
    edited September 2017
    Bill - I have an Acom 2000A paired with my Kenwood rig.  It's a fantastic, robustly built, almost totally silent amp which I will likely never sell.  However, solid state is the future.  It's great to be able to use my Flex and Expert amp to get a new DX in the log without waiting for tubes to warm-up.  73, Dave, K1DLM
  • Paul M
    Paul M Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019

    First I love my 2K-FA and would have purchase the 1.3 if it had been out at the time, however I am not sure why you are buying another amp.  To go from 500W to 1000W you will get 3dB or 1/2 of a s-unit; barely perceivable at the other end.   I am not sure if others will agree but I would not buy the new amp and work on my antenna system.  You will get more out of improving an antenna system than the small increase in micro volts at the other end.   

  • Ria
    Ria Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    I own a 1.3K-FA, and this is what I think of it.

    Capable of legal limit (probably stretching the limit of acceptable IMD, however) but seems happier at 1KW. If you sustain legal limit for more than about 10 seconds continuous it will drop back to "mid." power level. However it works pretty well. This doesn't mean SSB or CW, but continuous modes like RTTY. RTTY you may have to drop back the power for continuous operation but this is more a thermal limitation than anything. I keep it at 1-1.2kw with no problems. And at 1kw I am plenty loud, beating out even some of the m/m big guns in pileups. Also, on RTTY it is actually better duty cycle than the 2K-FA which seems counterintuitive, but it seems to be many people's experience. The LDMOS is more modern technology than the 2K's conventional MRF151G mosfets. I have run a RTTY contest with it at 1.2kw without issue but I can't really run long transmissions. I expect power genius XL to be better in this regard. CW and SSB no problem. Power Genius XL has two devices in it so it can run better IMD and probably run cooler too, along with basically loafing at legal limit. 

    The 1.3K has SO2R but it is not "full" SO2R out of the box. You have to either use relays, or use a dedicated RX antenna, which actually is not a problem for me. SPE is going to introduce an additional switching unit for "full" SO2R. Power Genius XL has full SO2R meaning it can switch two inputs to two outputs seamlessly. 

    The 1.3K's price is actually not all that bad. I bought mine from a non-US dealer so I got a good deal due to the stronger USD plus mine doesn't have the 15dB gain limit due to the silly, outdated FCC gain rule. The drawback is that the foreign dealer has to do the warranty work so I pay shipping if it has a problem but so far so good. No price has been announced for Power Genius XL but I expect it to be priced higher. 

    It has a 4 port antenna switch built in which is actually a pretty good feature to have. Power Genius XL doesn't have that, and they instead direct you to buy the antenna genius switches separately. Not sure if I think this is bad or good, but I like the fact that I can switch 4 antennas out of the box. 

    It has the ATU option, and I have that in mine. However it is a very limited ATU. Think of the ATU your rig has built in. It can barely handle 3:1 SWR. It won't handle a wet shoelace in a tree. At that point I'd be looking for an external ATU anyway. Power Genius XL has no ATU but instead folds back power like what your transceiver does. It's not necessary to protect the finals because LDMOS devices are extremely rugged but it is necessary to protect the output filters and other components. 

    The fans are small and can be loud but I have heard louder tube amps on the bands, some guys sound like they are in a wind tunnel. I don't really hear it with my headphones on. 

    The 1.3K-FA is amazingly portable. 22lbs and even comes with a carrying case that can fit in carry on luggage on most aircraft. So it's the perfect DXpedition amp. FT4JA used a few of them. I believe TU5MH is using them now. 

    The 1.3K has two CAT interfaces and a control interface, and you need some cables to get it to work. Power Genius XL works with ethernet for just one cable. I like this a lot. It interfaces seamlessly with SmartSDR, which is a plus. The 1.3K-FA integrates with DDUtil and has its own control software which works ok. But I'd rather have the SmartSDR integration and ethernet. 

    So my advice is this - if money is no object, and you want legal limit RTTY and other high duty cycle modes and don't mind not having an ATU or built in antenna switch, go for the Power Genius XL. The comment about the price is based on speculation since they cannot offer an uncertified amp for sale. Since you are getting it without the ATU, I would wait until Flex announces pricing. They probably will have that by Dayton, after FCC approval. 

    If you want an amp now, and think the Power Genius XL is going to be out of your price range, and you want the antenna switch and option for an internal ATU, go with the SPE 1.3K-FA.
  • Ria
    Ria Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2017
    If you really want it to be direct connect to your PC, just get a small switch and connect the rig, amp and your PC to it. Actually you can just do this on the same connection from your router so everything is on the network and you can use Maestro, iPad etc. 

  • Bill Carnett
    Bill Carnett Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Yes, $$ (or whatever) spent in antenna is by far and away the best investment.  If you can't improve that, sometimes the amplifier helps you "blast" your way through :)  hi hi

  • Bill Carnett
    Bill Carnett Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    yep, that 2 minute warm up is the longest period you ever spend
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Thank you Paul....you make me think Smart :)
    Last week I bought a SteppIR antenna ...small one Two elements Yagi ( you know Condo Rules)....I hope Condo gets confortable with that 2 elements....to grow up to 3 elements......
    As my station can not grow better than 2 elements (by now)...I am thinking to put some spice (1000 W) on it ...

    Thanks again Paul


    YV5WZ / PY3ZZZ
  • Ria
    Ria Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2017
    SPE also has advertised a combiner unit they are planning so you can get two of them and combine them. Depending on how PG XL is priced I may go that route with two amps (maybe get one without ATU, used) or spring for the PG XL. But as I said, plenty of power for now. 
  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Hello Ria

    I'm your fan .....Didn't I tell you ?

    Thank you very much for your really objetive comment.....I really appreciate your time and your courtesy to share your knowledge and experience...thank you

    How do you handle your 1.3KFA,  do you use DDutil or did you connect it directly to Flex?

    I don't do RTTY....even I guess, dont recall how to do it  hahaha....but I do a lot of JT65....hardly I use 20-30 watts...so that issue dont bother me.....

    4 antennas or just one?.....sadly my condo just let me to have 2....one for VHF & UHF....and one for HF...it's Vertical Hustler 6BTV  which now will be subtitude by my new SteppIR 2 elements.....so guess its not a deal breaker...

    I requested 1.3KFa without ATU....my reasons were same as you told  handle 3:1 SWR its not a big deal...and with a SteppIR..I won´t need..

    about money...I wonder if is better to spend it ....buying a PowerGenius or...buying an Expert and taking the change to upgrade my 6300 to 6500... What do you think?...

    what I really like from PowerGenius is one cable to connect to Flex.....

    Ria Thank you again

    YV5WZ / PY3ZZZ

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