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Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
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Flex6300 dual channel usage with transverter and different band on the panadapter
Hi, i am new to my Flex6300 and got the transverter for 2m VHF+ (on XVTR). Running fine and now i wanted to use a panadapter on the 80m HF band (on Ant1), so i could use VHF+ and listen to HF. Trying that, the Flex does change the RX on both identically, so i do have either XVTR or Ant1. I am not able to get this divided (i've got different profiles for each band). Is there any setting i do not know which i have to set up? Thanks for any help

Sorry, not possible. Only one SCU in your rig, so only one antenna port may be selected.
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George are you saying you can do this with a 6700? I have the same problem 2 meters on one panadapter only allows 2 meters on a second panadapter on my 67000
Yes, it is possible with the 6700. You have to use a different antenna on the 2nd panadapter by first creating the panadapter, then assigning it to the different antenna, which connects it to the 2nd SCU) and then manually enter the HF frequency so that band persistance does not switch antenna ports around.0
I am not sure whether this answers my problem or not.
I have a hex beam on ant 1 and a 40m vertical on ant 2.
I want to have the hex on, say, 20m and the vertical on 40m.
This works fine except that receive insists on being the same for both slices. I can set TX as I wish and it will hold but RX is always the same for both. To try and clarify my objective is to have RX2 set for the 40m antenna and RX1 for the hex beam. Do I have it right?0 -
both slices use the same SCU (6300 only has 1)... when you change RX antenna it affects both slices as they used the same SCU. In the case of the 6700 & 6600 they both have two SCU's so what your trying to do would work on those rigs.
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Thanks, that is what I was afraid of. At least I can see what is going on on both bands and adjust to the appropriate RX.
I guess I will have to save up my pennies for a 6600.
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Thats one of the reasons i traded up to a 6600...
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