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Celebrate 5 years of DSTAR HF Voice Net in 2017
2011 was the year that the International DSTAR HF Testing Net started among HAMs that had the ICOM 9100 that had the ability to operate DSTAR voice on all HF bands. Over the following years, the ICOM 7100 came out with the same ability built-in. With a software update to the FLEX 6xxx series SDR radio and the ThumbDV, that ability was added to the Flex radios. Also MoenComm came out with a GMSK modem that could be added to any HF radio that had a 9600 baud packet port and addition of a DVDongle.
Many of us participated in the ARRL National Parks on the Air, NPOTA in 2016. That was a lot of fun for the activators and the chasers. This award is not as grand or as arduous to achieve in 2017.
Starting on Jan 1, 2017 you can receive a “DSTAR HF SUPERTROOPER Dirty Dozen + Award”
To receive this outstanding certificate, suitable for framing, you must, starting in 2017-
Make two way DSTAR HF VOICE simplex contacts with 12 other DSTAR HF voice station in 12 different 48 continental US states.
- Make at least one two way DSTAR HF VOICE simplex contact with a DSTAR HF VOICE station that is not in the continental 48 states of the USA.
- Make at least one two way DSTAR HF voice simplex contact on 5 different HF bands that the net normally meets on.
- Provide written proof (QSL CARD, Eqsl CARD), along with $3.00 US (check or cash) shipping costs for the certificate to Kent Hufford, KQ4KK, 807 Callaway Drive, Graniteville, SC 29829. Your cards will be returned with your certificate vis USPS.
On many net days, when the bands are good, you almost can work the 12 states and a Canadian station on 5 different bands. When bands gets better, we should make the Pacific and Europe again.
International DSTAR HF Testing Net – WINTER Schedule –
Use your ICOM 7100/9100, or modified HF radio with GMSK & DVdongle, or the FLEX 6000 series radios with software 1.5 or better and the ThumbDV.
Here is some video of DSTAR HF Voice simplex on a 7100
We routinely have two way communications coast to coast and North to South, South to Canada, Europe and Australia. We have had two way contacts to Japan. And have been heard in South Africa and Bulgaria.
We are on each band only for 5 min. or so as to spend less time, if the band is dead we move on earlier. You can go back to a good freq after the net. MONITOR REF030C to coordinate. WE may need to move early or if the freq is busy. We do not want to step on any AM or SSB activity.
We also use a web page to keep track of who and where we are at -
You also can check-in to this web site anytime 24/7 to find a DSTAR HF Ham to talk to.
We have a PRENET for 30 min. before the start of the scheduled time. This PRENET is for ‘FREE FORM” contacts. One should check the web site sign in and find a working freq to work on. When the net starts at the scheduled time, please join the net and follow the freqs.
Sat PM 7:00 E (2400Z)
Sunday AM 10:00 E (1500Z Sunday)(Spend more time on each open band, and start on 80m)
Sunday PM 7:00 E (2400Z)
Check USB/LSB on freq to make sure the freq is clear.
SUNDAY AM, we start with 80m and work towards 6 meters.
6 mtrs 50.210 DV for 2 mins
10 mtrs 28.570 DV for 5 mins
12 mtrs 24.938 DV for 5 mins
15 mtrs 21.380 DV for 5 mins
17 mtrs 18.148 DV for 5 mins
20 mtrs 14.335 DV for 5 mins
40 mtrs 7.285(or another open freq) DV for 5 mins
75 mtrs 3.880 DV for 5 mins.
NCS will check the freq ahead of time to make sure we don’t step on anyone 3KC up and DOWN.
"Digital voice is defined in the Commission’s rules based on content as voice (i.e. phone), not data, per Section 97.3(c)(5) of the Rules." Check out the most recent comments by the ARRL:
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