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Flex 6300 Panadaptor width

N5LB - Lionel
N5LB - Lionel Member
edited February 2017 in SmartSDR for Windows
The specs state that the maximum panadaptor width is 7Mhz.  If two slice receivers are open on screen will the maximum panadaptor width remain as 7 Mhz on each slice? 


  • James Whiteway
    edited July 2016
    Think of slices like the tuning indicator of a traditional radio. And the panadaptor like the entire dial. One shows where the radio is tuned. The other shows the range of frequencies you can tune. Two slices on the same panadapter would be like having two receivers on the same band. But, different frequencies. James WD5GWY
  • Steve-N5AC
    Steve-N5AC Community Manager admin
    edited February 2017
    Panadapters and slices are separate things.  Panadapters can have up to 7MHz displayed bandwidth on a FLEX-6300.  You may place one or two slices anywhere in the one or two panadapters displayed.  There are no limits beyond this.  

    If you tune the panadapter where the slice no longer sits anywhere in the panadapter, we will mute the slice, but leave it for you so that when you return it is where you left it.  You may also click the slice using the off-screen indicator in the panadapter and either quickly tune to it or close it if you want to do either of these things.
  • EA4GLI
    EA4GLI Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2016
    With two panadapters open at a max of 7 Mhz you can actually see 14 Mhz with a 6300. One thing I used to do with the 6300 was to have two Slice receivers, VFO A and VFO B, open on one panadapter and then a second panadapter in the 6m band with no Slice receivers. This way I was able to work split in one band and keep an EYE on 6m for openings.

  • N5LB - Lionel
    N5LB - Lionel Member
    edited August 2016
    Excellent! Thank you.

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