SmartSDR v3.8.21 and the SmartSDR v3.8.21 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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The "SDR" part of the Icom 7300 compared with Flex ?
Absolutely .. 17-meters deserves a fine French Bordeaux.3
Dan. Who said that just because this is the current topic of discussion in THIS thread that it is anyone's main concern or focus in the hobby? I am currently engaged in several concurrent conversations in this and other forums, some public, others private. None of them represent anything lose to an "ultimate concern" in my life. But they are, at least, temporarily interesting. Many of them are done while multitasking in my office or at home in my easy chair while watching tv or waiting for dinner. A few of them I only post to when I am in the "reading room" because it gives me something to do.... Sometimes sports car enthusiasts want to talk about cubic inch displacement, compression ratios, fuel mixtures, horsepower and transmission efficiency..... Sometimes they just want to drive their cars! The same goes for amateur radio nuts. The fact that we sometimes spend time doing one thing doesn't mean we do not like to, or are incapable of doing the other. Cheers! Ken - NM9P2
<< If you want to use both radios, buy a 6300 and 7300. Use them for 30 days. If you want to keep the 7300, we will refund you 100% of your purchase price. You want to keep the 6300, we will refund you 90% of your invoice price of the 7300. <<
Hmnn.. maybe some of the excess 7300's could be given away as contest prizes... First place gets a 7300 radio Second place gets two 7300 radios...O.K. O.K. people, it was a joke. I couldn't help myself...
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<< If you want to use both radios, buy a 6300 and 7300. Use them for 30 days. If you want to keep the 7300, we will refund you 100% of your purchase price. You want to keep the 6300, we will refund you 90% of your invoice price of the 7300. <<
Hmnn.. maybe some of the excess 7300's could be given away as contest prizes... First place gets a 7300 radio Second place gets two 7300 radios...O.K. O.K. people, it was a joke. I couldn't help myself...
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I think there are more out here that think exactly like you do, but don't bother to say anything. I think it's called the "silent majority"...
Ken - W3KWL
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Dan, ur 599 plus about 40 on my xyz, antenna is 7 phased 5 elem 20 meter beams, on one of my 12, 350 ft towers. By the way, I'm on my 500 foot daysailer over in the Mediterranean Sea running remote via a Maestro. Wait a minute please I need to ask our house setter to drive over to my remote ham shack and fire up the other 10 kw amp, and parallel it with one I'm running now. Waiter when will the $5000 bottle of wine arrive?
Seems I read a lot of that kind of stuff on a few reflectors.
Lew - N4CO
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@ Charles
Hi Charles. Just a quick follow up to back up your praise for the tx audio of the 7300. Please keep in mind that I have not had the rig on for the past 20 days due to work sched so I have not had the opportunity to hear yet what you have heard. I only had the opportunity to hear an early tester and an early user and they could of both had improper settings. Regardless, I initially did not hear anything remarkable.
I was listening to some ssb this evening and heard two 7300's out of a total of four that had imho audio that was probably in the top 10% of the best audio that I have heard before on the bands. Both were using amps and both were no more than 100 mi away so signal strength was not an issue. Of the two one said he was just using the supplied hand mic and for a stock radio (plus amp) and it's supplied hand mike... wow. Easy better than average and like you previously noted borderline high fidelity and that was for the ( for lack of better terms) contest mode setting. It would easily be a signal that would stand out in a crowd in a good way.
The other op was in rag chew mode I presume. I did not hear what his audio chain was but I know it included a 7300 and that was rich, clear, good low end and borderline high fidelity as well. What was very noticeable as well for both was a very clean sounding audio. Just the op's voice with a dead silence for the background.
The other two 7300 were low in signal strength and were both at 100w. Their audio was not poor but it did not stand out in a good way either. BTW I have heard very clean very clear audio from radios who's signal strength were almost at the noise floor and I am sure you have as well but those two examples were not like that. I am not certain why.
For the two stronger signals, just like you said very impressive and there is no doubt in my mind you have a far better understanding than I of what it takes to make that happen. Plus it sounds as if you may hang out now and then with the essb gurus which I have zero experience with.
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@ Ken
Yes sir and thank you for the additional help. In my previous post I was gonna point out that I have not attempted your full duplex technique yet but it is on the to do list. I tried listening on a separate receiver but I was not hearing finer adjustments so I concentrated on your panfall tips and received two very positive reports for two completely different settings 1. rag and 2. dx/contest . I was very pleased with the reports because in a way I was making settings w/o having any idea of how they actually sounded. I could only see the results, but following your advice I received two positive reviews. I will now try to fine tune both ( where applicable) with your full duplex technique and eq pointers.
Finally, I have never thought about it that way but indeed any distortion or excessive width outside of the tx bandwidth is simply wasted energy.
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@ Dan
I hear your passion but one's passion does not make another's invalid, insipid, vacuous nor inane. What's next ? Are you gonna call others nerds ?
It is a big hobby with lots of room for lots of passions. I could easily take a swipe at your passions but it would not make me a better man.0 -
I saw this post and now that I own both an Icom 7300 AND a Flex-6500, I will be able to evaluate both radios and provide my opinions.
As I am a Product Manager/Product Owner professionally in the Silicon Valley with a technical background, I do not look at a product strictly from one perspective. I do not look at a Product strictly on it's technical merits. I do not look at it from strictly from the user experience or user interface. I do not look at a product strictly from a business viability. I look at the entire product end to end and each product attribute should be weighted and the weighting is subjective. There are so many parameters to consider. I also beta test as a hobby through an organization that allows me to test and evaluate products both hardware and software. I have done this for many years.
Here is a short list of what I look at when I evaluate a product:
User experience/User Interface-Hardware and Software
Technical capability
Reliability, Factory Service and Support
Feature expansion capability
Cost, resale, availablity
3rd party product support
Product lifecycle
User community Support
I will use both radios. I will provide my opinions on the Pros and Cons of each radio. I may have been a Flex owner for many years, but it is will give both radios an honest evaluation.
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I am anxious to hear your opinion. Thanks for doing this.
Bob, WK2Y
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