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Expert 2K-FA setup with DDUtil - autodrive problem

Les Brown
Les Brown Member ✭✭
edited December 2017 in FLEX-6000 Signature Series
I am interfacing my Flex-6500 to an Expert 2K-FA. I am using DDUtil v3.2.3, SmartSDR 1.6.21, SDR-Bridge with CW Skimmer, and N1MM+ logger. I have much of it working but I'm having a few issues. I have the following COM ports set up: SmartSDR using COM4/14, USB interface with 2K-FA using COM 5 (for the Term_2K_USB control of amp from PC), a serial port to USB adapter between the amp and PC using COM6, N1MM+ using COM7, and a FlexControl using COM99. The amp follows the frequency and band changes ok and switches antennas as programmed. However, the problem is controlling the drive power. First of all, I set ACC TX to enabled in SmartSDR radio setup to activate the PTT. In DDUtil, I have configured AutoDrive for 12w on 40m for amplifier and 8w for barefoot. If I toggle the OPER button in DDUtil, the power level changes correctly in SmartSDR. The problem is that there is no link between the OPER button in DDUtil and the OPERATE button on the 2K-FA. It doesn't matter if I select Amp Follows DDU PTT or DDUtil Follows Amp PTT. When I set the 2K-FA to OPERATE, it overrides the power settings in DDUtil and sets the SmartSDR power to 20w for low output, 40w for mid output and 60w for high output. What am I doing wrong???


  • Oxford English
    Oxford English Member ✭✭
    edited December 2017
    I have a feeling that you can also set the drive levels on the SPE itself, could be that?

  • Sergey R5AU
    Sergey R5AU Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    Les, you should use DDUtil instead of Term_2K_USB:
    all works fine

    DDutil operate with Radio via Ethernet
    However with AMP with RS232
  • Sergey R5AU
    Sergey R5AU Member ✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Just reply with correct pics with freq and more details, I have just other COM ports numbers in the system :
  • Les Brown
    Les Brown Member ✭✭
    edited April 2016
    Here is more detail on my DDUtil setup that I didn't mention. I am confused about some of the proper port settings. In the ports tab, I have selected COM6 for RCP1. This is the port between the PC and 2K-FA using the USB to serial adapter. I'm not clear on what port to set in the Amps tab for SPE and what it does. I tried to set up a port pair COM9/109 in SmartSDR CAT and use that, but it doesn't seem to do anything. A small SPE window appears with several buttons, but they don't do anything.
  • KY6LA_Howard
    KY6LA_Howard Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2016
    No. You set drive in DDUTIL
  • Les Brown
    Les Brown Member ✭✭
    edited April 2016

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