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Tim Allen: Last Man Standing - Featuring Ham Radio on the Sihow
Don Hamrick
Whenever I search Google for something I more often get side tracked finding very interesting things that I did not intend to find. So it is that I find the August 12, 2013 video promotion of Tim Allen's show, Last Man Standing, with John Amodeo, Producer of the show at the Dayton Hamvention 2013 to discuss how amatuer radio is being brought to primetime network television.
Video footage courtesy of Twentieth Century FOX Television.
See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OkrTdnV518 (Ham Nation)
I never knew about the ham radio aspect of Last Man Standing. I never paid much attention to the show. Well, my loss. I will have what the reruns on YouTube.
Don / KI5SS.
Quite often you will see his shack in the background on the desk at the office or at home.
If you can find Season 3 Episode 9 "Thanksgiving" 2013 he was actually talking on the air as well. If you can't find it and are interested I can help.
For example. Season 4 episode 150 -
I can't find Season 2, Episode 17 (at least that what I presume by Episode 217 from the promotional video I presented). If you can find the link to Season 4, Episode 15, I would be thankful.
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Don, with due respect, this is a forum for support of Flex SDR products and related applications. Yes, we do sometimes stray from that ideal, but you may want to think twice before postings like this. While certainly not offensive or "bad" in any way, it might get under the skin of some users looking for technical support or product information. There are a great many fora out there that reflect the great diversity of ham radio interests - perhaps your content would be more welcome there?
Please feel free to stay active on the Community and share your adventures with your 1500, PowerSDR, and the rich world of SDR hamming. Look forward to catching you on the air, perhaps on the Flex Net some Sunday (1300 Central time, 14329).
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FIRST OF ALL! The First Amendment was never intended to protect anyone from being offended from free speech, whether spoken, written, or transmitted over the air when the content, as you say, is "certainly not offensive or "bad" in any way." My posted videos not violate Tort Law in any way. My postings and videos do not libel or slander anyone.
It is clear that you are trying to exclude me from an online Flex Radio bulletin board because I posted humorous Amateur Radio videos of how Amateur Radio is a part of society as reflected in TV shows and YouTube videos. That's free speech and freedom of association rolled into the First Amendment. Wow! Isn't that amazing! Protection for talking and walking in the United States.
As to your comment, "it might get under the skin of some users looking for technical support or product information." There is too much of this "might get under the skin" protection for the "what ifs" in this world as in what it if offends someone. This flipping the First Amendment from protecting free speech and freedom of association (take your comment: "There are a great many fora out there that reflect the great diversity of ham radio interests - perhaps your content would be more welcome there?") is an invasive cancer of separatism under the disquise of deversity. Separatism is a belief in, movement for, or state of separation (as schism, secession, or segregation). It is your perceived idea of separatism in Amateur Radio that offends me.
Hey! I am 60 years old. I have had an extensive maritime life, 7 years in the U.S. Coast Guard as a radioman and 19 years as a merchant **** who traveled all over the world. I have an Extra Class license, KI5SS. I have been away from ham radio for about 20 years. In my return to ham radio I have had to learn new technology, i.e., FlexRadio 1500 PowerSDR (Software Designed Radio). SDR did not exist in my Coast Guard years in the '70s. Back then it is Morse Code or RTTY. Satellite technology was just starting to reach the U.S. Coast Guard when I left in 1981.
I have been relearning what I have long forgotten and learning new technology that did not exist 30 years ago. Too much studying or too much of anything starts to numb the brain or starts to become irritating. When things become out of balance life becomes irritable. So, I use family-type values to find parody videos on any given subject to provide stress relief for myself and others who find the funny videos worth watching and have NO OBJECTIONS TO THE VIDEOS after watching them. I suspect these satisfied viewers are the normal people in society; But then you have people in society who are not happy with anything and let anything get under their skin.
You living in fear of offending others is not what the First Amendment intended for us. Relax man! Loosen up. Don't become a bully, a bureaucrat, or an aristocrat stifling us with social protocols like, "You don't belong here. Go some where else." That's the implied message you convey.
With all due respect? You can kiss my ****. My posting of said videos were within the content of Amateur Radio. The videos were educational and fun. They were not offensive. Nothing about the videos were offensive to the public morals or FLEX Radio's common sense, BUT YOURS!
DISCLAIMER: I am not a fanatic about posting videos on this community bulletin boards. I don't do it everyday. I don't do it every week. So, that should ease your fears. Otherwise, "Are you serious?" Is this your big problem?
Don Hamrick / KI5SS
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Don, you need thick skin here, it seems. He does not speak for anyone other than himself, it was his opinion. I would have just let it go. If there is a problem with what you are doing I'm sure Tim would have mentioned something to you.
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Are you friend or foe?
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Your remark "If there is a problem with what you are doing I'm sure Tim would have mentioned something to you" is antagonizingly pretentious and insulting.
HEY, I just want to enjoy amateur radio without all this political correctness infecting the world. Is that Okay with you? Or must I suffer this "piling on?"
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Neither. I deleted my post because this topic is out of control, unrelated to the purpose for this site, and I'd like to have nothing further to do with this topic.0
Don, your return to ham radio mirrors mine, except I was away from it for about 30 years. The changes have been dramatic and all the learning gets in the way of being on the air, but the learning is fun too.
73 de Guy G4DWV/4X1LT
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My posts on Tim Allen:Last Man Standing" is out of control? That is not an object observation. Because of this controversy on these bulletin boards KA6LMS and Lawrence Kellar both made an amateur radio contacts with the Tim Allen show, Last Man Standing. I would have to saw that is related to FlexRadio.com's purpose.0
That is exactly what I am finding true!
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