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CAT doesn't work after Windows update



  • Walt - KZ1F
    Walt - KZ1F Member ✭✭
    edited November 2016
    Excellent point Alex.
  • Michael Coslo
    Michael Coslo Member ✭✭
    edited May 2016
    That's a variation on the If you have  a problem its your fault theme.

    Its  a non starter too, because it says no one should buy a new computer with W10 on it.

  • George KF2T
    George KF2T Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Trying again, with a little encouragement from Don, worked! Excellent quality and performance - will write up the procedure shortly. It's not DAX, but it's darn close.
  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Michael, it's not your fault, it's MS's fault. When I decided to buy a Flex-6500 I knew SmartSDR was in development and I love to participate in that. But I don't want to participate in Win10 devopment, as I demand a working, bugfree and reliable OS.

    Anyway, most of us who buy a new pc have an old Windows7 DVD left over from the old one or could buy a licence cheap on the bight. That should be no problem.

    You could get a new pc with Win10 on it and it works until the next update or you can upgrade your existing Win7 or 8 to 10 and reinstall a lot of drivers - if they work at all.

    I have Win10 running on an exchangeable HDD and have encountered a lot of problems. Until these are solved, no upgrade for my main server and 5 notebooks...
  • Walt - KZ1F
    Walt - KZ1F Member ✭✭
    edited November 2016
    I don't follow your point Michael. It is not the users fault win 10 is unstable. Nor is it the users fault the the issue of instability is really software drivers FRS wrote. However, it is the user's fault if they upgraded to an OS before the vendor declared it GA. Alex, Dell stopped shipping is install media a long time ago. This is why I stopped using Windows at home 15 years ago...except for requiring it for TurboTax a couple of days per year. That FRS ships an otherwise excellent radio that requires Windows is...well...
  • Jim Gilliam
    Jim Gilliam Member ✭✭
    edited December 2015

    I have never had any trouble with a Windows update IF and that is a big IF I uninstall and I mean COMPLETELY uninstall SmartSDR. I have said this and will continue to say this, it would be nice if I didn't have to go through the 10 point procedure of uninstalling SmartSDR. Is it possible Flex could come up with a program to do a complete uninstall while Windows is playing its game with updates?

    Jim, K6QE

  • Michael Coslo
    Michael Coslo Member ✭✭
    edited May 2016
    Okay Walt - Are you seriously saying that  you should not upgrade until all the software on your computer gets a green light? 

    Don't answer that - I know. Over the many years I have worked with and supported Windows, and having most every of the many problems be the users fault - I had moved to Operating systems where I am not at fault for every problem. 

    I suspect that's why the suits called on me instead of the regular IT guys. I didn't blame them when they had a problem.

    Then I wanted this radio, and got back into the Windows world. 

    It has not changed a bit. Many problems, and all my fault.

  • Jim Gilliam
    Jim Gilliam Member ✭✭
    edited December 2015
    I upgrade Windows regulailyry, but before I do, I completely uninstall any vestiges of SmartSDR. Then the reinstall goes as smooth as silk. Unfortunately, this routine of uninstalling SmartSDR gets old.
  • Michael Coslo
    Michael Coslo Member ✭✭
    edited May 2016
    Yup Jim - that is what I do. When I update or have a problem with any program that goes wonky on me that I have to uninstall, I first run Revo uninstaller first, then give another check with Cleaner to see if Revo missed anything, then reinstall the program in question. Not many problems that way. 

    Not that I consider that an acceptable situation however. Well, then again since I'm doing it, I guess I'm accepting it 8^)
  • Jim Gilliam
    Jim Gilliam Member ✭✭
    edited May 2016

    That's very interesting. I use the manual method recommended by Tim. I will have to give Revo a try and see how well it works. Thanks for the info.


  • W7NGA
    W7NGA Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    geez .. I don't do the 10-step program. I uninstall, and re-install and it takes 5 minutes out of my life. I boot up .. everything works. I keep running into hams that find this such an inconvenience. Most likely the same ones I see on their QRZ.com page saying they refuse to QSL because of the increasing costs of paper and postage. You then look at the photo of their shack and it looks like Ham Radio Outlet! Every new doodad you can imagine .. so it isn't really about the money.
  • Jim Gilliam
    Jim Gilliam Member ✭✭
    edited December 2015

    I performed the uninstall as you mentioned and still had the DAX problem. I had to complete the "Tim method" before the DAX problem would go away. You were lucky, I think.


  • W7NGA
    W7NGA Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I listen to hams haranguing and pontificating about absolute nothing of import for twenty or more minutes on 75, 40, 20, 17, and 15 meters, so it isn't as if they can't spare the few moments of their lives to click their mouse a few times. It's a system ... a symbiosis of abstractions, and we signed up for this when we bought a SDR. It takes about as much time as it does for me to dip/load the plate on my Collins 32V3.
  • Michael Coslo
    Michael Coslo Member ✭✭
    edited May 2016
    The free version should do all you need, Jim. Choose the most extensive post uninstall search for related files. You'll be amazed at how many hidden files some programs have.

  • Michael Coslo
    Michael Coslo Member ✭✭
    edited May 2016
    To me, it isn't that it is so terribly inconvenient - it's just bad form. I probably have more annoyance than many because for the couple years I was Windows free, it was like a vacation from the acceptance of this stuff as somehow normal. 

    If you haven't had a problem - that's great. I've had a lot fewer than many, I have switched badl to W7 for most of my Flex Radio operations. But I have a hard time blaming the victims whose crime was using the operating system they bought their computers for.

  • Walt - KZ1F
    Walt - KZ1F Member ✭✭
    edited November 2016
    That's true. I maintain Windows was a poor choice of sole platform. What is very interesting yet a different thread entirely is the IC-7300 pure SDR no Microsoft, no computer. I've forgotten how to dip/load my TS-530SP.
  • Burt Fisher
    Burt Fisher Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    W7NGA you are totally right about the QSLs. They are above QSLing. I QSL only to all cards received.
  • Jim Gilliam
    Jim Gilliam Member ✭✭
    edited December 2015

    It will be interesting to see if the 7300 is "remotable" as is the 7800 as it is a standalone radio acting as its own server in which case a client computer for remote operation is needed. I have been using their remote software on my 7800 for quite some time now but it is no comparison to the 6000 series. It will be interesting it they will be able to stream the panoramic display. If not is will be like comparing apples and oranges.

    Jim, k6QE

  • Jim Gilliam
    Jim Gilliam Member ✭✭
    edited December 2015

    You are absolutely right! We are all a bunch of hippy senior citizens who never worked a day in our lives, hate and **** at everything because our mother's never made us take out the trash or make our beds. We will try to emulate your impunity.

  • Michael Coslo
    Michael Coslo Member ✭✭
    edited May 2016
    Yes, there are Hams who sit and chat.

    I also teach Hams who are emergency communicators.

    Now while if some ham misses his Sunday night Ragchew, perhaps no big issue.

    But if I walk into an EC after a tornado, and an update has hosed the radio, that might be a little different than for those haranguing and pontificating hams.  Almost like never knowing if an ambulance or fire truck is going to start. And then its the fault of the ambulance driver.

    There are many people using Ham radio with different approaches. To have the idea that it is acceptable for my radio to not work and if it doesn't work because of an update it is my fault  is beyond my comprehension. 

    Kinda sad, really.

  • W7NGA
    W7NGA Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    My point is that there will be startup pains and the efforts to deal with them are not beyond reasonable. If this is not acceptable, as in emergency operations, an alternative non-configurable system should probably be considered. Or a Windows 7 solution if working thru Windows 10 issues are problematic. Perhaps the new Maestro is a good choice. Or a Collins KWM-2.
  • Michael Coslo
    Michael Coslo Member ✭✭
    edited May 2016
    This isn't really about old hams or young hams who think they have to use old obsolete operating systems. You might think  the old hams are being out of touch for having a Collins, but Windows 7 is just as obsolete in my book. 

    It isn't even about whose fault it is when someone has a problem. Blaming the victim never solves a thing. Regardless,  I don't need to buy a non-configurable radio or a Collins setup, because I have DogPark on the Mac which hasn't had a problem, and I do use Windows 7 on my Mac, which has many less problems than W10. But I very much prefer the SmartSDR interface, so it can be a little frustrating.  But W7 is still 2 versions behind, and the idea that a new Windows XP situation is brewing goes beyond the pale, in my admittedly uneducated opinion.

  • W7NGA
    W7NGA Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Lot's of options ... pick one. I have my Collins S-line sitting next to my 6500. 
    SSDR runs beautifully on my new Microsoft Surface Pro 4 with Windows 10 too. Life is good ... but as in life, you must also learn what dog not to poke.

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