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Serial Port Needed

I am in search of either a usb to serial or a PCI or PCIe serial card that supports all serial port pins and uses  12 volt on the pins. The reason for the request is I have a LDG 200PC tuner that I recently figured out why I was have issues with it.  Turns out the unit was designed to respond to -9 to +9 volts on the RTS line. Most newer serial ports do not support this voltage. Hooked it up to a old laptop with a single serial port and it work every time. I would like to get a port for my main computer Thanks Joe N7QPP


  • WX7Y
    WX7Y Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Look at Startech.com, they have several different varieties of PCI-e RS-232 cards for good prices, Also Black Box but there stuff is more expensive, and I think SIIG make these cards.

    You can also just build a level converter with a couple transistors a 7909L (-9V), 7809(+9VLV) voltage regulators, a AC wall wart, a  few electrolytic Cap's, a full wave bridge rectifier and perfboard one together.


  • Walt - KZ1F
    Walt - KZ1F Member ✭✭
    edited November 2016
    I bought on on Amazon. I think it was around $12 with, as I recall, a 5' cord.
  • Jon_KF2E
    Jon_KF2E Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    If you go the USB-Serial route and are using windows, I would stay away from converters using the Prolific chipset. There are many driver issues with these that aren't worth the aggravation. I always use converters based on the FTDI chipset. A little more money, but way more stable under windows.


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