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Waterfall and tile data #4

Walt - KZ1F
Member ✭✭
Here is my data:
Waterfall {streamId=0x42000000, bandwidth=0.016, centerFreq=18.0780006, size=1500,800}
WaterfallTile{FirstPixelFreq=18058301, BinBandwidth=11.0, LineDurationMS=80, _width=3360, _height=1, Timecode=5, AutoBlackLevel=11570, DateTime=Tue Jun 16 10:35:17 EDT 2015}
Waterfall {streamId=0x42000000, bandwidth=0.016, centerFreq=18.0780006, size=1500,800}
WaterfallTile{FirstPixelFreq=18058301, BinBandwidth=11.0, LineDurationMS=80, _width=3360, _height=1, Timecode=6, AutoBlackLevel=11570, DateTime=Tue Jun 16 10:35:17 EDT 2015}
Waterfall {streamId=0x42000000, bandwidth=0.016, centerFreq=18.0780006, size=1500,800}
WaterfallTile{FirstPixelFreq=18068150, BinBandwidth=5.0, LineDurationMS=80, _width=3360, _height=1, Timecode=7, AutoBlackLevel=12070, DateTime=Tue Jun 16 10:35:17 EDT 2015}
Waterfall {streamId=0x42000000, bandwidth=0.016, centerFreq=18.0780006, size=1500,800}
WaterfallTile{FirstPixelFreq=18068150, BinBandwidth=5.0, LineDurationMS=80, _width=3360, _height=1, Timecode=8, AutoBlackLevel=12070, DateTime=Tue Jun 16 10:35:18 EDT 2015}
Question 4) Where that last data packet to SSDR was LineDurationMS of 40, and timecode 4, yesterday I was getting durations of 80 as well as 40. In SSDR, do you vary the scroll speed to have a uniform 1 sec interval or, if the 40 vs 80 is common, do you double **** the 40 such that two of them would equal one 80ms duration? In otherwords normalize the line durations.
Thanks! I hope that makes sense. Apparently there were only 4 questions.
Waterfall {streamId=0x42000000, bandwidth=0.016, centerFreq=18.0780006, size=1500,800}
WaterfallTile{FirstPixelFreq=18058301, BinBandwidth=11.0, LineDurationMS=80, _width=3360, _height=1, Timecode=5, AutoBlackLevel=11570, DateTime=Tue Jun 16 10:35:17 EDT 2015}
Waterfall {streamId=0x42000000, bandwidth=0.016, centerFreq=18.0780006, size=1500,800}
WaterfallTile{FirstPixelFreq=18058301, BinBandwidth=11.0, LineDurationMS=80, _width=3360, _height=1, Timecode=6, AutoBlackLevel=11570, DateTime=Tue Jun 16 10:35:17 EDT 2015}
Waterfall {streamId=0x42000000, bandwidth=0.016, centerFreq=18.0780006, size=1500,800}
WaterfallTile{FirstPixelFreq=18068150, BinBandwidth=5.0, LineDurationMS=80, _width=3360, _height=1, Timecode=7, AutoBlackLevel=12070, DateTime=Tue Jun 16 10:35:17 EDT 2015}
Waterfall {streamId=0x42000000, bandwidth=0.016, centerFreq=18.0780006, size=1500,800}
WaterfallTile{FirstPixelFreq=18068150, BinBandwidth=5.0, LineDurationMS=80, _width=3360, _height=1, Timecode=8, AutoBlackLevel=12070, DateTime=Tue Jun 16 10:35:18 EDT 2015}
Question 4) Where that last data packet to SSDR was LineDurationMS of 40, and timecode 4, yesterday I was getting durations of 80 as well as 40. In SSDR, do you vary the scroll speed to have a uniform 1 sec interval or, if the 40 vs 80 is common, do you double **** the 40 such that two of them would equal one 80ms duration? In otherwords normalize the line durations.
Thanks! I hope that makes sense. Apparently there were only 4 questions.
Only 4 questions? Are you running for President? ;-)
So my memory on this is quite rusty as the discussion regarding the configuration of the Waterfall is now buried in the mists of time...
but what I remember is that the actual duration of a line is dependent on the frames per second setting on the pan adaptor AND the value of the line duration command you send on the panafall.
If you vary the waterfall duration on SmartSDR you will see that the vertical scale showing the time in the past changes. From this I am guessing that SSDR calculates how far in the past each line in their waterfall represents and scales accordingly.
This would suggest they are vertically interpolating which tiles to use based on the time scale.
Stu K6TU0 -
mist of time and JW Blue?
Now that is something I've never really done, played with the waterfall controls buried in the Display dialog buried in the retractable stackpane. But I certainly haven't been mucking with them in this series of tests. I am seeing variance between rows.
so the duration, and all the values I've mentioned earlier, are changing on their own with no external configuration changes.
Since you suggested I should run for President (that was the inference correct?) ;-) I can tell you this,
Well, nah, it might offend people and, as we all know, I am loathe to offend people, after all I need to get ready for the debates. Wouldn't it be ever so refreshing when a person was asked a question, especially the ridiculously **** ones, the response wasn't "Jane (or Jack or <fill in the blank> you ignorant sl?t, what sort of a nonsensical dumb Bull Sh?t question is that"? I would stand and applaud, as I be so would the audience. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to spare someone their feelings.
Did they raise the ante for what it takes to be an Elmer? ;-)
Ya know? I am still unsure that William didn't nail it just using the FFT data, as I explained in a previous thread, #1, as I recall. If you have a signal with a Y of 0, it's color is white. Conversely, if you have a signal who's strength is Ymax it's color is violet. For B&W, grey scale it (for each of RGB, 0-255, but each is identical).
Seriously, I don't see where he gave anything up.
Thanks Stu.0 -
Final comment as I have to go...
What he gave up is the quality (resolution in color space for the dynamic range). If you wander around a ham convention and you look at the FlexRadio panafall, its like HDTV compared to Standard Def. I don't watch SD anymore - its just not a good experience.
Using the full color space and dynamic range is what makes a FlexRadio a FlexRadio and not a IcomKenYocraft.
Up to the client writer whether they think this is effort well spent.
Stu K6TU
1 -
I'm going to like this even though I don't completely understand it. I think it is great that Stu donates his time to help developers here on the forum.
Jon...kf2e0 -
If you have a depth of 200 or 300 or 400, that represents a wide palette of color choices. Youtube does not do the Android experience justice. You add to that the Material scheme introduced in 5.x, killa.
0 -
Do you have any videos or images of your client work posted? Would love to see how you are coming along.
Stu K6TU0 -
I made a conscious decision to not do that. Yes, that will lead people to speculate. I am about 95% completely done with the core and I've started on the UI. I have part of that done. It's involved, several moving parts and part of it will **** everybody's mind, including Steve's. I just finished telling Howard I have dropped the working name and settled on the product name. I was going to say there is nothing, or very little, mine will do that SSDR can't do. There is a fair amount, it doesn't do. The top of the list thing SSDR, in it's current form, cannot do mine will is run on several disparate platforms with the same code base, Linux, Android, Mac, iPad (I am pretty sure but I don't have one of them to verify that claim), Raspberry Pi and, oh yes, Windows. In deference to Peter, where WIndows 10 isn't yet a GA product I can not say with certainly but, yeah, it'll do that too.
As for what it looks like? Look at SSDR, that is +/- what it will look like. The presentation you, Howard, and I were at that Steve did and I asked about L&F. That's why I asked it. Steve will get the first **** at whether or not it works for him (or them). How soon after that it is unveiled will be largely in part up to FRS.0 -
Wow! You have certainly set my expectations in the F2 layer - both professionally and from a ham radio point of view!
I'm blown away and look forward to using this on different platforms. If I understand this right, we will get a seamless user experience that on Windows feels like Windows, Android feels like Android, Mac feel like Mac...?
If so, you have certainly set the aspiration bar very high for everyone else!
Understand your concerns about not letting the cat out of the bag but can you at least give us all an idea of a tentative release schedule?
As a professional venture capitalist, I have to ask... have you thought about commercializing this technology and building a company around it? If you can do this around the FlexRadio, there are much (MUCH) larger markets that could benefit from the same approach. Seriously worth thinking about!
Stu K6TU
PS: Sorry but I must have missed the memo - L&F? Look and feel? On which platforms?0 -
Stu, 1) I think you've got the gist of it.
2) we should discuss this further offline
3) when I get back from the gym, I'll figure out how to do that As for date, I did! Not before this summer0 -
Summer's here Walt! It was 114 in Phoenix when I left there Wednesday. james WD5GWY0
First day of summer is Sunday... June 21st so only two more days to wait for Walt's release!
Stu K6TU2 -
I'm all excited!0
"not before' does not mean 1st day of. but nice try guys ;-)
One huge issue that has plagued commercial vendors whether ISV or not is keeping up with sales and marketing, which in an effort to commit revenue early and lock in buyers there has always been a huge pressure to release early. We see that a lot right here. This is why I am so critical of folks putting pressure on FRS. Releasing prematurely ALWAYS backfires. ... Always. There is a saying, 'software isn't released, it escapes'. One company I worked at fixed that issue by announcing to the street and to customers they no longer would give any product release a date certain. The best they would do by way of guidance, is 'not before x'. So if software slipped a quarter, they didn't miss a date as they never gave a date. But they did give 'guidance'. Many, including yours truly, thought that was brilliant. It was in that spirit I said, 'not before summer'. And I've been doing this too long to allow myself to get roped into a tighter commitment. Soon, but not before summer. :-) The upside of that is the quality is ALWAYS better than it would otherwise have been. Just to set expectations further, there is also no such thing as 'the last bug'. The best one can ever hope to achieve is finding the next to the last bug.2 -
So, no screenshot teasers?1
Vapor Ware? Hi hi. Only kidding. But wait ng anxiously1
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