SmartSDR v3.8.21 and the SmartSDR v3.8.21 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
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Win 10 supported by FRS?

I expect FRS will include mention of Win10 once it has left beta and they have been able to evaluate performance under the release version.
As with any beta software, you're on your own. While a lot of folks (me included) have tried it out and SSDR works fine under various Win10 betas, there is no guarantee that it will work on your system, with your beta copy. Unless you have a compelling reason to change "now," I'd wait. Windows 8.1 performs quite well, bad press aside. SSDR is supported under it. Not really much to be gained going to 10 except the "first kid on the block" glow. At least right now.
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I personally would recommend waiting until after Windows 10.1 bug fix is released.0
George is correct. We do not support beta operating systems. Once the official version is released on July 29, we will do follow up testing and begin support of it soon there after. To date initial testing has not uncovered any issues that would prevent its use.0
I dunno, I despise the user interface in 8.1 so much I'll probably go to 10 as soon as it's RTM. Win 10 is so much better from what i've seen in the betas. But as far as stability.. I guess that's yet to be seen when they release it.0
I went to W10 Insider preview only because I had serious bug that arose in my 8.1 installation and had an opportunity to move to this testing edition for free (Before I learned that the full W10 would be free when released) I figured that it would be just as easy to install the new version than to reinstall the old one.
My results have been mixed. The Good is that it seems to be better integrated than 8.0 or 8.1 and more logical to operate. I like it.
The down side is that the preview edition spends a lot of time downloading and installing updates, and some of them have "broken" some of my programs, requiring re-installation of SSDR, CAT, DAX, PSDR, and some other important programs. It also causes some networking delays as the "Preview" part of the OS seems to take over and consume lots of CPU, Network, & Memory at inconvenient times during my operation.
I would agree with others at this point, that it would be better to wait until it is "stable" before installing it on your main SSDR system.
I did it because I like this stuff and am willing to put up with the frustration in order to help test the "bleeding edge."
Ken - NM9P0 -
A few other things about the beta... if you're on the early release option, the last update duplicates all drivers on the system, so make sure you have a LOT of disk space free. And if you don't have enough disk space free? it doesn't tell you, it just locks up during the update. lol. Thats why they call it beta... Looking forward to the full release though, I like what I see so far.
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Curious... But after doing so will it let you delete the unnecessary duplicates of the drivers?
I already have a directory of things left over from my 8.1 when I installed Win 10. I would like to be able to clean things up eventually. No big problem, though, since I have 1 TB disk drive that is only about 1/4 full.0 -
I'd wait until the first service pack release of anything from Microsoft. There are people that have to install preview versions of Microsoft products or dot zero releases. For end users I'd wait. Seriously. Too many people get stung with the dot zero releases.0
This version of Windows changes the upgrade paradigm, as I understand it. The plan is to issue updates to the software regularly, fixing both security bugs, "ordinary" bugs, and adding or upgrading features from time to time. Don't expect a Service Pack as in the past.
So you may not want to be an early adopter (although some will, including myself), but after a while, maybe a few months, the system will settle down and it should be fine to make the transition.
The current preview release is fairly stable and should be feature complete by now, or very close to it. On the "fast ring", we've been getting a new release every three weeks or so, so another should show up in the next week. In my view, it has been stabilizing quickly. The planned release is July 29, so the next fast ring release is going to have to be very close to the released version (RTM), although with the change in the update/upgrade paradigm, they may be a little more willing to release with a larger number of loose ends.
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Note that with these pre-release systems, getting clean updates from one release to the next isn't really a requirement. Every time they release on the slow ring, they release an ISO system installer image. I use it to build a system from scratch to avoid accumulating "cruft".0
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