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Enhanced VOX

Bob - W7KWS -
Bob - W7KWS - Member ✭✭
edited December 2016 in New Ideas
Dear Flex folks,

I seem to remember thinking several years back that VOX could be quite effective if, instead of using voice detection as is currently done in most radios, "speech" detection was employed.  This would exclude inappropriate noises from keying the transmitter.

At the time such a circuit would have had to be external to the radio or require a big time firmware change so I didn't proceed with the thought.  Now, however, we have a quite capable PC for implementing such a function in SmartSDR. 

Maybe you software gurus at Flex might think this worthy of their time. If so, please include a short digital delay in the audio.  Just enough to let the transmitter & any amplifier get up to power before the first syllable hits the radio.

My repeater controller includes a feature similar to this & it's really nice to get a distant radio's tone activated squelch open before the audio arrives.

A nice enhancement to such a feature would be selective, trainable speech detection so as to also discriminate between other operators in a crowded contest shack.

Best regards,

Bob, W7KWS

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