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DDUtil Issue

Tom - WQ5O
Tom - WQ5O Member ✭✭
My 6500 is melting! 

Anyone else seeing something like this?  It started when I updated to v1.4.  It's an older version of the program and is working fine otherwise.  I've tried newer versions of DDUtil but have had some issues.  This version seems to be stable, at least for my computer.  Until now.  Not a big deal for me but was just curious if anyone else has seen this issue.

As for my short lived experience with V1.4 ... My computer has done some interesting things since I loaded V1.4 but I'm running an older Dell XPS 8100, running Win7 Home Premium with an upgraded i7 processor 870 @ 2.93GHZ, w/16gbs of RAM, and a new PS (540 Watt) so I'm not sure if it's the new software or my hardware.  It works well enough for me even with the crashes and other things.  This is just my play computer. 

I did try to load v1.4 on my i3 Toshiba satellite but it wasn't a happy camper (windows v8.1 pro) and since it's my work computer I decided I didn't need to run my flex from that machine.  The one thing I'm glad to see with this verison is the display is much smoother than before.  I have a GT-740 card with 2gbs of on-board RAM.  It seems to handle this version better than the v1.38. 

I've loaded v1.4 onto my old HP G62 and it works ... that's about all I can say.  The audio and video are choppy and the network latency is very high via WiFi.  But this isn't a new machine and I normally run it as a digipeater for APRS on 2 meters.  The processor is a Pentium (2010 version) of a cheap HP computer bought from Target by my Father-in-Law.  He had problems with it and gave it to me.  It works fine after a little TLC; OS reload, more RAM and a new battery.  Running Win7home but the processor and on-board video just aren't robust enough for V1.4. 

Overall I'm relatively happy with v1.4.  I haven't had much time to actually get to know it and sure there will be some issues that need to be corrected.  So far it looks good . 

Thanks FRS for hanging in there.  I'm a satisfied customer and look forward to future updates.  It's like getting a new radio every time you release new software. 




  • W4WHL
    W4WHL Member ✭✭
    edited July 2016
    Yes same here, but yours is 700 degrees hotter than mine :)
  • John W9KXQ
    John W9KXQ Member ✭✭
    edited February 2017

    Steve K5FR author of DDUtil posted this on the Yahoo Group yesterday (March 16, 2015)

    Flex made a change in v1.4 in the way the temp data is presented. For the temp to be right you need to upgrade to DDUtil v31017 or later.

    73, Steve K5FR

    I have not upgraded yet, either DDUtil or Flex!  Just waiting a watching a few hours more.


  • Burch - K4QXX
    Burch - K4QXX Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Mine seems to be running at 1700 degrees.  
  • Tom - WQ5O
    Tom - WQ5O Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Thanks John ... I may upgrade or since this version is really working ok I'll probably just leave well enough alone until  I have a better handle on the new Flex upgrade.  I thought it was interesting to see my rig's temp hot enough to glow WHITE!  LoL!  73.

  • Rick Hadley - W0FG
    Rick Hadley - W0FG Member ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Good grief, it's only a two minute job to upgrade DDutil, and only a 5-10 minute job to upgrade SSDR.
  • Sergey R5AU
    Sergey R5AU Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    Hi All, even DDUtil v31017 is not fully adopted to the new API of the V1.4, ex: AutoDrive-Amplifier Drive not working at all
  • Steve - K5FR
    Steve - K5FR Member ✭✭
    edited April 2019
    Sergy, the Auto Drive should be working. Please recheck your settings and do s PC reboot and if you're still having a problem contact me direct at snance (at) charter (dot) net.
  • Sergey R5AU
    Sergey R5AU Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Steve, I tried today many times, of course with reloading PC etc My config is: F6700 win10 preview running on Parallels VM With previous version of Util and SSDR 1.3.8 was everything fine. What info I should send you for diags ?
  • Steve - K5FR
    Steve - K5FR Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I have Win10 but not paralles. Let me run a test with Win10 and make sure there's not a problem there and then we'll go from there. I haven't had any other reports of Auto Drive failure so I'm not sure what's going on.
  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2017
    I run DDUtil, maybe you should try that version:

  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Working here too. I must have the heat turned up in the shack. What is the requisite shack temperature? Does the operator Temperature matter? Perhaps its global warming.


    73, Jay - NO5J
  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Jay, you're right - my shack shows 21°C and outside it's 8°C.
    Must be these amp tubes 8-)
    BTW voltage is still up a bit, 0,5-0,6V more than is delivered.
    Still, there are worse things...

    73, Alex DH2ID
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    I had a couple of DDUtil crashes when enabling autodrive, It turned out to be the fact that I start DDUtil with DXLab Launcher, The crash detail complained about missing Available.ico in Launchers directory, so I copied Available.ico and Away.ico and Swiss Army Knife.ico into Launchers directory and it solved that problem. Autodrive is working like it supposed to. IOW it was Launcher more than it was DDUtil.

    73, Jay - NO5J

  • Jon_KF2E
    Jon_KF2E Member ✭✭
    edited March 2015

    I'm using and autodrive seems to be working normally. Win7Pro native.

  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I think it might be the Solar Flare, If the flares keep flaring we may all have a need for tin foil caps. Give's further meaning to an Outdoor Barbeque. image
    And Blackened Chickens, Poor things.image
    73, Jay - NO5J
  • W9MO
    W9MO Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I can't get DDUtil to work. I keep getting errors when starting the application and I am not able to save my setting when I am in setup.

    The only thing I can do is select quit and exit the program. 

    Any ideas?
  • WX7Y
    WX7Y Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    you can NOT import your old settings with DDUtil, If you have already done so as I have you'll need to uninstall it and go to your "user"  "AppData", then "Roaming", then delete the "DDUtil * " and "K5FR_Software" directories and then re-install the NEW version of DDUtil. 
    Oh yea to see these Directories you need to make sure you have your version of windows show all files to see these files.
    Also just by deleting the "user settings" with the BAT file DIDN'T work for me here.

    My "Auto Drive" settings didn't work at first but after disabling and enabling several times and shutting it down and bringing DDUtil back up a few times it now works.


  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    For starters... Did you read this first?
    Setup changes with his release.
  • W9MO
    W9MO Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Removing the hidden directories took care of the problem.

    Many thanks!!

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