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flexlib.dll x86 only? (v1.4.0)

Member ✭✭
Trying to load the new flexlib.dll w/ v1.4 and i'm getting an error. A quick google search seems to indicate the dll may have only been compiled with x86 support only, not x64.
If it was compiled with x64 support too, then maybe I'm doing something wrong. :-) Here is the error (can be reproduced in powershell):
C:Program FilesFlexRadio SystemsSmartSDR v1.4.0> add-type -path $p
add-type : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:program filesFlexRadio SystemsSmartSDR v1.4.0flexlib.dll' or
one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
At line:1 char:1
+ add-type -path $p
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-Type], BadImageFormatException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.BadImageFormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddTypeCommand
C:Program FilesFlexRadio SystemsSmartSDR v1.4.0>
If it was compiled with x64 support too, then maybe I'm doing something wrong. :-) Here is the error (can be reproduced in powershell):
C:Program FilesFlexRadio SystemsSmartSDR v1.4.0> add-type -path $p
add-type : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:program filesFlexRadio SystemsSmartSDR v1.4.0flexlib.dll' or
one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
At line:1 char:1
+ add-type -path $p
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-Type], BadImageFormatException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.BadImageFormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddTypeCommand
C:Program FilesFlexRadio SystemsSmartSDR v1.4.0>
Figured out how to check for myself, it's x86 only. :-( Any chance of getting a recompiled version? (edit: it should be MSIL which is what v1.3.8 is)
(See link for reference): https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/system.reflection.processorarchitecture
C:Program FilesFlexRadio SystemsSmartSDR v1.4.0> [reflection.assemblyname]::getassemblyname($p) | fl
Name : FlexLib
Version :
CultureInfo :
CultureName :
CodeBase : file:///C:/program files/FlexRadio Systems/SmartSDR v1.4.0/flexlib.dll
EscapedCodeBase : file:///C:/program%20files/FlexRadio%...
ProcessorArchitecture : X86
ContentType : Default
Flags : None
HashAlgorithm : SHA1
VersionCompatibility : SameMachine
KeyPair :
FullName : FlexLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
C:Program FilesFlexRadio SystemsSmartSDR v1.4.0>0 -
What are you trying to load it in? You can indeed compile FlexLib as Any CPU (which supports both x86 and x64), but all of the libraries must be changed.0
Hi Eric - I use flixlib directly in powershell and load it using add-type (see above for an example). Earlier versions of flexlib were compiled for any cpu so it worked fine until v1.4.0
These are the actual functions I'm using to load it (lets see if the formatting works here):
function get-flexlatestfolderpath { $flexRoot = "c:program filesFlexRadio Systems" if (test-path $flexRoot) { $dirs = gci $flexRoot if (-not $dirs) { throw "Unable to locate FlexRadio SmartSDR installation path!" } $modifiedDirs = @() foreach ($dir in $dirs) { $rootName,$fullVersion,$null = $dir.name -split " " if ($fullVersion) { $flexVersion = [version]($fullVersion -replace "v","") $modifiedDir = $dir | add-member NoteProperty Version $flexVersion -passthru $modifiedDirs += $modifiedDir } } if ($modifiedDirs) { ($modifiedDirs | sort Version -desc)[0].fullname } } } function get-flexlibpath { $latestPath = get-flexlatestfolderpath if ($latestPath) { $latestpath + "FlexLib.dll" } } function import-flexlib { $flexLibPath = get-flexlibpath if ($flexLibPath) { try { [void][reflection.assembly]::GetAssembly([flex.smoothlake.FlexLib.api]) } catch [system.exception] { add-type -path $flexLibPath } } else { throw "Unable to locate FlexRadio FlexLib library!" } [flex.smoothlake.FlexLib.api]::init() } import-flexlib
0 -
KI4TTZ: Calling FlexLib directly from PowerShell is DARN clever. Nice!
Peter K1PGV0 -
Thanks! Yeah I've been working in a command line interface off and on for the last year, I need to finally get it cleaned up and posted to github after I get this new issue resolved.0
So I got flexlib compiled all by myself (yay, first time!) as "any cpu" and it seems to be working fine. So not sure if the one that came with ssdr 1.4 being compiled as x86 was just an oversight or if there was some reason for it?
I guess there aren't any licensing/legal issues with me including my own compiled version of flexlib.dll with my app?
I think I'll add an additional check that uses the latest one in the ssdr folder, only if it is compatible with the host architecture. Otherwise, look for one in my custom app install folder and use that. I dunno, I'm making this up as I go. :-)0 -
Going to x86 was not an oversight. In a .NET application, all of the libraries must agree on the architecture (x86, x64 or Any CPU which supports both). It was intentional and required to cooperate with other libraries that were added to the application.0
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