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Offer version 2 free to all existing customers as compensation.

M0GVZ Member
edited June 2020 in New Ideas
Given the fact that Flex are now 5 months behind the roadmap for ver 1.4 with no schedule given for release, I feel that Flexradio should offer Version 2 of SmartSDR for free to existing customers as compensation for the failed promises which have been made over the last few months. 

I doubt given the farcical situation that has existed with version 1.4 that many people are going to be willing to shell out money for version 2 just go through the whole dog and pony show all over again.


  • G4YDO
    G4YDO Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    here, here. great idea.
  • SteveJ
    SteveJ Member
    edited February 2017
    This is the typical Flex Kool - Aid drinker reply.
  • Alan C
    Alan C Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Sort of reminds me of fishing - you know (for fish).

    I guess GVZ wants Flex to fish faster...
  • W5XZ - dan
    W5XZ - dan Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    it HAS been a while...

  • WA6FXT Mike
    WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
    edited June 2017
    You tell'em GVZ! teach them a lesson and don't buy the v2.0 upgrade. that will teach them. Heck, show them that you won't be kept waiting, by keeping your Flex @ v1.3.8., when v1.4 comes out. That will do it. de Mike wa6fxt
  • WA6FXT Mike
    WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    And my 6700 still works great! Mike
  • John n0snx
    John n0snx Member
    edited April 2015
    This is so good that I have nothing to add.... Well done

    Guess I might have to break out the cheese again!!
  • k3Tim
    k3Tim Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Actually the "delay" is costing FRS big cash.  Imagine you have 5 programmers at $125k/yr each (TAXes + overhead + salary) and you hit a bump in the road that delays a revenue product (S-SDR-2.0) by 6 months.  That's a lot of capitol to shell out to pay the bills in hte interim.

    Maybe it's just me, but US$200 to keep the product viable and the good people at FRS going strong is good insurance.

    Please be advised there were no promises, only estimates.  In the field of complex software and firmware, a hard deadline is just not realistic.  FYI - this area is the day job for me so it's not Kool-Aid but decades of experience.

    Take Care / Relax / Don't Worry

    Good Day,
    k3Tim     / MS-EE / PE / PPSEL-IFR

  • Bill -VA3WTB
    Bill -VA3WTB Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020

    This is one of most entertaining Ideas I have read in a while. You still think someone owes you? Did you guys not see what Gerald wrote the other day on where things are on 1.4?

    Keep the ideas going guys this is funny reading....
  • Lee - N2LEE
    Lee - N2LEE Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Has nothing about being a Kool-aid drinker. Many of us are tired of hearing people whine like a bunch of babies.

    No MATTER what Flex does there will always be someone who complains.

    Flex will do what is best for the company, their employees and their customers. Crying, stomping your feet and holding your breath and posting the same topic over and over (that has been talked to death) does nothing to contribute.

    I predict when 1.4 is released someone will complain it doesn't have this feature or it doesn't work like they want.

    So it doesn't matter whether SmartSDR 2.x is an optional upgrade or if they put it in every cereal box.  SOMEONE WILL COMPLAIN.


  • WA2SQQ
    WA2SQQ Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    We have a better chance of having peace in the Middle East than seeing 1.4 soon. I know of three people who purchase the Anan because of the lack of full disclosure by FRS.
  • Jay -- N0FB
    Jay -- N0FB Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    I never felt like I had the right to anyone's hard work with the exception of my own.  I work at a company which provides Health Care across North America.  I expect our customer's who utilize the talents of our companies' Doctors, Nurses, and facilities to pay for those services we provided. 

    As far as I know, Flex Radio has never "Promised" anything.   They offered a road map to the user community with their best guess estimates as to when certain releases would be made available.  This is unheard of in the Amateur Radio business.  Was Flex Radio wrong on its estimate for this last release? Yep!  I'm sure that Gerald feels bad about missing that estimated release date.  I'm sure he is as frustrated as anyone (if not more) as this extra development time is a very expensive. 

    These negative, non-productive threads are getting old.  

  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Every day is just a day, but does it have to be everyday?

    Let the Kool-aid Spewing Begin!

    Put some **** in mine this round!
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Why just fish, when others Troll?
  • Peter
    Peter Member
    edited May 2015
    So that I don't get yell at, I won't comment on the v.1.4 delay issue. Has anyone seen the SunSDR-MB1 SDR radio with knobs ?  nice radio!


  • Steve W6SDM
    Steve W6SDM Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    I just can't believe there are so many impatient people.  I guess that's one of the differences between amateur radio 50 years ago and today.  We had to build our gear and wait until it was done before we got on the air.  We turned it on and waited for the filaments to warm up the tubes.  Instant gratification didn't exist in ham radio or most anywhere else.

    The complainers don't know for sure what all is included in 1.4 - they just know they want it, all of it, whatever it is, for free, right now.  When it comes down to it, what we see here isn't much different than the ills we see in society in general. 

    I am looking forward to 1.4 not for the features but because it will keep the whiners quiet trying to figure it out... for a while.

  • DrTeeth
    DrTeeth Member ✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Flex never made promises. They provided best estimates in **good faith**. I am very disappointed at the delay as indeed I would say are most people, INCLUDING those at FRS. The delay could have been handled better on a public relations level, but this is the first big delay that there has ever been AIUI (no doubt will be corrected if wrong).

    I do not expect, nor would I want or request that FRS provides v2 for free. It is in all of our interests for FRS to continue trading and if they want our cash they will work a darn site harder on v2 to tempt us to part with it than if they were to give it away. That is a good incentive for an exciting v2.

    It is a learning curve for FRS too on many levels.

    <<I doubt given the farcical situation that has existed with version 1.4 that many people are going to be willing to shell out money for version 2 just go through the whole dog and pony show all over again>>
    Bzzzzt! Wrong.
  • Dan -- KC4GO
    Dan -- KC4GO Member
    edited November 2016
    For Flex Management 
    Can I pay for my 2.0 now I trust it's coming and willing to pay now.
    Dan --- KC4GO

  • Mike NN9DD
    Mike NN9DD Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I will gladly pay my 200 today Mike N9DFD Proud user and owner of a multi contest winning 6500
  • Richard G7EIX
    Richard G7EIX Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    There are times when I am actually ashamed to be British.
  • Lee - N2LEE
    Lee - N2LEE Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    That is why there is Icom, Yaseu, Kenwood and Alinco.
    And guess what ?  I know hams who have owned them all and found something they didn't like about every one of them.

    One friend of mine who is a software engineer even wrote Icom offering to fix bugs in the firmware of their IC-7700.

    If you want a science project do serious research into the Anan. There are so many problems with the hardware that many serious users have taken the boards and built the into a new case with addition shielding to fix some of the problems. There are firmware patches and updates every week and software updated daily.

    There is no question some hams enjoy getting into their radio, making mods, testing the latest Alpha or Beta software, etc. The Anon reminds me of the early days of home computing and most likely will be remember in history like Altair and others.
    • Do we all want more features from our Flex 6000 ?  YES
    • Do we all wish it would have been available at release of the hardware? YES
    Here is a question for users to think about.
    When you look at the big picture and are ready to place a bet on a company do you look at todays product or their strategy and ability to execute on that strategy ?

    If you said the product "they offer today" then you would have written off Apple, IBM, Google and Microsoft.

    Apple was written off as a toy, the IBM PC was released with a buggy version of DOS 1.0 from Microsoft who bought the code from Seattle Computer Products and Google was a search engine created by two research students. Their early products were crude, buggy and NO ONE saw where these companies or products would end up.

    So complain all you want about Flex and their product releases, the fact that they are trying to build a long term business on commercial grade hardware and a solid software platform tells me they are the right horse to put my money on.

    If waiting a few months from a company that produces this





    Then I am fine with the wait. :)

    Where would you put your money ?

  • DrTeeth
    DrTeeth Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Giving compensation for an Act of God aka the weather? Maybe the Churches, Synagogues and Mosques should pay the compensation? Madness IMHO.
    Actually, one has to admire the brass balls of FRS for not bowing to the considerable pressure to release before they are ready. In fact, the longer the delay the more I admire them - never thought I would say that.
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Weekends are for Whining!
  • Steve W6SDM
    Steve W6SDM Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Don't worry, Richard.  We have long since forgiven you chaps for burning the White House in 1812.  :)
  • Neal_K3NC
    Neal_K3NC Member ✭✭
    edited March 2015
    SQQ, your insight of internal Flex matters is amazing! I am sure you are absolutely correct that we will not see 1.4 anytime soon. I do plan on checking back with you when they finally do release it so you can do a "victory lap"!

  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Maybe you could crowd source a partial refund. I bet theres lots of people that wouldn't mind helping you OUT.
  • WA6FXT Mike
    WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Heck, I ordered my additional upgrade in May of 2012, when I ordered the radio,

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