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Flex 6300 Transmit Audio Issues



  • Lewis Cheek
    Lewis Cheek Member ✭✭
    edited March 2015
    I have found that's it's very easy to overdrive the 6300, and it results in very poor xmit audio. Perhaps, the metering circuit, feedback, whatever you want to call it is not same as 6500 and 6700. Has SSDR been tailored to reflect changes between radio, assuming circuits, processing are not same. Any feedback FRS?
  • Jim Gilliam
    Jim Gilliam Member ✭✭
    edited May 2015

    I made a comment a few days ago is that, perhaps, the 6300 is a different animal than the Big Two. Perhaps the reason for the delay in 1.4 is the accommodation of these differences into the trio.

    Jim, K6QE

  • Corey/ KC0YNS
    Corey/ KC0YNS Member
    edited September 2015
    Howard, Thanks for the heads up, I'll do a Google search...
  • Corey/ KC0YNS
    Corey/ KC0YNS Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks Jim, I'm working on it....Seems to me I should be able to get better audio out of a Flex than most conventional rigs... We'll keep trying... 
  • N7CXI
    N7CXI Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Since I got mine squared away I've had nothing but compliments. I run a 3kHz SSB filter and 5kHz AM, both with EQ curves set in SmartSDR. I do also use a small Mackie mixer to insert a little extra gain, because the PR781 mic I use doesn't have a lot of output.

    You won't find a better-sounding rig RX or TX for the money, IMHO.

    Jim N7CXI
  • N0ARX
    N0ARX Member
    edited December 2016
    Norm I am running five pieces of rack gear, but here is what I am running right now, but this is subject to change daily... LOL


  • N0ARX
    N0ARX Member
    edited December 2016
    My Processor is on, but set at 0 LC and 400 HC.
    400 HC is used for rag chew primarily.
  • N0ARX
    N0ARX Member
    edited December 2016
    Meant to say Proc is on Normal
  • N0ARX
    N0ARX Member
    edited December 2016
    Sorry I was typing too fast. I intended to say 4000
  • Corey/ KC0YNS
    Corey/ KC0YNS Member
    edited September 2015
    Great News!!  Looks like the new Yaesu cable that Matt sent me is working, I took the external EQ ( W2IHY ) Equipment totally out of line.(I'm guessing it was the Mic cable all along not the EQ Plus)  Now it's just the Heil-PR-781 directly into the 6300 using the settings in the profile manager, Default PR781 ESSB 3_2K  Everything seems to be playing well, I'm somewhat gun shy to experiment with the Flex's EQ settings, But could probably use a tweak or two.

     It's been a long road to getting my audio working the way it should,  Would especially like to thank all the good folks at Flex, What a great team!!  Also want to say thank you to all the supporters of this Support Community. I've had lots of great help...Thank you all!!!  
  • Rich McCabe
    Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Excellent. I may have mentioned this but going to ask to be sure. Are you using the factory wallwart that came with the W2IHY stuff. I already learned not to run it off my Astrons.

    So at least you have a good base point and you can play from here.
  • Corey/ KC0YNS
    Corey/ KC0YNS Member
    edited September 2015
    Rich, Yes  I'm using the wall warts from the W2ihy. That's the first thing Julius asked me when I spoke to him about these issues.   I'm almost afraid to even attempt to put the W2IHY stuff back on the 6300, My on air friends are telling me it sounds pretty good without it.  I'm sure I'll adjust a few things on the Flex & tailor it to my voice.  That stuff may go back into the box to be stored or sold, Worked well on my Yaesu FT1000MP but have since sold that rig, My Icom gear does fine without it.... Thanks again for following along & your interest in finding a solution to my problem..... 
  • Rich McCabe
    Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Corey if it makes you feel any better after tweaked out, I have downward expander OFF, Compressor OFF, Effects OFF and Treble at 3:00 and bass at 3:00.

    So its not really doing much. I could take it out and be fine.
  • Dan -- KC4GO
    Dan -- KC4GO Member
    edited March 2018
               Just load the default as you have then change the name and save it. Now you can play with it. Oh and you can't overwrite the defaults anyway. So if you change what the default is you have to save it as a new name.
    Dan --- KC4GO

  • Corey/ KC0YNS
    Corey/ KC0YNS Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks Dan, I'm just thrilled to death it's finally working , I'm a happy camper now!
  • Rich McCabe
    Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    That brings up a point and I hope Flex is listening. Please let use delete default profiles. I really don't want or need all the other profiles I will never use. I would just like to see MY profiles. This is a great feature that I use a lot however I have 5 profiles of my own and have to scroll through 7 others.
  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I second the motion. Once I have learned the system, I don't need the permanent profiles. Perhaps they could be saved in a file or profile as an archive and downloaded if needed.
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Would a checkbox on the setup form, to hide the default profiles when checked and unhide defaults when unchecked, that's checked by default be a compromise? I kind of like having the ability to reset the radio to the way it was in the box. But, I don't need to see defaults on the profiles menu, all the time. Especially since I can Export the defaults right after a factory reset. But the reset means I don't have to. So wouldn't it be nice to be able to hide them on the menu? 

    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Rich McCabe
    Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2015
    That would be OK with me. But I also don't have an issue with a default showing. I just don't need a default and 6 other presets that I cant delete showing.
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Yeah, me either. I renamed my presets to 1,2,3,4,5,6,and 7. not really descriptive but they did pop to the top of the list on the menu. I like the sound of 5, some folks tell me it's ok but I could maybe turn it down. I tell em its only on 5, Then I select 4, which is a renamed copy of 5, and tell them ok its on 4 now, and they tell me its much much better, so I keep it on 4 or 5. It keeps the audio critics happier. they have to listen to my awful audio, and I have to listen to theirs. Such is life.

    hint: They're all 5.

    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Tim - W4TME
    Tim - W4TME Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited December 2016
    Good ideas like this buried 50 replies deep in a post topic that is not exactly on point with the thread is not the best way to promote your idea or get it noticed.  You should start a new Idea topic.
  • Rich McCabe
    Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Well it really wasn't an official request. I think you guys have got pounded on enough lately. Do this, do that.  I am just enjoying what I have and will wait for whatever you release :)

    But maybe in the future after I have learned my way around Flex I will do so !

  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Agreed Tim, Good ideas should get new idea posts, I wasn't sure it was a good idea yet? What should we do with bad ideas? We have a "new" idea category, don't we also need a "good" idea category, and a "bad" idea category? Maybe a "quit while your ahead" category?image Maybe a "No Idea at All" for the clueless to post in.image 

    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Tim - W4TME
    Tim - W4TME Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited December 2016
    Post the bad, but relevant ones too.  The will not get voted up and will fade away....
  • Don Stefanik
    Don Stefanik Member
    edited March 2016

    I have the 6300 with Heil 781 mic.

    Everyone said I had way to much base. I even heard myself on Youtube and could hardly understand what I was saying. I found someone who was willing to spend some time with me fine tuning the q settings. Here are the final #'s we came up with.

    63/-10   125/-10  250/+2  500/-4  1k/0  2k/+10  4k/+10  8k/0

    Now I get lots of great comments on my audio.



  • Tim - W4TME
    Tim - W4TME Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited December 2016
    Don, Glad to hear you have found the EQ setting that provides excellent results for your unique voice/mic combination.  I may want to suggest backing down the 2 and 4k settings from +10 to +8 for both.  I suspect that you will not hear a major difference.  The lower the EQ slider level, the wider the Q (bandwidth) for the particular boost/cut filter.  At +10 both are very high Q, meaning there is less frequency enhancement between 2 and 4k.
  • Don Stefanik
    Don Stefanik Member
    edited March 2016

    I will give that a try. My main problem was the deep base. SO I want to make sure I don't get too much base again.



  • Tim - W4TME
    Tim - W4TME Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited December 2016

    So here is the first and last rule of EQing.  Cut, cut, cut and then cut some more.

    Meaning that to compensate for excess spectral content in the audio, you should cut the offending frequencies rather than boosting the highs to compensate.

    Since you have cut heavy on the low frequencies, then your mic may be more susceptible to the proximity effect which is the closer you talk, the bassier it sounds.  Even moving back 2-3 inches can make a big difference.

    I do not know if you have seen this article in the HelpDesk, but it really explains EQ very comprehensively.  https://helpdesk.flexradio.com/hc/en-us/articles/203853305-Rules-for-EQing-Voice-for-Optimal-Phone-O...
  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    The article that Tim recommended is very good.  It helped me a LOT.

    Another question.  Where do you have your TX filter low end cut off?  If you are severely too "low-ended" you can bring the filter up a bit.  Mine is set at different cut-off frequencies depending upon my intended purpose.

    As has been discussed in many different threads and training tutorials, your exact EQ settings will need to be tweaked to suit both your individual voice characteristics AND your intended purpose - i.e. Rag chewing, DXing, Contesting, weak signal work, AM, FM, etc.  Each purpose may need a different Mic profile with different Filter limits and EQ settings.  

    Here is a relatively simple process to help fine-tune your sound:
    1) use a receive filter wider than your transmit filters,  (so the receive filter isn't altering your perception of your transmitted signal)
    2) Turn off your receive DSP items like RX EQ, NR, ANF, etc. (so they don't distort your received signal.)
    3) Set your transmitter to low power and transmit into a dummy load, or set it to transmit into the XVTR (transverter) port so it doesn't go out over the air.
    4) hit the RED record button and transmit for a little while, using phrases that will help you analyse your articulation.
    5) stop transmitting and hit the RED record button to turn the recorder OFF.
    6) Hit the green playback arrow and listen to yourself through some good quality speakers or headphones.
    7) Make a slight change in your TX EQ and record again and compare....

    8) You can also zoom your panadapter in to your transmit filter bandwidth and get an idea what your pattern looks like.  This visual display can be very helpful in spotting nasty peaks or holes in your profile.

    (NOTE:  Listening to yourself via the MON in the rig is useless for determining what your signal sounds like on the air.  It is sampled BEFORE your filtering, EQ or Processor are applied.)  

    Be careful that your mike levels do not overdrive the radio - in other words, Keep the mike level meter out of the red.  ALWAYS.  Adjust it with the PROC OFF and set it so that it never peaks in the red.  Then turn the PROC back ON.  
    If you make changes to the EQ, go back and check the mike level on the meter with PROC OFF.  Make any mike level adjustments. Then turn it the processor ON.  

    Remember to SAVE your MIC Profile when you are finished!
    If you have made a second profile for a different purpose (for example, DX instead of Rag Chew) then remember to give it a new name.

    If you work at it you will begin to understand what each octave of the EQ subtracts or adds to your signal.  Only YOU can become the master of your audio.  

    The only way to learn how to do this is by spending some "quality time" with your rig, playing around into a dummy load or XVTR port and listening to yourself.

    For more information, watch my 3 tutorial videos on YouTube  (search for NM9P) which will describe how I learned how to do it "Live" using the Full Duplex function into the XVTR port.  W1AEX also has some that are primarily focused on the 1500/3000/5000 rigs, but there is some good information that is applicable to the 6000 series, too.

    The 6000 is capable of stunningly good audio.  The PR-781 is a good mike.  But they take a little effort to make them work together as a team.

    Good luck.  

    Ken - NM9P

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