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I totally agree.0
In general we do not allow advertisements on the Community except when pre-approved and the service or software is directly applicable to FlexRadio products or can enhance the user experience.1
It is the pre-approved ones that I am talking about. I think there should be a separate place for them, if any. One of those appearing was nothing more than trumpet blowing BS and had nothing specific to offer FRS users but was published. I really do not think it is appropriate that FRS 'approves' adverts. You could have some legal obligation if something goes pear shaped, at the very minimum the good name of FRS could suffer. Those of a conspiratorial frame of mind could come to another conclusion as to why some adverts 'pass the test' and others do not.
Would posts of somebody with a grievance against an FRS approved advert/retailer be published or censored?
I really think FRS should rethink their position as they are getting on a sticky wicket with this one.
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We appreciate your opinion and will take it under advisement.
For your information, nothing is ever censored on the Community unless it violates the Community Company-Customer Pact or is **** or blatantly offense in nature.
The advert you referred to as "trumpet blowing BS" is from a trusted and very long time FlexRadio owner who provides turnkey PCs solutions preconfigured to run FlexRadio products. There are a lot of hams who are not computer savvy and would have never experienced the joy of using a FlexRadio SDR if it wasn't for the products and services provided by Neal K3NC.8 -
Yes, Neal has probably helped more Flexer's than anyone else not on the payroll. Folks should know the history and the facts before they **** their trumpets and create a rift in the community!
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Well said.1
Use an ad blocker. When I first read this thread I couldn't figure out what Guy was talking about. Then it dawned on me that I run the ad block plugin on my Firefox and have never seen an ad. It works great and I have m=never had a problem. It really helps on sites like QRZ which is flooded with ads.
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I am one of those hams Tim refers to -- a non-savvy computer guy who has experienced THE MOST joy in the hobby with my Flex radios since becoming licenced in 1961. It was through Flex I found Neal -- and if not for him, I would probably would have given up and be turning knobs (no joy). Dave W7IWW2
I am talking about the posts made in the forum. I do run adblockers.
Irrespective of what the chap has done in the past, it is my view on the type of posting in a *support* forum and not an opinion on the person. Adverts are meant to do one thing, and they are written in such a way to achieve that aim - see the language don't just read it. How many of you heard "watch my lips, no new taxes" and thought Bush said "no tax increases"? He kept to his word, he just increased *old* taxes.
The posting should not be in a support forum, somewhere else yes, but not here. Chill guys, I am not suggesting banning the chap.
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The Flex Community is where hams go who are look for help (or looking for chances to help others.) I had owned FRS radios for a couple of years before I learned about Neal. In my view the biggest challenge SDR's face is the technical complexity of integrating them into working systems. I don't mean just getting SmartSDR to talk to a FLEX-6000 radio. Neal has assisted many hams in making that step into SDR's which they could not have made on their own. I can't think of a more appropriate place for Neal to occasionally post, making us all aware of his services.
Guy, I have been reading you posts and you are a refreshing addition to the Flex Community. Please leave room for Neal as well.
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My view is not directed at Neal personally at all and I cannot make that point clearly enough. It is just the placing of adverts here and somebody clearly being given preferential treatment and the possible exclusion of others who may also be able to provide the same (or even better :-o) service. Considering the raison d'etre of adverts, they are hardly impartial and a healthy dose of scepticism is useful.
I am of the view that they have no place in a support forum. If FRS wants to have a separate marketplace here or even a PM system, that is a different matter.
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Guy if you are also referring to the for sale items that I posted.
Again, they were prior approved and no cash value place for the items; since many of the items were to be given away.
Now that I read your post, everything was offer as a donation to a radio club in New York.
Take care my friend, you just have too much time on your hands. Perhaps, the Forum should start limiting the number of complains and write ups to "x" number per month.1 -
Neal is quality folks and has spent at least as much time offering advice privately as advertising publicly. I own one of his computers and he was most helpful in setting up another for me. I don't much care for advertising either, but make an exception for Neal and his products. Excellent quality, excellent service and a nice guy on top of it all.
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Jon, you never realise how many adverts there are on web sites until you use a browser without an ad blocker installed. Same browser here Firefox and adblocker0
I believe "for sale" of Flex products/radios definitely are welcome. If you are selling a Flex SDR this is where you can find the most interested parties. Also, in a very specific forum such as this there is less likelyhood of scammers.
Pete W6OP1 -
Guy, To borrow your phrase, Chill Out! You are running along at over 100 posts per month. Try and spend more time enjoying your radio. Based on his track record, it does not appear Gerald needs your help to run FRS. And, I do not need you to protect me from Neal and any scheme you may be imagining he or any vendor may be cooking up to take our money. 73, Tom2
Same for me! ****AMEN****1
I think the problem is that you haven't been on the forum long enough to understand some of the relationships. Let me start by saying I have never personally had a dealing with the person to which you are referring. That said, in the year plus I have been on this forum and the flex mail reflector, I have time and time again seen him help people get their radios sorted out, usually without compensation. I'm still a newbie here and often just listen to the threads I don't fully understand. I think you need to have another stout and move past the topics you don't like. Once you have been here a little longer you will have a clearer understanding of the people.
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How many times do I have to say that my comments were not directed at an individual, but adverts in general and FRS' policy? I cannot understand how you guys misconstrue plain English and twist my comments.
The only comment I regret was to use the term 'BS' when describing the advertising-speak in one of the ads. I could have been more eloquent and circumlocutory.
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Is not that we are misdirected; you are just a provocateur and apparently getting your jollies seeing us upset or in turmoil . May I suggest that you do what I did in another forum and ask to be delete from it. Or better "GO AWAY. "
Start your own forum and the few that agree with you; take them with you.
That will make us happy and possibly you too.
This my final 2 cents.
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I'm not running away. Free speech hurts when you don't agree with the opinion expressed. Get over it.
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I believe this topic has run its course so I am closing it.1
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