SmartSDR v3.8.21 and the SmartSDR v3.8.21 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
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There is a feature on the 3xxx/5xxx (PowerSDR client) series of radios, that facilitates efficient RTTY contest operation, in particular the search and pounce on new contacts. Our initial investigation to leverage the same functionality on the SmartSDR/6xxx has not yet been found/realized and we are looking for guidance on feature availability and and how it is to be used on the SmartSDR client.
Namely, on the PowerSDR client, if you establish an audio bandpass on the PowerSDR, which for RTT is often 300hz bandwidth, and then click on a signal that is up or down the band, but not in the bandpass, the signal is moved to the middle of the established bandpass. To enable with a mouse in the spectrum display, right clicking establishes a set of cross hairs – which when left clicked on the middle of the desired frequemcy/signal, will change the frequency so that the signal in now inserted into the middle of the passband.
With a 6xxx product, left clicking on an RTTY signal moves it to the left most edge of the pan display and not into the passband. Clearly not workable.
This feature may well be available, but in our research we have not see it. Your guidance is much appreciated.
Currently in SmartSDR, the click tune offset for both DIGL and DIGU is 1500 Hz to center the signal in the middle of the preset filters. We plan to modify SmartSDR to be more robust for working ASFK digital modes, including RTTY.0
How do you turn on the click-tune offset?
I just tried this:
1. Selected DIGL & went to RTTY portion of 20m.
2. Found a RTTY signal & clicked on it.
The VFO was set to the center of the RTTY signal (where I clicked). It was NOT offset 1500 Hz. Same is true if in DIGU.
73, Ray, K9DUR
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Using DM780 with the center frequency set in the DM780 to 1500 if you tune in a rtty station other than that center point pressing C will move your frequency on top .
this allows the 400 hz filter used .
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Ray, very easy:
- Select DIGx
- Activate RIT&XIT simultaneously with "-1500" for each
now you can tune on signal with waterfall0 -
Pressing "C" in which program? If DM780 has the focus, pressing "C" puts a "C" in the transmit buffer. If SmartSDR has the focus, pressing "C" does nothing.
73, Ray, K9DUR
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Tnx, Sergey. At least that is a workaround until real click-tune offset can be implemented. 73, Ray, K9DUR0
Exactly, just a workaround for now, I think this is one of the most wanted features for DIGI Ham0
I activate RIT and XIT with an offset of 1415 each. This sets it up so if you click on the right hand trace of the RTTY signal it will click-tune perfectly. You can also center the RX pan on the signal. If you set the TX filter for 1450 low and 1650 high, then when adjust your XIT the red filter stripe will fall exactly on your transmit frequency. (assuming your Digi program has the "sweet spot" set for 1500. ). Now RTTY splits are as easy as CW splits with the XIT when search & pounce, or with RIT when "running."1
Ok the c Stands for center. If your flex is cat active with dm780. And you turn on this function. When on it. Dm780. On the display shows Where the center is. And If you set the decode to a station not in the center of your band pass. Clicking on. C. Moves it tx and rec. to the center of the band pass. Where. All filters have been set. To fully function. This is used by me all the time with psk. Rtty. Even cw. Can be adjusted to. Set. Center. Via dm780 selection on center. Hope u understand. And take a look at this ability. For now a alternative.0
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