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High frequency white noise with 6700 using SSDR 1.3
I am having problems with SSDR v1.3 with a high frequency white noise being introduced into the audio coming out of the rear of the audio. I am using SSDR 1.3; 6700; 80m; LSB; 2.7 kHz filter. It sounds like a DSP algorithm problem. The noise comes and goes almost like a switch is being turned off and on. Note I have only the one pan adapter open and slice. It does not appear to be related to receiver overload or adjacent frequency interference.
One additional data point; the noise is coming from the 6700 even after I close SSDR but leave the radio turned on!!!
Anyone else experiencing this problem - it's really annoying me! I will request a support ticket if no one else is experiencing this issue.
- Bob, W1RE
Bob, I have also noticed your additional point above, but not on a regular basis. It is a DAX issue I think. Good luck.
0 -
I had a similar problem the other day on my 6300. A slice on a different band stayed open and receiving on a blank (pure static) frequency even after shutting down SSDR! I finally was able to clear it by opening up two slices again and then closing the 2nd one. Only then did it clear the static. Let me know if that works for you....
73, Dave0 -
Thanks for the responses Guy and Dave.
I am not using DAX in this case (coming direct out of rear speaker jack into powered speakers).
Also, I had only the one slice open and had never opened a second since I turned on the radio so it wasn't static from another slice.
I am beginning to think this may be from a switching power supply somewhere in my shack. The noise comes and goes. The odd thing is I never had this problem with earlier versions of SSDR so I was thinking it was something with the software but maybe I need to look elsewhere...
It doesn't' appear many other people are having this issue.
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