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Can the return of "Focus" to logging be completed via TCP/IP?
My question and/or suggestion would be to create a SmartSDR API function which sends an event across TCP/IP so that an external application listening for this event could react to it. This would allow a programmer to give focus to the external application on its native Operating System platform.
This might necessitate a change to the current "Focus Helper" Setup Screen" which is looking for a local OS system program Window name.
On a separate note, please forward my gratitude to the development team. 1.3 is an awesome release!!
So SmartSDR could send out a packet when it thinks it is time for the remote program to reclaim focus and then that program would receive the packet and reclaim focus? Is this what you are suggesting?
Steve0 -
Hi Steve...yes that is exactly what I am imagining. The 6000 could maintain control of the timing per your setup screen in SmartSDR.0
This would be easy to do, but before we go do it, I'd like a commitment that someone will integrate it into their logging program and use it.0
I will forward this to Don Argo and Stu, K6TU. Don is the owner of MacLoggerDX and Stu was the person who helped him with the SmartSDR support. I'll see if we can't get a commitment from them based on your statement.
Thanks Steve!0 -
Neat idea!0
Below is a snip of the e-mail sent to Stu, with Don Argo and Steve Hicks copied:
------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Stu,
I was hoping that you might look at the two community conversation chains I started. One is on the Flex Community. See below:
The other is on the MacLoggerDX yahoo group:
This request concerns making (I think) a minor addition to your SmartSDR cocoa framework to listen for a new event coming from SmartSDR…enabling MacLoggerDX application to raise focus to its own window running in OSX. This would especially helpful for contesting using SmartSDR while using it on Mac (running under Parallels) and MacLoggerDX as the logging application. This would reduce the contesting workload for real contesters running under single operator conditions.
The responses are encouraging from Steve Hicks, VP Engineering of Flex Radio Systems who said:
"This would be easy to do, but before we go do it, I'd like a commitment that someone will integrate it into their logging program and use it.”
and Don Argo, from Dog Park Software - MacLoggerDX:
"This would also require K6TU to integrate this into the SmartSDR cocoa framework. His web page is listed in the MacLoggerDX About box.”
What do you think. If you would be agreeable, would you contact both Steve and Don letting them know (and me)?
Thanks in advance!!!
Jay Burgherr - W0AVE (likely changing to N0FB this comming Saturday)
FYI…a new release of the SmartSDR API has been releases which adds CWX capability. :-)
The request is in the hands of the Amateur Radio Software Programming Gods. Lets hope that they look down kindly on us. :-)0 -
Don Argo (Owner of Dog Park Software, Developer of MacLoggerDX) e-mailed me the following:
I have added a method to MacLoggerDX Version 5.55 Beta 61 called bringUsFront which could be triggered by our SmartSDR driver after intercepting a notification from the smartsdr-objective-c framework."
SO... Stu & Steve....Ball is in your your courts...
Thanks to all for being so customer focused!!!Jay - W0AVE
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