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test micro with 6300

on5po Member ✭✭
edited April 2020 in New Ideas
Here it is, the results with different micros with the 6300  in first place Kenwood MC-60  
second place: Yaesu MD100  
third Yaesu place Mh 31  
Fourth place yaesu MD200 origin   
the FHM-1 flex... bad  
ON5PO, Janny


  • Jim  KJ7S
    Jim KJ7S Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    In my instance, I found the stock hand mike that came with the 6300 to work just fine. I didn't even change the settings I had in place with the Heil RCA Replica mike (Pro element and HC5) and received good responses from several stations when making direct comparisons. As expected, the hand mike wasn't quite as full as the Heil but still very good audio reports.... now without the EQ settings, that may be a different story.
  • Jim  KJ3P
    Jim KJ3P Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020

    While waiting for an adapter to arrive for my Heil headset, I gave the Flex mic a try. All reports were positive with comments like perfectly fine, easy to listen to, etc.

    I have the mic switch (on the back) set to #1 (flat), and the EQ set for a 1-2 dB rolloff at 125 & 250, and a presence rise of 2-6 dB from 1 to 4 kHz. 63 & 8K at -10. This is a perfectly serviceable hand mic; I don't know what all the fuss is about.

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