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HOW-TO: Setup FLEX-6X00 with N1MM / CW Skimmer for multiple slice contest operating



  • Member
    edited July 2016
    This is all good stuff..!
    I've got Skimmer working with the 2 slices on my 6300.. only thing I cant figure is getting the correct frequency readout on Skimmer #2 via SDR Bridge. Do I need an extra virtual COM port? Otherwise, Skimmer #2 shows the same frequency as #1, even though the SDR Slice is on another band... otherwise, everything is decoding fine via the second SDR IQ channel... next for N1MM!
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2015

    did you try SDR-Bridge?

  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I'm really interested to make a contetst CW with N1MM and cw skimmer but this help Using N1MM Logger With SmartSDR/SmartCAT, FlexControl, and K1EL WinKeyer is "line null"
    Albert ON5AM

  • Member
    edited July 2019
    I have N1MM Logger+ (v1.0.5916.0) set up a Flex-6500 (v1.9.7.85). I never really had N1MM working but followed along with a video by Al and made more progress than I have in the past.

    The problem I'm currently running into is, when using the internal Winkey via SmartSDR CAT sending CW seems to overlap messages. For example, if I hit F1 (CQ) and F2 (Exch) right after each other I get:

    cq test k4vd k4v5nn

    This happens for all the combinations I tried. Bug or something I set up wrong? The video had me set up a port for PTT but whether I use that or not (and I don't think it is necessary) the CW results are the same.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    You are describing normal operation.  Two keys pressed will send the first, then the second.  F1 twice = 2 CQ sequences, or HisCall + Exchange will send his call then the current exchange.

    Your example seems correct although I would expect something after the 599.

  • Member
    edited December 2016
    cq test k4vd k4v5nn

    That's not correct Stan. It should be:

    cq test k4vd k4vd 5nn

    Notice the second k4vd and 5nn ran together?

    Here are some other examples I came up with which characterizes the problem a little better...

    F4 F4 yields K4VK4VD
    F4 F4 F4 yields K4VK4VD K4VD

    F8 F9 yields ANGRR?
    F8 F9 F9 yields AGNRR? NR?


  • Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Sorry Kevin the subject of this thread caused me to overlook this and I didnt see it.. As posted on the N1MM list this have been corrected and is in Alpha testing.
  • Member
    edited December 2016
    Sorry about the confusion Chris. I actually created another thread which probably compounded the chaos. I understand the issue is being worked. Thanks!


  • Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Does this work with the latest 1.9.7 release of PSDR or should I stay with 1.8.4 
    on the Flex6700
    73 Mike
  • Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Since this bug apparently was not there in 1.8.4 you can use that if call stacking was important, but the 1.9.7 release has a plethora of other fixes that may outweigh.. so your call.  fwiw PSDR is power sdr for pre-6000 flex platfroms. the 6000 series uses SmartSDR...  I am sure you know that and this was just a QLF in your post but just for product clarity for folks searching threads in the future.
  • Member
    edited September 2016
    Semi on topic question here. I have the 6300, and I cannot for the life of me get N1MM to allow two slices on the same band at the same time.

    I'm faking SO2R, using SO2R instead of SO2V in the menu options, but it will not allow me to put both slices on the same band. Ideally, I'd like to be able to run one frequency, and S&P mults on the other in between CQ's. 
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    Rob you will need to open up 2 panafalls.  slice a in panafall 1 and slice b in panafall 2.  put them both on the same band.  You will need to do this from SSDR as N1MM will not allow a change to the same band from within N1MM.  then open N1MM and you should be good to go.
  • Member
    edited September 2016
    Chris, I've tried this to no avail last week. Even with two panafalls, with once slice in each panafall, N1MM will not let me stay on the same band or use F1/voice keying functions on the S&P slice when the CQ is same band. 
  • Member
    edited June 2019
    2019 June 08 ... like does not work now. 
  • Member ✭✭
    > @DK1EY said:
    > I just tried it with N1MM+. It works also perfect. N1MM+ is still not able to manage multiple telnet ports at the same time. But with wintelentX it is no problem, as described above.

    The link for the W2RF ini file seems to be broken. Is it available elsewhere please?

  • Member ✭✭
    edited July 2022


    Did you try it here?


    Kind regards



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