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Happy user

Don WB3FTQ Member ✭✭
edited November 2015 in FLEX-6000 Signature Series
my 6500 arrived at 1630 today, May 30. it took about half an hour to hook up the PS and install the software. switched to dummy load and 0 output, did some quick adjustments on the audio chain per the manual. at 1730 i checked into our section net on 3820 LSB and got good reports. i love the audio out of this radio. interestingly, i have had my 5K for about 5 years now and i have never been able to get it to run much over 50 watts without crashing yet i have done nothing different with the new rig. i work mostly digital so running low power on the 5K was no problem and when i needed to use it on the traffic net i used the Pro but from now on the Pro is dedicated to Pactor and i will use the new rig for everything else. Way to go Flex! 73

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