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Andrew O'Brien
Andrew O'Brien Member ✭✭✭
edited February 2017 in FLEX Series (Legacy) Radios
CWX and PowerSDR crash when sending several macros in a row.  See http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZUUKIJ2qi10?vq=hd1080 for an example, crash happens around 25 seconds in.  PowerSDR has to be rebooted when this happens. It has happened on a Flex 1500 and  Flex 3000 with different PC, different versions of PowerSDR, different versions of Windows .  It happens when transmitting with zero drive, so not RF related. It is fine if I leave several seconds between each macro . 


  • Roger Rockwell/na4rr
    Roger Rockwell/na4rr Member ✭✭
    edited February 2017
    I have 1500 and have had a 3000.  The same happened to me.  You have to wait for one macro to finish before starting another.  I ended up using macros in an external program. 
  • Andrew O'Brien
    Andrew O'Brien Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2014
    I guess the question is "why"  this happens and what might be done in the future to fix it. I don't think it is exactly a case of waiting until  a macro is finished.  You might be correct, but I think it has happened to me where one has finished but it crashes because I did not pause a certain amount of time between macros.  Having to wait , and introduce pauses, renders CWX useless for all but the simplest of uses.  

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