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FPS setting
Or until FRS can do something like what was done in the PSDR series - averaging if I recall.0
Actually, the use should be able to adjust both FPS and averaging....just as with every other SDR software program I have seen. Greg2
My kingdom for some averaging. I really hate the spastic display we currently have. Turning the FPS down just makes it look like your computer doesn't have enough horsepower to run the app. I loved running my 5k at 30 FPS with averaging on, silky smooth display that didn't give me a headache.1
I recall having a discussion with someone from FRS about a week or so ago and he mentioned that the designers thought the current display was what everyone would like. He then said there were many complaints and they are now changing their thinking and I think he said they were going to implement averaging for the display at some point.0
Yes please, averaging at some point on future update. The noise floor is extremely distracting, annoying.1
I usually set FPS to 8 or 9.0
I will probably like averaging when it arrives, but I will want to be able to turn it off.1
Hi Beppe. That is the point....many like it with avg and some without. It seems like an important function that is missing. In your photo....you are right...it is not "too" bad with multiple panadapters displayed or the SSDR window shrunk in size. But with one panadapter displayed in a large size it is very very annoying. I don't always need to have multiple panadapters running and SSDR runs full screen on a 24" touch computer. Even when not a full screen I can't take the fast FPS. 20-25 FPS WITH averaging is perfect for me. 73 Greg3
I agree, BOTH adjustable FPS and adjustable averaging are needed. That allows the user to fine tune the display according to mode, preference, CPU horsepower, and graphics capability. I currently use 8-11 on SSB and somewhat faster for CW. It is neat on a zoomed-in display in the CW band with higher FPS to be able to copy CW just watching the display. But the rapid noise pulses and very wide baseline eventually drive my eyes bats.0
Man oh man, I'm not sure how they would think that? I sure hope they get averaging going. I got my 6xxx series to gain features over my 5xxx, not lose them!0
Maybe we need to start a new topic on averaging and vote it up so it gets some traction? I am all for a selectable averaging feature just like the PSDR had.0
I am voting for FPS and AVR as separated features with separated persistence. Team, i think a time to initiate that already was offered: http://community.flexradio.com/flexradio/topics/our_notes_for_frs i guess it will make sense for any one in our community and easy to cumulate from FRS side.0
Yes please, FPS, AVR and the possibility to fill the Panadaper just as the very good PowerSDR.0
See this post for a picture I posted on TRACE AVERAGING. It really helps to see why this is so important. http://community.flexradio.com/flexradio/topics/smoothing_filter_or_averaging_for_the_data_trace Regards, Al / NN4ZZ1
By "fill the panadapter" do you mean "waterfall" or "Pan-fall?" Both are on the roadmap, but several updates down the road. I have found the pan-fall to be one of the most helpful features on my Flex-1500. It was one of the features that convinced me that Flex was the way to go and motivated me to purchase the 6500. I am eagerly awaiting the release of both features, especially pan-fall! But neither one will be as effective without trace averaging.0
I think by fill the panadapter he means instead of just a line that shows the signals to fill it in with a color so the everything below the noise/signal line is solid. 73 Greg0
OK. I remember that feature, but never used it because all it did for me was waste CPU power. But I can see that others might find it valuable.0
I used it most of the time. Made it easier for me to see sigs in the noise.0
the best way to see really weak signals at the noise level or below is a waterfall or Panafall set to a fairly narrow bandwidth and employing averaging. you can definately see weak signals that you wont notice in just a regular Panadapter setting even if it is averaged. I find the "Panafall" the best of both worlds and a very handy DXing tool. Even more so on 160 meter weak signal work.0
I agree Greg!0
I missed that posting. Thank you for making me aware and for the pictures.0
That is exactly what I found, too, Larry. Panfall with Averaging is the best! It not only allows you to see the weak ones, it allows you to see them over time, in case you are not looking at the precise moment it appears, or if you have multiple signals you are tracking. There is nothing as useful to combine the visual and auditory powers of the mind to dig out the weak ones, or to separate a busy band full of SSB for that matter.0
Since most of the processing happens in the radio, it's doubtful that averaging or panafall will cause any computer to stumble. I ran averaging and panafall any time my flex 3000/5000 was on, for many of the same reasons mentioned above...it made it much easier to catch weak ones. The waterfall was flat awesome for finding open spots during contests. I see the panafall on the roadmap, but I don't see averaging. Here's to hoping it doesn't fall by the wayside.0
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