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Reggie-k6xr Member ✭✭
edited February 2019 in SmartSDR for Windows
WSPR-X. Anyone running this? I cannot seem to get it to accept ssdrcat comport 4 for cat control or ptt. Anyone have a configuration that works with this mode and ssdr/cat?


  • Steve-N5AC
    Steve-N5AC Community Manager admin
    edited February 2017
    I'm using COM4 without a problem. I understand that sometimes a COM port gets hung and you need to remove and re-add it. To see if this is the issue, try creating a new com port in CAT and using it. If this fixes it, enter a support ticket and one of our support folks can explain how to fix the other port if that's the issue. Here's what my configuration looks like:
  • Tom - WQ5O
    Tom - WQ5O Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Hi Reggie, I've got it to transmit using the DAX but I'm not decoding anything. Here's my setup in WSPR-X. So, I'm getting closer. - Tom, WQ5O.
  • Tom - WQ5O
    Tom - WQ5O Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Oh yeah, make sure the DAX control panel is set up showing where you're transmitting and receiving. I forget to check that then fumble around until I remember that has to be set properly, too.
  • Beppe IK3VIG
    Beppe IK3VIG Member
    edited January 2014
    Works like a charm for me using COM4 on WSJT-X Great DX last night with W4 in JT9 at same time monitoring PSK31 at 3580 an listening a SSB QSO. Beppe ik3vig
  • Steve-N5AC
    Steve-N5AC Community Manager admin
    edited February 2019
    Tom, I can't tell what band you are on but it looks like the stations at the low end of your waterfall are modulating your AGC (if this doesn't make sense, ask). I recommend two things: 1) use your filter to cut them out of your passband and 2) turn AGC off. Your background should generally look homogenous and should not modulate (alternating blue and black horizontal bands).
  • Tom - WQ5O
    Tom - WQ5O Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Thanks Steve. Killing the AGC did the trick. Now there's someone in the middle of the small slice that is used for wspr running rtty. But I have it all working fine now (except for the guy running rtty). I've been running less than a watt and propagation is/was good on 15 meters. 73.
  • Steve-N5AC
    Steve-N5AC Community Manager admin
    edited March 2017
    Running WSPR on three bands simultaneously this morning .. I need more screen real estate! It would be fun to develop a version of WSPR that connected directly to SmartSDR and started up as many receivers as you wanted with just one instance of the WSPR software running.
  • George KF2T
    George KF2T Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Good point, Steve. Digital modes (especially weak signal ones like WSPR and JT) work best with AGC off. A loud signal, even though running perfectly cleanly with moderate power, can grab the AGC and cut out weaker ones.
  • rfoust
    rfoust Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Cool! Can multiple copies of WSJT-X run at the same time too? (on different bands). UPS is holding my 6700 hostage in Mississippi. :( Hope they get it here soon!
  • Steve-N5AC
    Steve-N5AC Community Manager admin
    edited December 2016
    Yes, you can see I'm running three at the same time. A couple of caveats: 1) you can't have them all controlling the radio via CAT. I generally just set the frequency manually since WSPR-X doesn't know about multiple receivers. 2) Each copy of the software must have a different directory it saves into. Press F2 and change the directory at the bottom of the options form (I use c:wsjtxsave10m c:wsjtxsave20m , etc.) 3) The software appears to have a known bug where it stops reporting to the Internet after a while. There's no visual indication, but your spots don't make it to the server. I'm not a WSJT-X expert, but this is what I've figured out so far.
  • rfoust
    rfoust Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Oh cool, that helps a lot. Thanks!

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