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SmartSDR v3.1.11 is Now Available

Tim - W4TME
Tim - W4TME Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
edited May 2020 in SmartSDR for Windows
FlexRadio Systems announces the immediate availability of SmartSDR v3.1.11. It is highly recommended that you download the appropriate version of the Release Notes to ensure an optimal software installation experience.

SmartSDR 3.1.11 can be downloaded from the FlexRadio Systems website. SmartSDR v3.1.11 is a maintenance release containing software fixes for version 3 of SmartSDR for Windows, SmartSDR for Maestro, SmartSDR for M models, SmartSDR CAT, and DAX. Please download and review the SmartSDR v3.1.11 Release Notes prior to installing SmartSDR v3.1.11.

A software license for the FLEX-6000 is required to run SmartSDR v3.x

If prompted to upgrade your SmartSDR license, obtaining and validating a license for your FLEX-6000 software defined radio is a simple process.  Once the radio and client have network access to the Internet, just load any version of the SmartSDR v3.x software on your PC or Maestro. In the radio chooser, if a radio requires a license, a status message will indicate a license is required before connecting to the radio and updating the firmware.  A “Buy” button is also presented so that you can conveniently purchase a SmartSDR v3.x license (which is inclusive of v2.x) using our Online Store. Please see the SmartSDR Release Notes for details regarding purchasing a SmartSDR software license for your radio.

The Following Highlights are SmartSDR v3.1.11 Specific Items:

Corrected Issues Related to SD Card Corruption:  Software improvements for increased SD Card stability during read/write operations. (J7741)
This software release of SmartSDR greatly improves the reliability and life expectancy of the FLEX-6000 SD card.  Installing this release and not reverting to a previous release of SmartSDR is strongly recommended to ensure reliable operation.

Changes to Maestro/M Model SmartLink Login Screen:  Improved SmartLink Log In screen design for better visibility and usability in Maestro and M models. (#J4900)

Fixed Frequency Rounding Error in Memory Form:  Fixed memory form frequency rounding error with transverter bands. (#J7790)

Fixed SmartSDR Screen “hang” When Updating Firmware:  Fixed SmartSDR for Windows application screen hangs when attempting to close while updating (#J7482)

Release Specific Caveats:
  • After installing SmartSDR v3.1.11 it is strongly recommended you do not revert to a previous version of SmartSDR to ensure the data integrity of the SD card.
  • After installing SmartSDR v3.1.11 it is recommended you do not install a previous version of SmartSDR that will revert DAX to the previous version that is susceptible to Windows update corruption.
Be sure to check out these helpful videos before getting started:

How to install SmartSDR v3: https://youtu.be/zO90kVkIYM8
Introduction to SmartSDR v3 and multiFLEX: https://youtu.be/e-vNsepxOzg

For information on compatible third-party applications, visit our Works with FLEX webpage (https://www.flexradio.com/works-with-flex/).

The SmartSDR v3.1.11 Changelog
V3.1.11 General Release 2020-04-30

#J4900 Improved SmartLink Log In design for better visibility in Maestro and M models.
#J7741 Update improvements for increased SD Card stability
#J7790 Fixed memory form frequency rounding error with transverter bands
#J7482 Fixed SmartSDR for Windows hang when attempting to close while updating

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