SmartSDR v3.8.23 and the SmartSDR v3.8.23 Release Notes
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Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
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Power Genius XL Amplifier RF Path Bypassing
Dose the Power Genius XL amplifier allow unit bypassing during receive as the Antenna Genius allows?
Dose the Power Genius XL amplifier allow unit bypassing when in standby?
Rich C
Hi Rich
The Power Genius RF path is in bypass during RX for both A and B sides, whether the amp is in standby or operate. The amplifier pallet would not pass RX through it otherwise.
73 Dave wo2x
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Dave WO2X,
Thanks for quick reply and requested information.
My experience with other amplifiers both tube and solid state keeping the amplifier in operate mode the receive signal strength decreases when changing to another band until the amplifier is tuned to the current band or switched into standby. Generally, this is not a problem if the operation is limited to a single band but with the ability of the Flexradio to actively monitor more than a single band at the same time a decrease in receive signal would be a problem. I would think this is the reason the Flexradio Tuner Genius has the option to bypass while in receive mode.
Additionally having the amplifier in standby if the exceeder output power level excides the normal drive level the amplifier will go into an alarm mode.
To eliminate these problems, I have simply installed Coax Relays to bypass the amplifier while in receive or standby mode. Based on your response I am happy to hear the addition of my coax relays will not be needed.
Thanks again,
Rich C
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hi Rich
your past experiences may have been with amps that have built in tuners. The tuner portion acts as a bandpass filter and can decrease receiver signals outside the tuned frequency.
The Power Genius does not have a built in tuner so on receive there are relays that bypass the amp on both the secondary RF path and path where amp is in operate.
Enjoy the new amp. I love mine pair up with the 8600, TG XL and AG. Complexity made simple!
Feel free to ask if you have additional questions.
73 Dave wo2x
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Power Genius XL Amplifier RF Path Bypassing
Dave WO2X,
Thanks for your quick reply and needed information.
I viewed your posting on Node Red. Quite informative.
Rich C
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Node Red became necessary for me to control everything in the shack as I was doing a decent amount of remote operating from hospital beds. There’s only so many time you can call your wife at 3 a.m. when something doesn’t work :-)
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