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SmartSDR CAT losing connection with WSJT-X instance

Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in SmartSDR for Windows
I'm running the latest version of all of the software I'll mention bellow.

I have four instances of WSTJ-X running on my Lenovo P70 laptop, GridTracker to help me monitor and log the instances and four slice receivers with SmartSDR 3.1.8.

For some so far unexplained reason SmartSDR CAT will lose partial contact with one of the WSJT-X instances.  I'll click on a row in GridTracker so I can work a station of interest and my 6600 will start transmitting on the previously selected band.  So if for instance I worked the last QSO on 20 meters and this current QSO is on 17 meters SmartSDR will show the 20 meter slice in transmit when it should be the 17 meter band that's being transmitted on.

I'm having to trust SmartSDR that it's telling me the correct band that's being transmitted on event thought it's not the band I expect as I currently have no easy way to sample the generated RF with a second receiver.

I've gone into WSJT-X setting > radio and the TCP/IP ports all look correct.  If I stop and restart SmartSDR, SmartSDR CAT, SmartSDR DAX and the four instance of WSJT-X everything comes back up and works fine, sometimes for several days before the next failure.

I'm not sure if it's related or not however I'm also seeing the Flex 6600 just plain crash and reboot itself randomly.  Sometimes this can be twice in an hour and other times it can run for several days.


de Roger, NK1I


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  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020

      I am assuming that your have the WSJT-X instances configured to use a separate TCP port for each instance and that your are using PTT via CAT and have 'auto switch TX slice' enabled on each port.
      If it stays in that mode for ( transmitting on wrong band ) long enough,  in SSDR CAT enable 'log' for each port and verify the TX command is indeed on the correct port.  
      I suspect that it is..

    AL, K0VM
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    6700 here running all 8 slice with 4 WSJT-X instances 24X7,  PC is  I7 4790K tower. [fast 16gigs memory]
    Generally don't have any issues besides DAX corruption now and then. This AM all four instances had the red dot next to the dial frequency read out. The "retry cancel" boxes open for all four instances. When trying the retry option the dial frequency showed all zeros. Restarted CAT, did not reconnect to the WSJT-X apps. Been running WSJT-X since 2014 and never saw this situation.
    Restarted WSJT-X and all was well.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Read in another thread that this may be an issue with TCP/Hamlib method.  Recommendation is to go back to Kenwood 2000 using Com ports.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    The Flex related problem with hamlib was fixed in WSJT-X about a year or so ago.  If you are running wsjt-x 2.1.2 there should be  no hamlib problems with flex.  I have not had any CAT problems related to the hamlib bug when using wsjt-x 2.1.2. 
    AL, K0VM
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Thanks for the info, looks like this version came out at end of November '19.
    Updated my PC today with 2.1.2, hope this solves the problem.
    Perhaps others missed this update as well. Would be nice if WSJT-X automatically notified users of newer versions.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Glad to see that others are seeing this problem.  In my case, I see the PTT part and on a lesser scale frequency, stop functioning.  In both cases, the fix is stopping and restarting CAT and/or the apps involved.  Usually this condition appears if I have not used the radio for more then 1 hour.  If I continually use the radio, no problem.  I use  the following apps wsjt-x, JTAlert, Log4OM, SmartSDR. all talking on on UDP ports.  Wsjt-x using the dedicated Flex 6000 tcp settings (port 5002 and CAT) to communicate with Flex 6500.  I use Windows 10 home,  I have 2 computers, and both experience this problem.  Again, if I continually use the radio and the associated apps, I do not have the problem.  If I walk away, and leave all running, there is a 75% chance that CAT stop functioning and require restart solution.  On a side note, my Flex 6500 will freeze up after not being used, but on, after 3+ hours of not being used. and require a crash restart.  Could all this be memory leaks?

  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Sounds to me like a network issue.  How are you connecting to your network?

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    What version of WSJT-X are you using? What Rig type do you have selected in WSJT-X ? 
    AL, K0VM
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Not an issue....if it was I would see it while operating.  Checked network config setting and there are no sleep issues.  Computer to radio latency is, while operating, 1 to 3 ms. 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Latest versions of all the apps I am using.  I use the Flex 6000 on port 5002 and CAT for PTT.  works fine...... I feel that SmartCAT is just not robust enough, and needs further refinement.  Nothing’s perfect.....
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    This morning 3 out of 4 instances of WSJT-X had disconnected from CAT, ver 2.1.2 TCP method. Changed over to COM ports, see what happens. This is a very recent experience for me and nothing has changed on my computer. Been running SSDR 3.1.8 for some time now. 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Since the hamlib fix was released in WSJT-X 2.1.2, I have had zero cat problems.. ( thousands of FT8 contacts ).. Do you by chance have more than one app trying to use port 5002 ?  ( you can create additional TCP ports with unique numbers in SSDR CAT )

    AL, K0VM
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    I assume each instance of WSJT-X has its own unique TCP port ?
    AL, K0VM
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Yes Al, can not imagine what has changed to cause the loss of CAT connection over night. Radio is on Static IP and PC, Radio & Amp are on 5 port switch which are powered by UPS. Have reviewed Event Log, nothing there. Open to suggestions.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    So after changing to COM ports for the first time the active WSJT-X instance went red while transmitting. Had to click retry to get green indication on dial frequency. Two other instances had a temporary disconnect as the slice flag moved to the center of the panadapter display. 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    No, just  wsjt-x....  Yes, I can creat ports? Only need one.   Again, I have no problems with CAT operations, it is only if I leave the station running and not do anything for a period of time 1 hour or more.  Then CAT disconnects mostly PTT functions, but occasionally frequency display in Log4OM.  Which uses OmniRig and assigned com port, but that still uses CAT functions.  This is not computer related, but could be software related.   CAT, TCP, UDP, COMports all are involved.  Not being a software person, but well versed in data com.  I can only make evaluations based on what I know and observe.  I do know that if these CAT related problems are taken seriously the problems  will be solved eventually.  I hope......
  • FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager admin
    edited April 2020
    Please check to see that each 3rd party software connection utilizes a unique TCP or Serial port.  You cannot share ports amongst apps.  All 3rd party software assumes it has exclusive access to a port. 

    CAT port connections can also be impacted when your PC goes into standby or the screen-saver is activated.  I've experienced CAT PTT disconnects with WSJT-X when my screen saver activates even though I have the sleep (power-saver) function on my PC turned off. Each 3rd-party app can respond differently to the messages Windows sends to running applications when sleep/screen saver functions timers expire and turn on.

    If you routinely expect to keep CAT/TCP ports active through periods of inactivity, turn off your screen saver and sleep functions. 


    Dan, N7HQ
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Further investigation shows I opened a ticket with the help desk in November detailing all instances disconnected from CAT. This also coincides with the release of 3.1.8.. Will reopen that case as an FYI, looks like there might be a bug in CAT 3.1.8 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Thanks, Dan, I do not sleep the computer, but I do have screen saver active.  I will check with it off.  Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Also Dan, all UDP/TCP assignments are correct.... no operational issues.  Just pesky CAT disconnects...
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Dan, just a suggestion, how about some sort of keep alive signals? A general broadcast and response command, if that exists in the CAT function list?
  • Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited April 2020
    Another thing I have found in Windows 10 was screen and mouse freezing for a couple of seconds every minute. I traced this down to the desktop background image being set to Slide Show instead of a static picture. Every minute Windows would change the image and color scheme to match the image. That correlated with the freezes.

    Dave wo2x
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    I concur absolutely with Bob - network issues present just like this. In my case, I'd come back after an hour or two, sometimes overnight, to find that both CAT and DAX were disconnected. I'd disconnect and reconnect the radio, and all would be well for anywhere from hours to a day or so, then it would drop again - disconnected DAX and CAT. Tore my hair out, but eventually decided it must be a network problem.

    Changed the switch I was going through to get to the radio from the computer, and I have had zero disconnects in days. In my case, this was with xDax plus Loopback and xCat on a Mac with JS8Call. Happy camper after a physical network change.
  • FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager admin
    edited April 2020
    Pat, if the application can use a TCP port, you can drop the use of CAT ports.  In the case of WSJT-X, it supports both underlying transport layers (virtual RS232 ports vs. a TCP socket), but the actual data sent over it is still CAT  On my system, I use a TCP port:

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Your example, is exactly the way I set up wsjt-x.  Has been since the first time wsjt-x properly got the Flex 6000 radio selection working.... Now I am going to through another log on the fire.  DAX is also going to sleep.... radio keys but no transmit audio and  this requires me to quit SmartSDR completely and restart it.  Basically these problems are irritations, and under normal or continuous operation all works fine.  
    I have not tested the monitor screen saver yet, will try that soon to see if that causes the problems. 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Hi David, don’t have that configuration issue, I just have normal screen saver operations.  But as I said I will be testing with the screen saver turned off.  That will take a few days.  That was an interesting problem you described.  It’s one of those Widows traps that can crop up, and make you scratch your head and say, “how the he#$ did that happen”!
  • FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager admin
    edited April 2020
    Awesome.  Let us know how that works.  It was a solid **** on my system.  Make sure you stop the screen from turning off too, that setting on Windows 10 is a bit more hidden. 

    Follow the steps:

    1. Right-click on the start button and select Control Panel.

    2. Next select Power option (search in the search bar option if unable to found).

    3. Click on the Power saver and then select Change Plan Settings.

    4. Make the changes according to you and save it.

    5. Now Click on the option Change Advanced Power settings.

    6. Now click on Change settings that are currently unavailable.

    7. Proceed with the display option listed below and expand it.

    8. Once the display options are expanded change the option to never.

    9. Restart your computer.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    So far so good, with screen saver off, did not have any problems overnight.   Will continue test....
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    So, the question is, what in the screen saver or DAX/CAT when used together, that is causing the problems?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    I had previously visited the related power options in Ethernet, screensaver, and computer sleep.  Also, did a full stop on all security settings, which I will reinstate as I get more confidence with the screen saver issue.  

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