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USB port hooked with ACOM 2000A
Hello ; I've just hooked the CAT port of the (rear 15 P) consolle of ACOM 2000A with USB port trought USB FTDI genuine cable (immediately recognized by flex).
Following instructions about cable (see Acom 2000A manual pag.33) interface ( KENWOOD TS480, TS570, TS590, TS870, TS2000, TS..40 etc.).
Set software as :
on ACOM 2000A Kenwood new type 19200
on 6500 CAT TX slice 19800 8 none 1 none.
Nothing work, or better... I see the "command" out from USB cable reading advance log menu of USB port but nothing change on ACOM.
Where is the mistake? . Thanks you for any help
73 Roberto IZ2ODM
Following instructions about cable (see Acom 2000A manual pag.33) interface ( KENWOOD TS480, TS570, TS590, TS870, TS2000, TS..40 etc.).
Set software as :
on ACOM 2000A Kenwood new type 19200
on 6500 CAT TX slice 19800 8 none 1 none.
Nothing work, or better... I see the "command" out from USB cable reading advance log menu of USB port but nothing change on ACOM.
Where is the mistake? . Thanks you for any help
73 Roberto IZ2ODM
My Acom 2000 configuration is in the USB users guide. You must build a specific cable (not a standard serial cable). The cable configuration can be found in the USB manual or on the DDUtil website.
The Acom 2000 works seamlessly via USB on the Flex.
Alpha Team1 -
You mean on pag. 2 of USB cable interface manual ? ...DB9Male pin to connect are pin 2 , 3 and 5 ) ?0
Roberto For CAT control you must have the new style color remote and buils a 15 pin to 9 pin cable that goes from remote to usb to serial adapter which plugs in radio. The db 9 on back of amp only talks proprietary connunications and not CAT commands.. you can connect a custom cable from back of amp to PC and use DDUtil to control amp and have it communicate to the radio. More info on DDUtil control of 2000a here http://k5fr.com/DDUtilV3wiki/index.php?title=How_To#Setup_a_ACOM2000A_Linear_Amplifier More info here https://community.flexradio.com/flexradio/topics/flex-6500-to-acom-2000a Dave wo2x0
Correct. And if you have the serial CAT connector on the back of the amp it will work fine. I am not using a DB 15 cable or DDUtil.
Mack1 -
Thanks Dave for your suggestion but I already had connection through DDUTL. It works fine. What' Im'trying to do is use a direct connection using USB cable.
Thanks for suggestion but it continue do not works I just clear connection between pin 3-4 as descrived on "kenwood" cable on acom maual and leave :
DB9 5 -->5 db15 (acom cat connector
DB9 3...>4 db 15(acom cat connector)
DB9 2-->1 db15 (acom cat connector
and shield of course
Where is themistake
0 -
Here are the DDUil hookup notes I'm using from the DDUtil Yahoo Group. It works perfectly. Where is says DDUtil config just configure the Flex USB per their manual.
Setting up an Acom 2000A with DDUtil
Acom 2K Setup
• To connect the Acom 2000A to the Flex through DDUtil you need a "basic" RS-232
DB-9 male to female null modem cable. This cable uses only three wires. Pin 2
to 3, Pin 3 to 2, and Pin 5 to 5.
• Connect this cable from the RS-232 port on the back of the amp (not the
connector on the remote) to a com port on the PC.
• DO NOT use a full, store bought, null modem cable as there are other pins in
the RS-232 connector on the amp that are not used for PC communications.
DDUtil Setup
• Download the latest version of DDUtil and install it.
• Click Setup from the menu bar to open the Setup form.
• On the Amps tab select the PC com port you will use for the Acom and select
1200 baud, then click Enable.
Note: Do not try to use any other baud rate besides 1200 setting.
• It is recommended to use the Auto Drive feature of DDUtil to automatically set
the power output per band so when the amp is in operate the radio power is
adjusted automatically for the band the radio is on.
• Make sure Amp 1 is selected and check the bands you want to use the amp on.
• In the Options group, select the options you require based on your needs. A
good default setting to begin with is BOBC and Amp Follows DDU PTT checked.
Note: See the Auto Drive wiki article link above for Options descriptions.
o BOBC forces the amp and DDUtil to go to standby on band change. This is
done for safety as it allows you to verify SWR before bringing the amp
o Amp follows DDU PTT allows you to click the OPER (green)/STBY (yellow)
button on main DDUtil screen to toggle the amp between operate and
standby. When in standby it also disables the TX1 keying RCA port on the
• Select the Enable check box to activate the Auto Drive feature.
• A window will appear on the PC desktop labeled A2K. This window is your
interface for controlling the A2K from DDUtil.
• Connect an RCA (phono) cable from the radio’s TX1 connector to the Acom Key-In
(PTT) connector.
1. DDUtil uses the TX1 connector for Amp 1 and the TX2 connector for Amp 2 for the PTT key lines.
Setting up an Acom 2000A with DDUtil
• Now turn on the Flex and you should see frequency and mode appear in the title
bar of the DDUtil main window.
• Turn on the main power switch on the Acom 2000A amp.
• On the Acom remote console, push the red On/Off switch to power on the amp. In
the DDUtil Acom control window the Acom 2K power button should go green and
ON, the OPER button should be pink and say WAIT while warming up.
• Once the amp is warmed up, click on the yellow STBY button in the DDUtil main
window and it should go to OPER and the amp should also go to operate mode and
band change to the proper band.
0 -
As said many time...with DDUTIL it works. but I don't want use DDUTIL. I want use USB cable on the back of FLEX and goes directly to ACOM Using interface uf USB cable of flex set to CAT. It would work but nothing...
0 -
The rear connector on amp does not work for CAT, it only works for DDUtil.
If you want CAT operation with Acom 2000a you must use the new style color remote and use the DB 15 connector on the remote to the DB 9 of the serial to USB cable.
Dave wo2x
0 -
Hi David and thanks for reply. I have the new remote (color) with DB15 CAT on rear. I already used it with microham station master in the house. As described above I have followed the instruction on the USB manuals but it doesn't work anyway .Please , are you so gentle to describe me PIN to PIN cable and setting into USB cable (on flex). I have it already but maybe I'm doing some mistake that I don't understand. Thanks0
The Settings are covered on page 16 of Flex USB Cable Guide http://www.flexradio.com/files/smartsdr-win/how-to/USB-Cable-Interface-Guide.pdf The wiring for the cable is on page 33 of following manual (figure 7-4) https://www.acom-bg.com/sites/default/files/manuals/ACOM 2000A Manual.pdf Dave wo2x0
Make sure to set CAT in amp to Kenwood New (19200)0
Here are pictures of how I have my Acom 2000 hooked up and working perfectly. I'm using an FTDI cable wired as per my description above connected to the PC port on the back of the amp. Here is the picture: The center cable is connected to the Flex.
The RCU is connected using the Acom supplied cable. I am NOT connecting the FTDI cable from the Flex directly to the remote controller but only to the rear of the amp.
Again, the pins are wired per my post above. I can assure you this works perfectly.
Alpha Team0 -
Your fan filter looks dirty ;-)0
I saw that! ;-)0
Please excuse my ignorance David, but what is the "new style color remote" you keep referring to? can you include a link to one of these things? Thanks.
0 -
There are two different remotes for the Acom 2000a. One is monochrome display and does not offer key in, key out, or CAT connection. Using that remote the only option is to use DDUtil to control amp with three wire null modem serial cable from back of amp to PC. The new remote has color display and extends key in & out from back of amp to remote and also features a “CAT” connector which supports Icom CI-V, kenwood old & new cat protocol, Yaesu and Elecraft protocol. http://www.hfpower.com/images/control1.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_q0UuMRcaNQ/hqdefault.jpg Dave wo2x0
Hi Dave , really strange. I have exactly the setting showned by you ; new RCU , cable DB15/DB9 , setting on USB , genuine FTDI but NOTHING works...Just Auto report is enabled (it doesn't matter I think) .It could be a matter of Flex 6500 software release ? I have 1.10.16...
0 -
Thanks Dave and Mack, I get it now, its the control unit for the ACOM2000. Thanks!
0 -
Yes. Correct 73 Dave wo2x0
Pleading ignorance and very little knowledge and and hoping it is a typo, I saw in your post,
"on ACOM 2000A Kenwood new type 19200
on 6500 CAT TX slice 19800 8 none 1 none."
Don't the baud rates have to agree?
0 -
It is called **** fingering as I lay here in rehab facility. (Or the meds) Both should be 19200. Good catch Brad! Dave wo2x0
Guys please it obvious that it is a TYPE MISTAKE ! IS a matter of fact that It it doesn't works
0 -
It could be a matter of release ? Currently I'm using 1.10.160
1.10.16 supports USB cables. Send a picture of the USB cable setup screen. I no longer own the Acom amp so cannot Test it here. Dave wo2x0
Here attached.
1) cable from USB FTDI cable to ACOM (rear consolle 15DB)DI Thanks
0 -
Hi David, any comments on picture attached?
Roby0 -
Everything looks correct. I do not know why it is not working. Since I no longer have the Acom and I used the rear connector of the amp and DDUtil I am out of ideas.
Maybe someone else reading this that has the Acom 2000a connected to the CAT port on the amp can give some input.
One last idea. If you made the DB15 to DB9 cable yourself, try reversing pins 2 & 3 at the DB 9 in case you have TxD and RxD reversed.
Dave wo2x
0 -
@ IZ2ODM Hi Roby, just out of curiosity. What happened later, did you find iy out and solved the problem with A2000?0
Curious about the solution too as I'm about to connect the 6600 to the Acom myself...
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