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Smart SDR V2 Demo mode?

Member ✭✭
edited December 2019 in SmartSDR for Windows
I'm considering buying a 6600 when they become available.  Does Smart SDR implement a demonstration mode so that I can get a 'feel' for the user interface and capabilities without committing to the hardware?  I see from an earlier post - 4yrs ago - that it didn't back then.

Is there any other way to evaluate the software without actually buying the radio?  



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  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    V 1 SSDR is not as stand alone software, It is dependent on talking to the hardware. Without the radio in place a log in screen will show, then it must see a radio to continue.

    V2, you can download the software and log into a radio with a persons Email and password, then you have full control.
    This needs to be arranged with someone using V2 as well.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    So the answer is No.  That's a shame.  :-(
    Nearest dealer is miles away.
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited February 2018
    Andrew, the SmartSDR software and radio work together in a client / server relationship.  Without the server (radio) the client (SmartSDR software) is not usable.  It isn't like the other "**** client" SDRs that feed the client software IQ and the PC does all or a majority the digital signal processing.  The radio (6000) does all of the signal digitization and digital signal processing operations; SmartSDR is just for presentation and control.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    But, if you find someone with V2 software, you can use there radio remote. You need to install V2 and log into their radio, then you can operate it the same as having it at home. As I said,,find someone that will share the radio with you remote.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017


    If you know someone in the UK (or anywhere in the world) who has a Flex 6000 with V2 installed and they are willing to let you remotely log onto their radio, then it is possible to use their radio remotely to try out the software and the radio

    NOTE TO FLEX;  Perhaps Marketing might want to enable a test radio so that remote customers can try before they buy?   Yes, I know it is a lot of work to get a beginner up to speed to install the software and SmartLink....

  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Thanks Tim.  I understand all that but wondered if there was a simulation aka demo mode.  No problem.  I'll take the long drive over to a dealer at some point.  Hopefully they can get something with Smart SDR running.  
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Tim a remote radio at Flex could be a good sales idea, people can call and arrange a time to use it, and log in?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017


    Great Minds think alike... see below

  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Thanks Bill, Tim, Howard.

    I guess Flex doesn't based on your posts.  I'll try a UK dealer and see where I get...
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Post on the forum asking if anyone will share their radio... I saw someone a few weeks ago asking..
  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Perhaps Flex presenting a video presentation of someone using the radio with a description and use of all the important functions.
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited October 2017
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    My offer is open to anyone who wants to try a live Flex radio via SmartLink. However, those outside the USA will be restricted to receive only unless they have a US license (per FCC rules). If you're interested, let me know. I'm good in QRZ.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    For those new, this is a simple process.  You need to download and install the V2 software and let Ria know.  She will then provide the username/password for you to log in and try.  

    Ria, that is very nice of you to do that.  


  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Are you able to create multiple logins and give receive only or transmit preventives to each accordingly?

    Norm - W7CK
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    At the risk of restating what may now be obvious, you can install the SmartSDR software on a computer at home, then use the SmartLink feature to connect to a remote radio and operate it. Ideally someone in the UK will offer to make their radio available to you. No need to travel.


  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    I use third party software to lock out TX for non-US users. It’s one login at a time. I just change the password when they’re done. I have one or two other people I let use the radio on occasion so I don’t use social login or similar.
  • Member
    edited November 2019

    Prior to v2 being released several users strongly suggested that Flex should set-up a test radio so that it can be properly evaluated before purchase. No action so far as I am aware. It is not right or fair to expect the users to take the strain by doing their selling for them.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    For decades, Hams have shared their radios for other to enjoy one way or another.  Field day, club meetings, club stations.  This is not a new process by any means.  While most ham stores have antennas, you can't hear much there as they are almost always in commercial areas, and their noise floor is horrendous.  

    We the advent of SDR, it now makes it easier for hams to share their radio.  

    The other source of your buying is now also supported by the hundreds of videos on youtube including eHam and personal Blogs.  You could not do this 20 years ago.  I bought my first FT101ZD new just from reading an Ad in a magazine, but I digress.  This is not 20 years ago.

    Flex does provide a 30 day MONEY back guarantee.    I do believe that ML&S has the same opportunity.   

    Flex has always had wonderful support by their core followers and Alpha test team who happily give up time and vacation for the support of their radios because they like doing it.  FRS does not ask them to do it.  

    Every hobby has its ambassadors.  No hobby would survive without them.  It isn't about being fair or right.  

    73, Mike
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Flex always has demo stations in person at live events like hamfests (radio rallies) and conventions that you can play with and ask an expert or two. They have even gone as far as Germany and Japan. They have a local, smartlink and iOS client. The remote thing is new so I don’t expect them off the bat to have a remote station for customers to play with. However that would not be a bad idea.

    As far as test radios go - Flex will let you try a radio for 30 days in your home without a purchase commitment. However this is officially only in the United States and possibly Canada. In Europe it is different as dealers sell the radios, not Flex. Tell me, WHO ELSE offers that? None of the big 3 Japanese radio mfgs. I don’t think Elecraft offers it either. And definitely not Anan.

    Trust me, Matt, Mike and the rest are making radios available for people to try.

    I am only letting people use my radio in part because I want to see the brand succeed and because I have pride in a station that I built myself. I’m probably one of the ambassadors that Mike talks about, but only because I see real value in what Flex has built.

    I’m not doing this because Flex expects me to. I do this because I WANT to. Maybe you ought to direct your demo radio questions to the UK or European dealer. As it is operating remotely to the US would be receive only as CEPT only covers in-person operation. If they are willing to let you operate that would work out really well. You would get an idea of how the the rig operates in Europe under band conditions and local noise there, things you are familiar with. You could test things like WNB with 50Hz electrical noise instead of 60Hz and things like interference from assorted electronics and even interference from military radar etc could be evaluated.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Thanks to all who have responded and especially Ria for the kind offer.  Once we get nearer to the time when the 6600 is available in the UK and I need to make a decision I'll go try a copy on whatever Flex 6000 series a UK dealer has.  Hopefully that will solve my problem.  If that's not possible I may well be back and make contact with Ria.  Thanks again folks.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    how do you lock out TX for remote users on SmartSDR? Can you elaborate?

    Also, ideally there would be a better way to "manage" users/friends of my radio. I hate the fact that users and I would have to share credentials. I hope this will be addressed in the future, this is not adequate nowadays.  Even better, I would like to give multiple people RX only, myself and a good buddy TX as well.


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