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CC-1-XLR-Y-BAL Cable has a 1/4 inch plug for keying rig, but will key (HELP)

Delbert McCord
Delbert McCord Member ✭✭
The cable I purchased from Flex CC-1-XLR-Y-BAL for my PR-40 works fine for audio on my 6300 but I do not understand why I can not key the rig with my Heil push button trnasmit switch. I used a Volt Ohm meter on the MALE plug on the Heil push button keyer and its working. 

This is my cabin 6300 that I have taken home while my home 6300 is going into Flex for some repairs. At my cab it keyed just fine through the front mic jack with a different cable. (that cable setup is still at the cabin waiting from this rig to come back). I purchased the new cable to go directly into the front of the rig. I had always used my home Flex through the computer for audio but I was wanting to go direct into the front like I do at the cabin so I could get better audio now that the rig is going to be where I operate at.

I am scratching my head (I do not have much hair to spare) wondering whey there would be a female 1/4" jack but not have it set up. I am wondering if they have not changed it? This hand push to talk switch is a little old and its a 2 conductor plug. Could this cable's female 1/4" plug be a 3 conductor using tip and the second pin instead of tip and ground? I can cut this plug off and wire in a 3 conductor easy enough but I do not want to unless that is what is needed. 

Thanks for any help anyone can send my way. 


  • Rick  WN2C
    Rick WN2C Member ✭✭
    edited May 2018
    By your post I take it that the cable has the orange end on it. The hand switch plugs in to the 1/4 inch female jack (like the Heil HS2) and should key the radio. Do you have DAX set up / turned on? This is how you got audio to it right?
  • Delbert McCord
    Delbert McCord Member ✭✭
    edited August 2017
    All the Dax and com ports on the computer are how they were when the software installed item. I have not messed with them and the only thing I have done is set the rig so it can key my amplifier. I am trying to go directly into the front mic jack with my PR-40. I always got complaints that my audio was very low going through the mic on the computer. This is the same rig I was doing it with at my cabin and it worked fine. That setup goes through a MFJ mic switch so I can use the same Mic (PR-40) for all my rigs. Icom 2820, Kenwood 2000, and I had the Flex set up as a Yaesu. I am thinking I saw someone on the receipt from Flex when I purchased this cable that said something like no special keying or something like that. I have looked for the receipt that came with the cable but I can not find it, I must have thrown it away. 

    Once my knee recovers (I went up and down the stairs to my old shack in the basement once already today) I will go down there and get the Flex hand mic and verify the rig will key with it. I would bet it will but I must verify. I am beginning to think the cable is defective. I am thinking about taking it apart and seeing if there are any broken wires. Do you know if I can key the rig from the back? 

    Thank You for your reply. 
  • Delbert McCord
    Delbert McCord Member ✭✭
    edited August 2017
    Thanks for the help, I got it figured out or at least working. I was reading the book and found I can key the Flex 6300 from the back on a RCA jack labeled PTT. I made a adapter and now my Heil hand push to talk switch works just fine. I still think the adapter that I purchased from Flex had a problem and yes it does have the Orange band on the XLR plug that goes into the mic. The one of the good things about Flex is there is always someone willing to help out with a little information.
    Del KA8OCN

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