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Sliding Slices

Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in New Ideas
Lets say we have 4 panadapters open; 10, 15, 20 and 40M. We are contesting or maybe just working rare DX like FT5ZM. Loggers are mainly dealing with VFO A and VFO B.....aka Slice A and Slice B. Right now we have to open a slice....then if we want VFO A on a different panadapter we have to close it then open another slice on that display. My suggestion....and this may take a lot of work, I dont know...is to be able to grab a slice from one panadapter and drag it to another. This would be a much much easier process than all the clicks required now and falls in line with the "computer" way of doing some things. If this is not clear i'm sorry....on a bunch of pain meds right now. But I think you should get the idea. 73 Greg AB7R


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  • Member ✭✭
    edited March 2015
    I like this idea. Drag and drop slices.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Very interesting idea. Technological difficulty uncertain. As SSDR evolves to include splitting pans or slices up among multiple computers, both local and networked, It would be nice to be able to "throw" or "send" a slice to a different computer, kind of like when the guys on "Hawaii 5-O" throw a picture or criminal suspect's file from their large table video screen up to a large display on the wall.... Wouldn't it be cool to say "Hey Greg... listen to this" and "throw" him the slice to listen to? or "Hey Bob,,, Massive pileup on 15 CW... you take it while I work the one on 20 SSB."
  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2014
    Its a bit different than drag and drop slices but very close. In that situation the receiver must have the option to accept it or not. He may be in the middle of a pileup himself trying to work something. I just like the idea of being on one panadapter...maybe one of four open...and suddenly see a pile up start to develop and I can just grab my TX slice down to the appropriate panadapter showing the pileup. Nice and quick....then drag slice B to the DX freq.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Great ideas. I guess programmatically it would be like dragging a web browser tab from one browser window to another? That's outside my realm of programming knowledge though. :)
  • edited June 2020
    Here is another way it could work: We have 8 [4] slices A - H [D]. What if we could also have the ability to designate one slice as the Primary slice, and another as a Secondary Slice. Right now CAT acts as if Slice A is Primary and Slice B is Secondary, the remaining slices are ignored by CAT. Lets say we have dialed in another station we want to log on another panadapter/slice, we could simply set that slice (maybe its C) to Primary, and the logging/digital software will now exchange frequency/mode/control information with slice C. An alternative would be a "Swap with A" and "Swap with B" functions. Clicking Swap with A from Slice C control box would swap the designator for the slices A and C. And yes, this is almost certainly more difficult to do at the software level than it is at the brainstorming level, but now that we have a radio with 8 receivers, we now have to find a way manage them with software that is primarily designed to work with only one or two receivers.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Yes this would be nice!
  • Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    I LIKE IT!!!
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2017
    A variant would be to assign "Primary Status" to the slice that has the "Tx" enabled.
  • edited December 2016
    And maybe some way to link slices that are acting as TX-RX pairs when operating split. Right now there are two basic ways to work split: 1) Add a second slice on the transmit frequency (requires additional slice resources) 2) Use XIT/RIT which currently only allows +/- 9999Hz offset (19998 Hz if used together, but this is not at all a friendly way to operate, especially because its difficult to type a negative offset) I prefer to use XIT when the split is only 5kHz - 10kHz (using 9.999 kHz), but what I would really prefer is to have an option to 'split' a slice into a A-TX and A-RX slices that both show up on the panadapter with their respective portions hilighted, but would not take additional slice resources because Tx and Rx dont happen simultaneously.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2014
    All these other ideas are getting pretty far from my original post...and that is to simply be able to grab a slice from on panadapter and drag it to another. 73 Greg
  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2014
    Seems like drag and drop would be more intuitive with today's screen oriented user interfaces. We can already drag and drop Panadapters to different locations. Makes sense to extend that capability to Slices.

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