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Syncing both SCUs in the 6700 - simple diversity mode

Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in New Ideas
After the antenna matrix switching is fixed, can we soon look forward to slaving the receivers with multiple antennas?
1 votes

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  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Not sure what you mean? Each slice has an associated transmit and receive antenna. If you change one slice and its possible to make the antenna change, it will change. Can you expand a little on what you are looking for? Thanks Stu K6TU
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    I would like the SCU's to track each other tuning using separate antennas ANT1 and 2 and the ability to click the TX in either and have the antenna matrix accommodate.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    The SCU's dont track the other's tuning - in fact, the SCU itself doesnt tune - it captures the spectrum and digitizes it. Slices are tied to a single SCU. Here's an example; if you create the first slice and select a receive antenna (ANT1 say) and TX on Ant1, SCU0 is assigned to antenna ANT1 and a slice is created from its data. If you create a second slice and assign its receive antenna as ANT2, SCU1 is assigned to ANT2 and the slice is created from its data. Let's say you assign ANT2 for the TX antenna. Neither slice will sync with the other. If you select slice 2 for transmit, you will transmit on ant2, select slice 1 for transmit and you will transmit on antenna1. Can you describe what you are thinking of doing antenna/port wise and why you what you want sync'd together? Stu K6TU PS: Yes, this is new and so the terminology can be a little confusing to begin with...
  • Member
    edited September 2013
    I think what he may be asking is will it be possilbe to do space diversity/beam stearing.. For this to work you need two phase syncronise RX slices in two different scu's each connected to its own antenna.. I have always assumed that it could be done eventually. AL, K0VM
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Al, If that's the case then "eventually" is indeed the answer but how it will be implemented is still TBD as far as I know. Stu K6TU
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    A mimicking of the 2nd Rx in the Flex 5000, where the receivers were locked and tracked each other. How will we get back to diversity reception otherwise? If I overlay two slices one on top of the other in a single SCU you cannot move both concurrently and see what your doing independently. Guess I got to spoiled the 5000 and not enough options with the 6700 to get there yet...
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Ok - I got it! You're thinking of diversity reception rather than the ESC on PowerSDR. Two slices, each on different antennas that you could listen to, perhaps one on the Left and the other on the right. That's not there yet (blindingly obvious statement :-)... But I do now understand what you want! Stu K6TU PS: Sorry if I was a little slow off the mark...
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    Yeah, that's the ticket sorta... Not two slices one SCU, but both SCU's engaged with it's respective slice tracking each other, same band. I just hope the antenna matrixing scenario will allow the RX ports for the ANT1,2 ports to be managed with ANT 1, 2 of course with lockout options as was the case with the 5000.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    What you want is supported hardware wise - indeed, minus the tracking, you can do this already with the current software release. The tracking is something that will have to go on the "subsequent release" list - if TIm's earwigging here, hopefully he can add a user story to the database. Stu K6TU
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    Syncing multiple SCU's may give them a headache. I wish in one hand and want in the other and see which one fills up 1st. Now is the time though to express opinions. The ears are open from the flex team.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    Redux, I'm only interested in two SCU's tracking with independent TX/RX from ANT1,2 and RX1,2
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    [begin dreaming mode].... Possible implementation format: including the coining of several terms... They could add a simple "diversity" button to the RX pull down that would **** the two SCU's together, one on each antenna port. Automatically assign SCU A to Left audio, and SCU B to Right audio. It might even be possible to do this twice (or 4 times?) on multiple frequency bands, each "diversity pair frequency slice" paired to one above it, or beside it, on the display. Each "diversity pair" would track frequency together, regardless of which one was being "moved" by mouse of flex control..... Can you imagine 4 diversity pairs on a 6700, perhaps using a multiband vertical on one input and a LP antenna on the other, listening to 160, 80, 40, & 20, all with polarization diversity? Could be interesting. [end dreaming mode]...
  • Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Let's work DX split with two SCUs, same band and two slices each with two TX/RX antennas, and flip flop as needed. Sync the RX freq on the RX DX slice, both SCU's, and pick and choose the TX for both! ant1,2. Now to figure the RX in/out ports for filters or preamps, and the lockouts necessary. Fun times ahead for sure.
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited December 2016
    This is a great conversation that's separate from the main topic, so I created a new "Idea" topic to continue the discussion. Please reference the new topic here: Working Split
  • Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    The primary reason I decided to purchase a 6700 instead of a 6500 was to be able to do local diversity reception. In my case, I have two separate 6-meter antennas positioned for different angle of arrival patterns. I would like to be able to gang tune both SCUs, each connected to a separate antenna, and listen to both SCUs, one in each ear. From experiments already conducted, I expect much better "dynamic copy" as propagation fluctuates on scatter circuits, nascent sporadic-e openings, etc. Being able to easily select which antenna to connect to the transmitter (as well as a relay output to switch the amplifier to that antenna) is an operational requirement for this to function smoothly. Another item would be for the xmit relay logic to adopt the "stack-match" options of transmitting on antenna A, antenna B, or Both. Of course, a real Stack-Match relay box on the output of the whole contraption would be necessary for this to function. The 6700 must merely be configured to cooperate with the basic idea. Some additional thinking about the logic truth table would be beneficial ;-)
  • Community Manager admin
    edited December 2016
    Good idea. (The part about transmitting on both antennas is not possible, though.) Steve
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    I'll look forward to working a 40M beam and wire antennas, along with a beverage to slice and dice if we can get the antenna matrix working FB. The 6700 has ANT1, 2 and RX 1/2, in/out. Everyone needs to chime in as to how this matrixing will need to work. A lot of thought and necessary lockouts/options will be on the table! Speak up!
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    It sure is possible! One only needs an external bip/bop/high/low relay box come power combiner to get it done. Not native to the Flex relay matrix, but using a "Stack-Match" "relay plus Un-Un box" with appropriate selection logic.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I imagine a system like this: 1) The 6700 transmitter follows the "receive-antenna of choice" selected by clicking on the control window of the desired SCU. The TX relay outputs on the rear of the 6700 would be configured so that TX Relay #1 goes active only when Antenna Port #1 is transmitting and TX Relay #2 only goes active when Antenna Port #2 is selected for transmitting. This works fine for barefoot operations, but gets murky when a kW PA follows the 6700 unless two separate kW PAs are attached, one for each antenna. 2) Alternatively, one might configure the 6700 to always transmit on the same antenna port , but use the SCU-A and SCU-B receiver loop inputs for listening. Then, when desiring to transmit on the SCU-A antenna, only TX Relay #1 is asserted and when desiring to transmit on SCU-B antenna, only TX Relay #2 is asserted. This requires a relay matrix external to the 6700 to switch the Transmitter Port to the desired antenna, possibly after having passed through a kW PA. We need 3 relays: one spdt for each antenna which switches from receive to transmit for that antenna and one spdt to route the transmitter output to the desired T/R relay. The kW PA and both T/R antenna relays can be keyed by a simple series-diode OR gate combining both TX Relay Outputs #1 and #2. 3) Now, in situation #2 above, let us replace the transmit Antenna-A/Antenna-B selection relay with a 2-antenna Stack-Match system from Array Solutions. Now it's possible to select either antenna singly or both antennas at once for transmit, with the kW PA on line or barefoot. Clear as mud?
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    Mike, your making my head hurt.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I wish I was adept at drawing block diagrams for the web. That would be much easier to follow ;-)
  • Member
    edited August 2013
    Diversity / Beam steering is the primary reason I bought the 6700. The ability to use separate antennas on the two SCUs to phase steer the signals and then expanding that to the Internet Radio Servers, will be a BALL! Mike
  • Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Stu, I think what k4ear wants will also need some DSP work to combine the slice data to phase shift the signals as needed to 'steer' the virtual antenna. Of course, all of this will be needed, when the GPS combined diversity setup is activated for internet radio server combining. Are we having fun thinking of stuff to keep the folks at FRS with jobs for years!! (hihi) 73's de Mike WA6FXT Hmmm... $200/yr to pay for these kind of features is looking pretty cheap.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    I would be satisfied with both SCU's tracking with the TX still locked on ANT1 for now, and with a lockout for the 2nd SCU RX ant in TX mode for the 1st SCU. I'm sure when the antenna matrix situation gets solved, this will be history.Switching antennas now with two SCU's can **** thing up.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    Just another bump, to get the antenna matrixing fixed. I hate the **** that happens when you switch from the slice box vs the ANT box at the top left pop out screen when selecting antennas and ANT1, becomes ANT2. The TX frequency is a **** shoot.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited September 2013
    Don't forget about the ability to use the other available antenna inputs for Rx.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2019
    here is how diversity mode is activated on the K3 (take my setup, for example): Connect TX antenna as usual, connect Beverage antenna to RX Only port. press and hold SUB button on the K3 until the word DIVERSITY appears on the display. Its that simple. Lets hope FRS makes it that simple for the 6700.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2014
    Yes but note that the second antenna does not have to be on the RX only port on the K3....it can be on whatever port you set as RX for the sub receiver.

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