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New Discovery Regarding Remote Operation

Norm - W7CK
Norm - W7CK Member ✭✭
edited July 2017 in New Ideas
I do quite a lot of my operating while traveling.  One of the problems I've had is controlling my KPA500 amplifier and KAT500 tuner.  Basic band change data from the Flex via USB just isn't enough.  I needed an easy way to clear a fault, select a different antenna, place either device in standby or bypass mode and be able to turn the devices on and off.

Until recently I've just simplified the entire operation and used a free product called RCForb to control an IC-7100 and my Elecraft gear.  RCForb also emulates Ham Radio Deluxe so I was able to also run all of the digital modes and my logging from my laptop while traveling.  I had everything except the ability to plug in and use my paddle.  RCForb works wonderfully.

Of course we hams love to make things as difficult as possible so I decided to try using my 6700 remotely.  It seemed as though I was giving up everything just to have a scope and waterfall.  The dilemma was using SmartSDR from my laptop made it pretty hard to remotely control my amp and tuner.  I also no longer had the ability to run digital modes.

My discovery!   Today I decided to go back out and play around with RCForb which I have been using for nearly 7 years now.  Just for grins, I got into the server application and reconfigured the Radio Connection to use a Dummy Radio.  This is an option under Radio Driver Selection.  I then entered my COM port and communications information for my KAT500 and KPA500.

WOW.  It works perfectly.  I can run SmartSDR from my Laptop and control my amp and tuner from either my laptop or my phone.  I can perform every function on both units just as if I'm sitting in my shack.  I even get power output, swr, current,  and temperature information.  RCForb will also let you control rotors!

The only thing I'm lacking now is the ability to operate digital modes from my Laptop.  I know DAX is not real efficient and most likely will not work well across the Internet, but I'm going to give it a try anyway.

Now all I have to do is see if I can run DDUtil and DAX from my laptop via my VPN and have DDUtil emulate Ham Radio Deluxe.  If I can get this going, I have my digital modes and logging while on the road. 

Has anyone tried running DDUtil and DAX across their VPN? 

Norm - W7CK

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